Power Shoes - Does anyone have experience shopping with them?

Looking to buy some Nike Free 5.0's (black and white) and stumbled onto this site, which sells them for ~$96 AUD delivered (substantially cheaper than the standard $150-$160 and even cheaper than wiggle.com.au's $110).

Except this site looks dodgy as hell. So I was wondering if anyone has used them before and can help me out.

Site: http://www.powershoes.net/nike-free-50-mens-running-shoes-bl…


N.b. Can't buy from wiggle.com.au because they don't have my size (US size 11) in stock.

EDIT (01/05): for anyone that cares, I ended up buying the shoes from wiggle.com.au when my size came back into stock (listed as UK 10). Their site seems to update stock quite regularly so I guess just keep checking if your size isn't currently listed. They were $110 AUD delivered


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