Discover and try new, rare and delicious whisky every month. We believe that you deserve to enjoy the water of life every month and that you should not have to worry about spending hundreds of dollars on something that you may not enjoy. We take the risk away from you and let you experience the best the world has to offer.
The prices in the title are before the discount is applied.
What is The Whisky Order?
The Whisky Order is a new and prestigious club designed to give whisky lovers access to some of the best whisky in the world and the chance to discover exciting new malts.
How does it work?
Each month we curate a selection of the best 4-5 malts from a particular theme such as "peaty monsters, whisky of the world or old school scotch." We want to give you access to the best whisky around.
How is the whisky selected?
Alas, we must toil and sweat over samples each month. We conduct extensive 'research' on each drop we send out to ensure it meets our high standards and expectations. If it meets The Whisky Order gold standard then we might just have to 'research' it some more. Eventually we send it to you too…
Can I purchase a subscription as a gift?
Of course! Simply select "gift purchase" in the checkout and you can give the best gift of all to someone you love. It's a known fact that givers of whisky make the best lovers.
When will I get my box?
Each box will ship on the third Monday of the month. It will usually take from 3-5 days to receive your order depending on location.
Was sold until I read this line
All whisky guaranteed to go well with coke