This was posted 9 years 10 months 8 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Fitbit Flex Wireless $69 @ Dick Smith


Cheapset price yet on OzB. Available at this price for click & collect, or additional charge for delivery. Apply coupon at checkout. Enjoy :)

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Original deal for DSE codes here.

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closed Comments

  • +7

    I'm seeing these on everyone these days and just wonder what people find the most useful function to be? Can't seem to find a reason to get one, but…
    How do they monitor sleep, is it movement based?

    • +2

      yes. actigraphy
      i think these are really just for interest.
      Your phone will often give you similar information and it it is interesting to see how many steps you taken in a day or your sleep patterns.
      The only potential benefit is if it ends up encouraging you to walk more, sleep more or is connected to a smart alarm which wakes you during light sleep.

      • +1

        If "just for interest" is inferring "not very accurate" then what is interesting about it?

        I find it odd that people claim to be using these thing for health reasons because they establish some sort of baseline but then explain that they aren't accurate. I guess it's easier than doing it this way: setting a resistance level then setting a time - because then you can substitute exercise for inaccurate monitoring and not be accountable.

        For example one routine you could do is 15 minutes rowing at X setting followed by 15 minutes of cycling at X setting. You're accountable: you either get it done or you don't.

        • By interest I meant these are largely for entertainment rather than substantial health benefit. Particularly I think these may help make the process of getting healthy more entertaining.

          These encourage you to think about how much exercise you do and how you sleep and in doing so have the potential to encourage healthy habits.

          As for accuracy, I'm not sure what it's like.

          But to summarise, no, I don't think buying this will make you healthier. But it is a source of entertainment.

        • +2

          I agree with you that these FitBit things are not very accurate. I bought a used FB One instead because clip-type FB like One or Zip can be easily attached to almost every part of your body and they seem to produce more accurate step counts than those of band-type. I trust mine because I sometimes count my steps on my mind and compare to FB, the results are pretty close.

          The reason I bought my FB One is that I log my daily 10,000 step to earn money from PactApp. I do many types of exercise everyday but none of them lasts more than 30 minutes to count as a complete pact. Using FB One helps me reach my goal the easiest way I can.

          I don't care about other functions like:
          - Floor counting: My world is flat, I don't have access to any floor.
          - Calorie counting: I use MyFitnessPal. FitBit food data sucks.
          - Sleep/drink monitoring: I just drink/sleep when I need to.
          - Silent alarm: I am a member of F.A. (Forever Alone) Club! Who would date an OZBargainer?!

          IMO, no matter what you buy, as long as you use it the way it benefits you the most then you are a winner.

        • @721411: "- Silent alarm: I am a member of F.A. (Forever Alone) Club! Who would date an OZBargainer?!"

          Awwww :(

          Me too.

        • @carlscott1982: I know that feel bro. (Warm hug)

      • These things are lighter and more convenient to track our daily activities than our phones. I personally don't bring my bulky phones everywhere I go.
        You can also earn $$$ using them daily.

        • Earn money? How is this?

        • +1

          @diddy50: Sign up to Pact App for Android or iOS. Decide on how many days you would spend doing workouts and commit to that plan. You'll earn a little bit $ for completing your pact every week. However, the penalties for skipping a workout are huge compared to the amount that you can earn. For example, a maximum 7 workouts PER WEEK can earn you $1.4 ~ 1.75 but a minimum penalty for ONE DAY is $5. There are also Food Log and Veggie Pact where you can earn $ for logging your daily food diary via MyFitnessPal and uploading pictures of fruits/veggies you eat.

          I can make around $4.5 per week so it's a little savings for me.

          If you have Flybuys card and Medibank, you can also earn points. It's like 10 pts per 10,000 steps. LOL! For more info, visit


    • +2

      Soon they will introduce a device to monitor the Fitbit and so it goes on

    • +1

      what people find the most useful function to be?

      People love being monitored these days. An innocuous embrace of the inescapable surveillance state we live in; if you can't beat it…

  • Would the garmin vivofit be a better buy? Think it might be the same price.

    • If you are getting for just motivation or just an idea of how much you walk or sleep per day, fit bit is good buy. Fitbit have very nice apps and good support. But fitbit is not very accurate. Some videos on youtube show that moving your hand while sitting can cause footsteps to increase.

      I think Garmin is better for accuracy. But its app at least on android not as polished as fitbit.

      • Thanks. Went with the garmin. At least I'd be able to see how many steps I'd done with the garmin over the digit fitbit flex

        • Good choice. I would have gone for same.

        • Don't have a spare large band you would like to swap for a small blue? I also put this in the classifieds as I would like a change of colour

        • @clarky: sorry, I think I've already used my large strap. Came installed when I bought it and I just put it on straight away.


        Better … apparently meaning still terrible. I'd love to think how inaccurate the Fitbit is if it's worse as you maintain.

        • 3:25 That is what's wrong with fitbit. Surge and new Charge HR have same problem. And honestly I think mobile steps counter(like on samsung S5) is good enough to give you an idea. Samsung S5 would count the steps even when I am in car or train etc.

