Just wanted to share the exorbitant price of Saffron! Saw This at Woolworths The Other Day
SAFFRON $1,399 / 10 G SERIOUSLY????

Gagosta on 04/05/2015 - 14:31
While that seems so high it doesnt seem right, im sure there are many grades of the stuff too.
Also remember it comes from Iran who is under sanctions.When i was in Iran last year it was in everything, delicious. There is even Saffron ice cream and it was amazing.
Whos keen to start farming saffron?
Expensive but you must realise how much effort it is to harvest this spice.
One saffron flower yields 3 stamens which 7mg of dried safrron, so takes approx 140 flowers for 1 gram of spice.
That's a lot of labour since its only harvested by hand.
Wow! There you go! I do have the photo to prove it too. Very interesting stuff @Bokoshi
Iranian saffron @ grade 1(saffronspices.co.uk) is priced about £36.99 ($72 AUD) for a pack of 10g, which is a bargain compared to the Woolies stuff :)
Apparently Costco sells saffron too, though I'm not sure how much they go for.