This was posted 9 years 10 months 5 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Humble Might & Magic Bundle


Can you feel the Might & Magic in the air? If not, that's totally okay, especially considering these games are entirely digital! But if you can, your sense of touch isn't fooling you, because we're offering a bundle of Might & Magic games! Pay $1 or more for Heroes of Might & Magic II: Gold Edition, Heroes of Might & Magic IV: Complete Edition, the Might & Magic 1 to 6 Collection, and Might & Magic Heroes Online - Angel Starter Pack! Pay more than the average price, and you also get Heroes of Might & Magic V, Might & Magic Heroes VI - Gold Edition, Dark Messiah of Might & Magic, and Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes - I Am the Boss DLC. Pay $15 or more, and you get all of that plus Might & Magic X Legacy, Heroes of Might & Magic 3 - HD Edition, Might & Magic X Legacy - The Falcon & The Unicorn DLC, Might & Magic Heroes VI - Shades of Darkness, and Might & Magic Duel of Champions – Starter Pack.

Heroes of Might & Magic II: Gold Edition (DRM free)
Heroes of Might & Magic IV: Complete Edition (Uplay)
Might & Magic 1 to 6 collection (Uplay)
Might & Magic Heroes Online - Angel Starter Pack

Heroes of Might & Magic V (Uplay)
Might & Magic Heroes VI - Gold Edition (Uplay)
Dark Messiah of Might & Magic (Steam)
Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes + I Am the Boss DLC (Steam)
More games added next weed

Might & Magic X - Legacy (Uplay)
Might & Magic X - Legacy - The Falcon & The Unicorn DLC (Uplay)
Heroes of Might & Magic 3 - HD Edition (Steam)
Might & Magic Heroes VI - Shades of Darkness (Uplay)
Might & Magic Duel of Champions – Starter Pack

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Humble Bundle

closed Comments

  • Great fan of the M&M3, gonna buy. Thnks :)

  • Never played these before, might give them a try. Thanks!

  • Good bundle. I'm guessing the other BTA games will be Might & Magic 7-9, and possibly some other packs for Heroes Online / Duels of the Champions.

    • Maybe some dlcs of HOMM5,

      • Ah, yeah, probably. Didn't notice that HoMMV wasn't a complete edition, even though HoMMVI is the 'Gold' edition (which includes DLC).

        • Ah, yeah, probably. Didn't notice that HoMMV wasn't a complete edition, even though HoMMVI is the 'Gold' edition (which includes DLC).

          That's the problem when publishers make multiple compilations. You get Gold edition, but then when new content is released, it's repackaged as Platinum edition, and if even more content is released, a new compilation called Diamond edition will be used. I don't know what minerals they can upgrade to after that. Gold doesn't mean anything anymore. They've devalued the term.

          Neverwinter Nights is guilty of this as well.

      • +1

        They weren't called DLCs back then. They were expansion packs. Now I feel old for knowing that.

  • +10

    eewwwwww Uplay

    • Yeah, I ended up with uplay when I bought HOMM-VI. Wasn't very impressed - it's rubbish. I have DVD copies of HOMM-V gold and wouldn't mind them on steam, but they seem to be missing from this bundle so as much as I love the HOMM games (I started with HOMM 1 demo from a PC Gamer magazine years ago and have loved it ever since) I think I'm going to pass.

      On another note, I got excited the first time I saw HOMM-3 HD, but from the reviews on steam it doesn't sound like it's actually all that great. :(

      • It's still the same great game but now supports modern resolutions.

    • I actually like how I can earn points to unlock goodies for other games. Best sword unlocked beginning of the game!

      • +1

        I hate games that have bonuses or something that unlocks the best weapon right from the start. Is there nothing to be said for gradual progression over the course of the game?

        • Of course gradual progression is the way to go. Usually the best sword can't be used until I reach an a certain stage of the game. Speaking about AC series btw, it is usually mid game and it is an optional area for you to do some quest and obtain it.

          I like how they give me points that can unlock content rather than trading cards that does nothing or achievement that is completely pointless.

