I'm getting a computer custom built for my brother. He will be using the computer for school work and light-medium gaming. He tells me the games he will be playing include: CS GO, League of Legends, Reign of Kings, HearthStone and other Steam games. Here are the specs:
CPU: Intel Core i5 4460
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-H81M-DS2
Memory: DDR3 8GB Crucial 1600MHz
Hard drive: 1TB WD 3.5"
PSU: 650 Watt Cougar RS650
Case: Cougar ATX MX300
Feedback will be greatly appreciated.
UPDATE: my budget is around $1000 as my brother is quite young and for an 8th grader probably doesn't need something more high end
Good budget build. If you're not looking to upgrade, you could probably get away with a cheaper case + PSU combo considering that card can be powered by the motherboard (its marketed as an add-on for budget PCs for this reason). If you are, just get a better card now. The GTX 960 comes with a free copy of The Witcher 3, which makes up for most of the price difference anyway.