Seen today in Melbourne QV store. All size gas bottles marked down to $20. 8.5KG bottles are usually around than $35 and the smaller bottles are often even more than $35.
Possibly at other BIGW stores but can't confirm.
Seen today in Melbourne QV store. All size gas bottles marked down to $20. 8.5KG bottles are usually around than $35 and the smaller bottles are often even more than $35.
Possibly at other BIGW stores but can't confirm.
what price?
can i install them in my taxi?
Duct tape them together….
any deals on duct tape?
Taxi’s classic Szechuan Duck with hot Vietnamese mint salad & fresh lime …………… $39.50
sorry jv, my local viet take away does this for $9.50
It's not take away…
Yes, but illegal, messy & risky in several ways. But used like a jerry can to "fill" your tank (until pressure equalises).
I've never dared, but it's a known 'hack' amongst those with straight gas (non efi setups).
Auto LPG uses a different mix to BBQ gas anyway. If anything, ya run the bbq of auto LPG.
IF its any easier for you Rays Outdoor have the 9kg for $24.49…
Special ends 13/05 this year
Since Bunnings stocks the same one for more, go to there and save 10% with price beat.
p.s these are empty in case anyone thought otherwise
Cheers OP…grabbed a 9kg bottle from the local in WA :)
You mean 8.5?
I'm no gas bottle expert, but it says "SWAP N GO 9KG CYL" on the receipt, and "9Kg (POL) LP Gas Cylinder" on the bottle, so yeah, 9kg.
They underfill them for safety. All 9kg bottles will have 8.5kg of gas in them
Fair enough…I blame the OP and the misleading title / picture…should read "1.9KG and 3.8KG" too!
Correct. Wealth if info, for those curious:…
sweet - not as cheap as cheating my local swap-n-go with an expired bottle, but better for my conscious
Swap n go bottles do not need to be in date for the inbound bottle. It's a pretty cheap way for folk to get an in date bottle. Testers will be less, but you have to have one near you.
good to know - thought they were just to lazy to check if the bottle looked in good condition
Picked up all three od my 8.5 kg swap-go from my local tip shop recycle place.
Beats paying the $35 play for a new one.1 was out of date, two were not.
But the 2kg camp stove ones are a good price and worth picking up.
Can no longer get mine filled as 'just out of date'.
at 1.96L per kg, 8.5kg of LPG = 16.66L
LPG contains 25MJ per L
AT $20 a bottle, it costs 4.8c per MJ
At 3.6MJ to 1 KW, it costs 17.28c per kw
Assuming its burnt in a heater at 80% efficiency, thats 21.6c per kw
By comparions, in melbourne natural gas is 1.66c per MJ, roughly 1/3 the price neglecting the 62c per day service charge.
bottles are empty….
Where in Melnourne do you get NG for that price?
Here in WA residential supply is 14c/unit, with 1 unit equivalent to 1kWh or 3.6MJ. That works out to 3.8c/MJ.
You can save 10% with Kleenheat and another 10% for higher consumption (> 12 units/day). Still about twice what you quote for Melbourne.
Never mind, I found the answer on
Impressive pricing, but then the supply charge seems to be 3 times what we have here. Given my rather low usage that more than evens out over the year.
I remember some kids turning on all the valves and giggling. Little do they know they were empty.
Lol dummies
Hope they try this at home!
do your part for society taq and set them on fire.
Does it have gas in it?
Yes. nitrogen (78.09%) and oxygen (20.95%). The remaining 1% is made up of argon (0.93%), carbon dioxide (0.039% as of 2010) and other trace gases (0.003%).
Commonly referred to as air.
Im pulling your leg, unlike the NZ prime minister who prefers a waitress's ponytail :-)
Tis empty…
None of the larger bottles left at QV.
In stock @ Calamvale QLD.