        • @Letrico: Trading cards can be sold, which can in turn be used to buy DLC. Effectively the same thing.

  • +5

    Was all over this until I noticed uplay. Damn!

    • +1

      Yeah was about to jump in until that… Just way too messy. Fairly annoyed.

  • +4

    Dark Messiah of Might & Magic is a really fun game. You can kick people off tall buildings with the mighty boot

    • I agree. The best FPS hack n slash action I've ever played. Nothing like the rest of the series.

  • Wth that is a crazy BTA price. I'll wait until it drop further.

    • most people are getting the $15 tier

      • :( I already have Might and Magic X and HoMM3 HD. Hopefully the BTA price drops.

        • +2

          I think that's unlikely. It's a self perpetuating problem - the BTA price is high because the $15 tier provides a lot of value (in recently released games) over the BTA tier. And the higher it gets, the more likely people are to just spend the extra couple of dollars for the $15 tier, which in turn raises the BTA price. And the $1 tier has games that very few people will want, so there are going to be very few people who don't at least pay the BTA price.

          Basically, if you don't want the $15 tier, I'd pay the BTA price now, because I highly doubt it's going to drop, and I think there's a good chance it'll keep going up.

  • +1

    Pay $15 to get the gimped HD version of the best HoMM.

  • +4

    It got me excited for a sec. Comments on Steam are not good thought, M&M 3HD related. See below:

    Do not buy this version. I'll let everyone make their own assumptions after this short review without pointing fingers to who does what (hint/hint).

    I instantly got interested in this version hoping that somewhat refreshed visuals might make an old gem look more visually polished. I was wrong. The difference is almost unnoticable and due to the downside of having only Restoration of Erathia instead of full package of 2 expansions with additional castle, items and limitless map generator, this purchase is not worth even 1/3rd of the price of full game on good old games site -… which costs twice less by default.

    DO not buy Steam version. Save Your money and conscience, get GOG version. A few pixels more, no achievements, but whole package.

    As this is only 3rd of the full game which has nothing new in that third, it cannot have score of more than just a 3rd of a game.


    • Tell me more about the graphics changes. I personally wont notice if its missing features that were added after. I will however notice the pain of more pixels.

  • ohs… I bought it then realized majority of the games are activated on UPlay..

  • I know HOMM3 is the most celebrated in the series (the original, not the HD version that is in this bundle), but how's HOMM4? Final chapter in the 3DO plotline before they went bankrupt…

    • Very polarizing game. In fact I'd say the HOMM community was overwhelmingly against it. It made many radical changes that were not kept in future installments. Probably the most maligned game in the series.

    • FWIW, I consider myself a HOMM fan, and I actually quite liked HOMM4. I think the biggest gripe people had was that heroes were just like units in battle, rather than just sitting behind the lines. Most of the other issues people had were relatively minor IMO and didn't actually affect the gameplay all that much.

      Basically, if you're not obsessed with HOMM3's mechanics then I think you'll enjoy HOMM4.

      • The enemy counterattacking at the same time as your attack kinda is a big deal. You're going to be guaranteed casualties and there's no advantage to being the one attacking as opposed to the one being attacked.

        You have like 28 different hero classes which sounds really cool, but the difference between them is like +2 luck or +1 attack.

        Heroless armies, killing heroes in battle (which are weak at the beginning).

        I didn't like the generic look of towns, since the terrain is not part of the town. So you could have an icy inferno town. Also don't like that they combined inferno and necro into one town.

        Some of the unit animations are laughable. Like pikemen or leprechauns.

        • The enemy counterattacking at the same time as your attack kinda is a big deal. You're going to be guaranteed casualties and there's no advantage to being the one attacking as opposed to the one being attacked.

          Definitely not true. Firstly, by attacking first you reduce their numbers before they attack you, and secondly there are creature abilities that affect how, when and if counter attacks happen. IMO it just added to the strategy, particularly by working out in what order you should attack things to try and minimise casualties.

          You have like 28 different hero classes which sounds really cool, but the difference between them is like +2 luck or +1 attack.

          It also affected what starting skills they had, as well as what skills were offered when levelling up.

