This was posted 9 years 9 months 30 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

$10 off $29 + $20/ $50 Voucher Offers, Samsung 850 EVO 120GB/250GB $88/ $144, 10% off Samsung SSDs Shipped @ Shopping Express


Login your shopping express account and claim your $10 off next order over $29

Spend $200 - $299: Get $20 Voucher to be used between 1 - 21 June
Spend > $300: Get $50 Voucher to be used between 1 - 21 June

10% off Samsung SSD's + FREE Shipping

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Shopping Express
Shopping Express

closed Comments

  • +1

    Special Discount '' from Shopping Express (NEW10OFF) is limited to be used by specific customers. Your order will be processed without this discount.

    Also it doesn't state the $50.00 voucher. Is this credited to account?

    • +1

      The $50 voucher will be emailed to you (as a voucher code) after we process all your orders during this promotion period. If you satisfy the minimum spending, you may receive 1 to 6 vouchers depending on how much you have spent.


  • Good price, shame no Msata

    • works on Msata. this is what I get when logged in and looking at…

      EVOSTORE Further 10% off Remove Coupon EVOSTORE -$17.50
      NEW10OFF Remove Coupon NEW10OFF -$10.00

      • All Samsung SSDs are offered at 10% off today (including msata, m.2)

        our promotion today:


        • Hi rep

          Is everything described in my post correct

        • +1

          Hi EC,

          Thanks for sharing the post.

          I will explain further on the Voucher Promotion

          AS this is a promotion from 5-5-15 to 18-5-15

          • Any order above $200 will be rewarded with either a $20 Voucher ($200-$299) or $50 Voucher (above $300 & Up)
          • Each Account can have maximum of 6 Vouchers
          • Voucher will be sent to your email account before 1st June
          • Voucher will be usable between 1-6-15 to 21-6-15

          On top of the $10 Login Bonus credit & the voucher, we will be dishing out many crazy deals as possible within 5-5-15 to 18-5-15 to help you make your decision/purchase :P.


        • @easternculture:

          Also on this:

          Samsung 850 EVO Series 500GB Solid State Drive MZ-75E500BW $264 After 10% off, Coupon NEW10OFF and FREE Delivery + BONUS $50 Voucher

          The voucher for the 500GB will be $20 Voucher as per mentioned by samlor, because we calculate your order total minus shipping (if any)


        • @ShoppingExpress:

          thanks rep


        • @easternculture:

          thanks, also your listing title size need revise: 250GB instead of 240GB

  • ah nevermind.. Didn't read properly. you'll need to be logged in to get those discounts.

  • +1

    500GB with $50 voucher sounds tempting

    • Unless the $50 voucher is offered for pricing before discount, I think this will likely get a $20 voucher because it is less than $300 after discounts/coupons. OP/mod might like to make a minor edit/correction to the post, thanks.

      • +1

        IT is offered at "Pricing after discount" - your invoice price.


        • Does $300 include postage?

        • @idog8818:

          No, postage is excluded from the $300 calculation.

  • how long does it usually take to be dispatched/delivered to someone in Sydney? On the website it says 1-2 days others say a week or so..

    • Hi annon,

      Each product listing will indicate the Estimated dispatch time. If you see:

      estimated 1-2 working days = stock in our warehouse
      estimated = 3-5 working days = stock at supplier

      We are generally very consistent in providing timely dispatch with some exceptions when stock's at supplier's warehouse.


  • Thanks rep. Just a comment, I used PayPal to pay and it's a bit disjointed having to click the confirm button after, and then the pay by bank transfer details come up.

    • thanks for your feedback - tech dept will be looking into this.


  • How did you get $88 for the 120GB SSD. Mine shows $89.10. Is it more expensive to ship to Adelaide?

    • try again?
      working from here.

  • +2

    Delivery from these guys is out of this world. My last order placed at 10pm and was delivered by 11am the next day.

    • Dude that is straight out scary.. :/

  • Hi rep, any chance you can add some (class 10) SD cards to the promotion?

    • Can't change/add anything to our Event as There are many more promotions in this 2 weeks and it will include flash memory too.

      You can wait and see what's coming up next but some popular items may not last for entire promotion period so it's your call.


  • Thanks :) Order Total $264.50 for me Samsung 500gb

  • Store Rep - I am getting charged $8.95 for shipping to 3150 postcode but the promo says free shipping. How to rectify this shipping cost of $8.95 to free shipping?


    • At Checkout the total price will not have the shipping charge

      Shipped Via: Aus Post, Couriers
      Shipping Cost: $11.88
      Shipping Discount: -$11.88

      Product Subtotal: $305.00
      Shipping Subtotal: $11.88
      Discount: -$52.38
      GSTInc: $24.05
      Grand Total: $264.50
      Amount Paid: $0.00
      Balance Due: $264.50

      • You could have gone with the more expensive option with insurance and it still would have been the same price.

  • Is shopping express grey import or local stock?

    If they have Express in the name and it comes from China I'm going to be disappointed. I need an answer quick if someone can help me.

    Is the 10% off today only?

  • Live_1991 - Thanks for the clarification.

  • Thanks, bought a 500GB SSD. Free shipping with insurance, very nice.

  • Needed to register an account to make use of coupon.

    • $144 After 10% off, Coupon NEW10OFF and FREE Delivery

  • Status order still listed as 'Pick'. Ordered yesterday arvo, has anyone's order 'Dispatched'?

    • Thanks for your query,

      Your Order should be dispatched, however there's a modification to our website recently and dispatch status was not updated, which we are fixing right now. Sorry for the confusion.


  • 500GB is showing as 305 in original cost? Discounted is 274 not 264? Is that correct?

    EDIT: Logged in and now it is 264.50!

  • Only 1 problem with this deal, SE don't have any stock that I need. Still good for what stock they do have

  • Cheers OP and SE rep.

    Been on a lookout for Samsung 1TB msata ssd.

    Great touch on the discounts with FREE SHIPPING!

    When/how do we receive the BONUS $50 Voucher?

    • Hi zencroww,

      It will be sent to your email after 18-5-15 & before 1st June 2015. Please remember to check the email daily during that period.


      • What is the minimum spend on the voucher?

        • It's not finalized but it should be $200 or $300.


        • @ShoppingExpress: sad face :( I expected as much, unless you are planning on having a sale in the voucher period (hint hint ;) I suspect it will be a unused voucher for many.

        • @CyberGenesys:

          With or without sale, i'm sure a $20/$50 voucher is very useful for an order over $200-$300. That said, it does not mean we don't have sale during June. As far as I know, we do send newsletter very regularly with sales on different things/categories.


  • Thanks OP - Bought 1x Samsung 850 EVO 120GB SSD SATA MZ-75E120BW @ $88.10 SHIPPED - Super Happy! :)

    • It's being discounted together with the coupon codes. Please check the final discounted price ie. Shopping Cart total and it should be correct: $330.30.

      Do apologize for the confusion caused with our recent switch to the new system. We have already made request to fine tune that section to make it easier to see.


  • Does shopping express stock is valid for tourist tax return?

  • I tried contacting SE on Monday (6 days ago) got an automated response which included "we will be having limited dispatch and customer service from 21-12-12 to 13-1-13". Seems like they no longer monitor "[email protected]". Ended up resolving my issue by placing an order elsewhere :(

    • Hi CyberGenesys,

      Thanks for letting me know. Can you PM me the ticket ID so I can do further investigation.


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