Are all taxi drivers bad, or are we unlucky?

Very curious about other peoples experiences with Taxi Drivers.

We have started catching taxis once a fortnight or so, of an evening so no one has to be designated driver. Had 4 trips so far, and while none were incredibly dangerous 3 of the drivers seemed to find sticking to the road rules a little too hard to manage. The other driver well he was OK, although he was unable to follow directions.

Of the ones who found the driving a tad tough

  • Driver 1 loved to accelerate rapidly and brake even more rapidly. He was good at sticking to the 80km/h limit on the main road. But the 50km/h must have been a bit confusing for him, 65-70 seemed about what he thought was reasonable

  • Driver 2 owned the road. He must have because he drove like he did. Cutting off cars, pushing his way in etc. In some places you need to drive like that. But Hobart of a thu evening is not the place. Lots of unnecessary risk taking to get in from of a 3 car queue at the lights

  • Driver 3 also owned the road, he was quite happy to use both sides of it while trying to use his GPS.

So this makes me wonder. Do Hobart Taxi Drivers need some serious driver training? is it the one company? Or are all Taxi Drivers "challenged" in some way?

I get they may not know where I live, I am happy to explain. But I would like to get there in a nice calm mood. I wonder if I should record them next time. The last thing I want though is to get blacklisted for cab drivers. Perhaps I should have a couple of extra drinks so I don't notice anymore!


  • +10

    Low paid job, shit hours, minimal training, abuse from drunks.

    It's not going to attract enthusiastic professionals.

  • Interesting to see this view from the perspective of a passenger… I've seen some shady driving from taxis on places like the expressway….

  • The time of travel can correlate to the type of taxi drivers you meet.
    Often owners/"part time drive for fun" drivers choose to drive during business hours and avoid Fri/Sat night.
    In contrast, drivers have gambling habit or/and tough life are more likely to drive at night.
    When life is tough and table is rough, so is your ride.

  • It's most of them. Once a taxi driver road raged at me because I was waiting for a green light, he wanted to do a U-turn across double lines, and I just happened to be in his way.

    Not much you can do about it though.

    • Once a taxi driver road raged at me

      Should've blown him a flirty kiss :)

      The rager's reaction is usually priceless.

      • Just laughed at him. Wasn't sure if I was doing anything wrong at the time. Had to double check my position.
        I would have blown a kiss, but I'm male and that can lead to violence..

  • +1

    In my old job, I used to travel interstate for work quite a lot by plane. That means 2 trips each day and there were weeks which require me to fly 3 times meaning 6 cab trips.

    Anyway, I was living in Redfern at that time and trust me the amount of abuse I got from cabbies for daring taking taxi from the airport to my home made me hated myself for living in Redfern.

    After waking up at 4am to made it to the training session at 8am in another city, ran a 8 hours training session, got back to Sydney airport at 7-8pm. The last thing I wanted to do was to get in a cab, It terrified me to just think of what kind of abuse i was gonna get for catching cab that leg home. However there was one cab driver that was really nice and he was the only one that i remember as he didn't abuse me.

    So no, you're not unlucky.

  • I normally have a good cab driver but I found one that I could ring every time I needed a ride and I always used him before I moved and it became very expensive so I now have to use a shuttle service.

    There was one cab that took all the toll roads (expensive route) when others asked if I wanted the toll or not.

  • Thanks all. I'll try another cab service just in case that helps. But it sounds like it's a long shot. If I find a good driver I will be sure to get his details. So I can ask for him again. Even if I have to tip him really well!

    I reckon eatwell'a comment might be true. Previously I have caught taxis during the day and it's been really good.

    If only the public transport was a bit better, I'd be on that. But unless I want to walk 20 mins it's a changeover that leaves you waiting around in a rather shady bus mall.

    Worst comes to worst I'll go sober and drive (sigh). At least my liver will love me :)

  • +1

    have you tried uber?
    the driver feedback system is quite impressive. if you dont like how they drive you can rate them.

  • Uber has yet to make it to Hobart yet (as far as I know)…

    I'd definitely be giving it a go though. I think every taxi company should offer a rating service for their drivers.

  • +1

    Yes it's the same in Perth they are terrible and if they get a chance they take your money (I.e someone in the group pays extra).

    I used Uber the other day and they were fantastic. Easy to use app, nice driver, great support and cheaper than a taxi.

  • Once had a taxi driver who literally had one foot on each pedal. Light went green but the next light 250m ahead was obviously still red. We hurtled toward the red light ahead like the Tower of Terror (dreamworld ride) and then suddenly he slammed on the brakes with his left foot.

    In Melbourne the fare was $40 but the driver demanded $50 cash to cover tolls.

    Apart from that my experiences with being a taxi passenger were all fine.

    Never caught a late night taxi. Usually only get Taxis for rides to the airport or when work paid for the taxi.

    • Very hard to drive a manual like that.

  • +1

    I've encountered a few reckless taxi drivers. The days of adept, courteous and careful, plate-owning 'career' drivers - still doing night shifts and weekends, anyway, do seem to be numbered. Replaced by 'pro drivers' of keyur-kwality.

    I have been fortunate to avoid drivers inclined to being too untoward. They haven't tried anything on with me, anyway, as regards being taken on 'The Scenic Route'. I do know some people that for reasons likely other than traffic, have.

    The worst taxi-related experience I am personally aware of, didn't happen to anybody I know.
    About three years ago, I was walking down the local shopping strip and, directly in my field of view, a taxi driver chucked a u-turn from a rank and - while looking down into his lap instead of up at the road - proceeded to accelerate straight into the back of a restored little MG Sports. It had stopped to wait for an angled parking space.

    Seeing/hearing (from no more than 10 metres away) the moment of impact, combined with witnessing the instantaneous look of absolute anguish on the MG driver's face, is something that I will never forget. Gruesome.

    Uber is great.
    Probably won't be for many years longer in Australia, but I reckon that in some places overseas - maybe within 10 - the Uber you order may well be of the 'driverless' variety. Just too much money has already been sunk into autonomous driving tech for it not to happen.

    Other than with some Siri-type assistant, no need to make any small talk.
    Could be good!

  • Do we need some undercover taxi inspectors?
    I used to drive taxis part time… never did any fancy driving.. just got the passenger to where they wanted to go with a minimum of fuss. I did know other drivers that took the risks, maybe to just make that extra fare for the shift? Not worth it to me.
    It's not different from any other business, you get the sharks & the shonks, it's just pot luck.

  • If awful taxi drivers just happen to me, that's fine. But with my boss during the business travel? It's nightmare. I've tried Blacklane - They have good service in general(Experienced in Melb & Sydney), it could be good Taxi alternative :) I found couple of voucher codes by googling which worth 10USD/EUR. Hope it helps!

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