          Heroless armies, killing heroes in battle (which are weak at the beginning).

          Yeah, I agree this wasn't a good choice, but once you got used to it it didn't seem significant to me.

          Some of the unit animations are laughable.

          Could say the same about any of the HOMM games.

        • @CarbonTwelve:

          Definitely not true. Firstly, by attacking first you reduce their numbers before they attack you, and secondly there are creature abilities that affect how, when and if counter attacks happen. IMO it just added to the strategy, particularly by working out in what order you should attack things to try and minimise casualties.

          No. I think you're remembering wrong. For H4 and only H4, counterattacks happened at the same time as attacks. Provided you still have a counter attack, there is no damage/casualty advantage to being the one initiating the attack. What you could do is have everyone attack the same unit that way only the first attacker gets counterattacked (unless they were griffons who have unlimited counters). But you could do that in any other HOMM game.

          If you had a ranged unit attack another ranged unit, they would counter attack also, which really annoyed me, because no one could previously counter attack a ranged attacker.

          It also affected what starting skills they had, as well as what skills were offered when levelling up.

          The difference was too small to justify a grand class title like Bard, Witch King, Cardinal etc.

          Here's a chart of the differences…

          You can't tell me that these differences compare to class differences in other games.

          What is a 'Seer'? Someone who can divine the future? Someone with psychic abilities who can see a move being made before it is made and allow you to preemptively counter the move? No it's just someone who has a +2 scouting radius on the adventure map. So grand sounding, but that's all it is?

          What's a Beastmaster? Someone who can befriend any wild animal to do his bidding? No it's wolves only. +20% bonus to Summon Wolf spell. He may as well have been called a wolf master, and if he's only 20% better than a non-master I would have to question whether he can even be called that.

          What do you think of when you hear the word assassin? For me, it's someone who can vanish, appear behind you and stab you in the back with poisoned daggers. Or at least someone who can do a lot of damage very quickly to kill someone. What he really is, is.. a guy who gets +3 to hero's speed and movement. Doesn't confer any bonus to his troops, just himself. He can move 3 units further than a non-assassin. Does nothing for his damage. He doesn't get extra assassinating ability. He just gets to move a little bit further. Disappointing. Some assassin.

          I would have dropped the fancy misleading names and just allow the player to make these minor customizations. Keep it to two hero classes per faction, one magic and one might. The small bonuses for advanced classes is something you select when you level up.

          Could say the same about any of the HOMM games.

          I can't think of any that look as silly as pikemen and leprechauns.

          If you loved H4, more power to you. But the fact that later games reversed every new change made in H4 tells me you're in the minority and even the developers who took over for 3DO didn't like that game's direction.

        • @lostn:

          No. I think you're remembering wrong. For H4 and only H4, counterattacks happened at the same time as attacks.

          You're right, I am remembering wrong, it's been a long time since I've played any of them. Regardless, I didn't see it as a big issue, just a change in the mechanics.

          If you loved H4, more power to you. But the fact that later games reversed every new change made in H4 tells me you're in the minority and even the developers who took over for 3DO didn't like that game's direction.

          I wouldn't say I 'loved' HOMM4, but I did enjoy it, and personally I find most of the complaints boil down to just that it's different, not that it's fundamentally significantly worse.

  • +1

    Makes me so nostalgic. I loved the MM and HOMM games to death.

    Half of these require Uplay though. I would get the $15 bundle if they were steam keys.

    Ubisoft designs some of their games to require Uplay, to prevent piracy. You can pirate the game, but you're going to be gimped if you play HOMM6 without being connected to the server, because your dynasty weapons won't get any XP, and the game is very tough, so you need it.

    That and I already own half or more than half of these games.

    Something else worth noting is that Might & Magic Heroes Online, the last time I tried it was geolocked and Aussies can't play. Not sure if it's still the case, but you may need a VPN if it is.

  • I can handle Steam, don't like it much, but I can handle it …….. Uplay is a different story. Sure I still have most of these on CD/Disk in storage anyways.

  • Bonus games have been added. Basically just HOMM1 and two expansions for HOMM5.

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