Game and 18 dlcs, not a bad price if you are looking to buy the game.
[PC] Middle Earth Shadow of Mordor Bundle USD $29.99 @ Bundle Stars

Last edited 03/05/2015 - 22:18 by 3 other users
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The season pass was yeah. Announcing it and taking sales without going into detail about what exactly it was going to include.
In the end, most of it was junk. You can't really call runes and skins decent DLC. On top of that the challenges and story mission was forgettable.
Fine if you buy stuff bit by bit or simply chose to ignore. Which people really should for season passes.
i just bought the bundle for the game :D i dont even know anything about their pass, i dont even like the idea of season pass, its like they are making uncompleted game on purpose then selling the extras as dlc.
if the dlc would bring different story or gameplay i would consider it.For that price it's fine. The issue was the full priced game and then season pass for sale at launch. Many of us believed that content (planned for the season pass) was held back or cancelled due to them not hitting their sales target. So they threw a few runes and challenges at us and thought that would suffice.
Batman games have and seem to be following a similar path.
Even the Witcher 3, after the devs said any DLC they had would be free, have since announced a paid season pass. If you want the whole thing at launch you are paying $100-$120 which is madness.
Good thing to be patient now. Enjoy Mordor, there's some really good stuff in that game, especially the Orcs :)
I guess the only way out from those scummy practices these days is by not buying full priced games + DLCs :(
I think another issue of contention was the Deluxe (Collectors) Edition. A heap of people were upset because as soon as the game was launched DLC became available which wasn't part of more costly version.The Witcher 3 is slightly different though, they have included a heap of DLC which wasn't originally part of the game. The season pass is designed for expansions far in the future though I freely admit I'm a little confused why they'd start selling it now - extra revenue maybe. Regardless, the developers of The Witcher series are possibly the most trustworthy group I've ever encountered, the developers of Mordor are the exact opposite.
Your right about Mordor having some great content, it had some fine graphics as well.
18 DLCs
Released October 8, 2014
What do you mean the videogame industry is evil?
so much for the good old days where they would release a full game and then itll be $30 for the expansion pack at least 1 year later which as pretty much another full game on top (C&C rings a bell)
The 18 DLCs are including outfits and weapons and crap which all are aptly named under "DLC".
I know my limited edition came with added mission content, called the Dark Ranger. That was decent.
However back to the game, and I know there was a previous thread about this, the main issue for me was the re-spawn rate of the enemies. I uninstalled the game at 35% progress because my Mouse was copping a bashing on an hourly basis. There was no time to explore or do anything without getting mobbed, and when you clear the mob out, they happen to return when you just walk away.
I too had this issue.
And then the next time you them them they're even nastier. There's no skill involved with the Boss fights as they win by overwhelming a person will henchmen. Can spend hours following them around for the perfect moment to ambush, and it will still fail.
The boss's tactics are stupid, they send a mob of 1,000 orcs while they attack you from all angles, if you're lucky to hit them enough, just before their health reaches 15% they run away fast enough (too fast for you too) to catch and disappear among an even bigger crowd. Goodluck fighting them there while the revive health and you're back to square one.
I had this stupid skill where apparently you launch a devastating stealth attack which makes the Orcs around "flee" at no time ever did they flee except back pedal and then attack you all at once.
The fight tactics were pure mouse bashing, there was almost no need for the keyboard apart from the movement keys.
I found the keyboard useful for pounding out my frustration, though one broken G19 later I shutdown the game and haven't tried since :)
Decent price, though I've heard bad things about Shadow of Mordor's DLC delivery. Word is that some people were unhappy as they feel the DLC was a money making scam - been a while so can't remember the details.
Though I still have it installed I found it became boring very quickly.