At 1AM on 16 April, I received an e-mail with the subject “Thank You For Your Purchase” from PlayStation Network. It was an email receipt for $135 of digital purchases. However I did not make these purchases and have not used my playstation for some time. Clearly my account was compromised in some fashion. Later that day (once it was open) I called Sony Customer Service. While on the call i discovered that a PS3 had been associated with my Sony Account, I have never owned a PS3, only a PS4 and a Vita. Talking to the customer service representative the rogue PS3 was dissociated from my account, password was changed. However, I was told that to get a refund on the fraudulent transaction, the higher up would need to look in to it and would get back to me. I would not get to speak to them, they would only look at the notes that were taken by the associate that i did speak with
On 27 April I finally received an e-mail response:
"Thank you for your recent contact with PlayStation Support.
The transactions have been made via the web interface on your account, however we cannot offer a refund for these transactions.
As outlined in our Terms of Service, the account holder is responsible for all use of the SEN account, including all purchases, and agrees to pay for all orders placed using their SEN account.
We will investigate this further and take any appropriate action however we will be unable to share details of this with you.
The billing details have already been removed from the account, However we advise you to change the password on your account to ensure updated security.
In case you wish to review your transaction history, you can do so by logging into
Should you have any further enquiries please do not hesitate to contact PlayStation Support using the contact details below or by replying to this email.
PlayStation Support Centre”
That seems to be very poor. I am sole responsible for my account, yet its sony that secures and controls all PSN accounts and won’t share what they find out about my account. Seems like that is a major loophole that companies can exploit. Seems like it incentivises fraud, if a company takes revenue from a transaction and then deems it fraud, and not have to deliver the product. Is that legal?
To be clear there was never any billing details (credit card numbers) on my PSN account. I had a positive account balance from redeeming gift cards.
I have not contacted Sony since their last e-mail, seems they are determined to be very unhelpful. I am not the best with arguing over the phone. But I’ve been the victim of fraud and do not want to drop this. Could use some advice about what to do next, what would you do in this position?
Was it charged to your credit card? Do a chargeback through the back if it was.
Wasn't PSN hacked not too long ago too?