Hi there, I need some advice on where to find the best rate changing my money over to US$, this is my first time overseas so I'm a little unsure. Has anyone used Ozforex, I came across it last night and seemed like it was a good deal. Thanks in advance :-)
Best Rate for US $$$$$

no need to change before you go
I disagree. I always try and bring at least $100 (or equivalent currency) of where I am going with me as cash. A few reasons for this. I've found taxi drivers can tend to announce to you at the very last minute that their card machine has stopped working and if you can pull out your wallet and hand them the cash this is much easier. If you are travelling as a group it is also easier to pay in cash to split the ride.
If you want to grab a coffee or something to eat at the airport and the store doesn't take cards having a bit of cash on you can save you from running around the airport trying to find a ATM. same applies if you fancy a snack when you first arrive.
Anyway as others have said the 28 degrees card and a Citibank plus account are your best options….
I am perhaps wrongly assuming you are a student as you haven't been overseas before but anyway to get the 28 degrees card you need a steady income as it is a credit card. However you can and should get the Citibank plus debit card for getting cash out.
Your bank will likely also have a overseas travel money card which you can grab up to the day before you leave.
If I were you I'd pick one and have a backup.
hence why they say to get 200 out before you… did u read it.. they are simply saying you dont need to take your entire spending money in your wallet before hand.
have 3 cards too from diff banks for backups.
i always use my orange ing
For purchases, use 28 degrees/ bankwest platinum mastercard
For cash, use citibank plus debit card on overseas atms…Agreed - 28Degrees and Citibank Plus.
How we can apply for these?
I am going to USA this July , first time oversea as well. I'm bank with Westpac and ANZ , I have Amex and credit card with Westpac but Can we use it oversea? did they have a oversea travel money card for each bank ??Sorry I'm just no experience at all !!
ANZ are one of the worst for overseas charges and poor exchange rates. They will definitely work though.
Travel cards are a terrible idea too. Awful exchange rates.
are there any catches with 28 degrees?
what are the fees?You should be able to find the info here
https://28degreescard.com.au/credit-card-features/But I believe, for your travel you should be aware of the Cash Advance Fees (3% or $4 whichever are higher).
To overcome this, use the Citibank Plus to get cash whilst overseasyeh much of a muchness really, just get angry when seeing people get $3000 USD for theur holiday at a travelex.
even worse people who use travel exes at an airport…
i always exchange money with other backpackers going in reverse directions, or scrupulous looking people standing at airports.. pulled off some good deals..
i use ozforex for paying the invoice in USD to overseas….the rates are pretty good. never used it for travelling. I was told they have travel card …give it ago? otherwise, 28 degrees and citibank are good combination, as outlined above
no need to change before you go, just use visa/ mastercard overseas and you will get real rate minus 2% commision or so by the visa/mastercard. the ing orange card has the cheapest atm withdrawel fee of 2.50. for visa
just get 200 buck or so from a travelex for airport money