          I think I am biased towards Garmin because I have not used it myself yet.

    • Just tried buying after applying code and it rejected the code :(

      • +1

        Just bought mine code worked fine. Click and collect

        • Worked second time as a guest on ipad. After I logged in to my account the first time on iPhone it rejected the code and wouldn't allow click and collect.

  • Not sure why people are reporting this as a dupe. Please provide link for dupes

    • +2

      No dupe. They may be reporting as this has the same code, which I've clearly linked to at the base of my post.

      • Thanks for the individual post as DSE has so many codes/deals these days I would of missed this. Cheap present for mothers day


    Pretty much novelty item. And what's with having to put it in sleep mode to monitor sleep. So just before you nod off you have the presence of mind to put it in sleep mode?

    • +5

      Yeah, the mi fit band detects sleep automatically, no tapping required, and it's about a third of the price too…. But I think the fitbit band has Google fit app support, whereas the MI fit does not.

      I don't think the ultimate ozbargainer's fitness band has been built yet, but basically it would have the battery life of the MI fit (i.e. a month) , plus the call and SMS notification capabilities of the hacked MI fit app, be priced at less than $40, plus it would show the time, and have a heart rate monitor, and have Google fit support. Just my 2 cents.

      • +1

        Detects sleep automatically. Ooo-kay.

        Given the record of these types of devices being all over the place I'd take that with grain of salt.

        • +5

          Easy to be a cynic. Well, since you bring sleep-tracking up, I can only tell you my experience: I find the sleep detection of the MI fit to be spot on. It really does match when I wake up and go to sleep to within a minute or two, as well as when I wake up briefly in the night to either pee or tend to our toddler. I've only seen it make one sleep-related mistake, which was when I could tend to the toddler in less than minute by shushing them back sleep from a bad dream, and then fell straight back to deep sleep myself, and it didn't record any awake time. Other than that one small error, I have not noticed any other sleep-related errors in the 40 or so days I've been using it. And at no point did I do anything other that wear the band, and sync it with my phone every morning to get the data off it and see what it logged for sleep. I certainly did not tell it I was going to bed or waking up.

          Of course I cannot tell if the band's breakdown of sleep into light sleep or deep sleep is correct, since I am asleep! But I do know that nights of high deep sleep correspond to waking up and feeling good, and low deep sleep correspond to feeling terrible. And I know when I'm woken from deep sleep suddenly because I'm so groggy and confused, and it matches that too. So I find it spookily accurate as regards sleep logging.

          And I don't know whether you have kids of not, but as a sleep-deprived parent, trust me when I say that you will probably never care more deeply about sleep then when you have young kids, so when I say the sleep logging seems good and is automatic, I might actually know what I'm talking about.

          But look, the MI fit is certainly not a perfect device. What the device gets wrong is shaking the hand is logged as a step (e.g. I've had it say I've reached my goal number of steps when I was standing still chopping veggies for dinner). So the number of steps, yes THAT I agree should be taken with a grain of salt as a useful general approximation, rather than as an exact precise count. But for a $20 device, that's absolutely fine.

          TL;DR: I actually use it primarily for tracking sleep, rather than steps. And the sleep tracking is very good and automatic, and the step-tracking pedometer is "good enough" for my purposes. That's my experience, hope it helps.

        • @nickj: exactly the same case with me, the step detection is too sensitive but as a sleep recorder it does very well. I still have not charged it for the 20 days I have been using it, and having it do everything automatically has been great. If I had not purchased it for $13 from allbuy I might have considered getting this fitbit here, not knowing the mi fit would actually be more convenient.

  • +1

    thanks TA - wife was asking me yesterday to get her one ASAP but I wanted a bargain

    two problems solved!

  • I got mine from Medibank, and it paired with Flybuys and MBP mean I get flybuys points if I do more than 10k steps/day.

    I use it for its silent alarm in the morning (vibrates on my wrist), and a coworker who has a bad ear uses it to wake them up.

    • +1

      That's the first use case for these things that's made me think hey that's useful.

      • Definitely… the only thing is, a Mi Band is only $25 and does the same bloody thing. I hear those have even more epic battery life. :/
        Only reason I haven't replaced mine with a Mi Band is for the flybuys points.

  • -1

    does this track your heatbeat? which device do ppl recommend? it's so confusing. I was leaning towards Polar because it's promoted by Kayla Itsines but then i was told that you have to wear an attachment. i desperately need one as i'm on a mission. gym classes, circuit training and 5km walks 3 x a week.

    • The Flex doesn't monitor heartbeat. If you need this feature, I would suggest the Fitbit Charge HR (not the same as the regular Fitbit Charge) or Fitbit Surge.

    • +1

      Promoted means: gets paid to say canned statements about the product along with forming an irrational association in your mind between her owning the product and how she appears to you.

  • +3

    For those that need it delivered (or no option to CC), SE have it on sale at 8pm AEST tonight for the same price delivered. Not sure how fast 50 will be cleaned up though.

    • There's 100 all up, 50 each of the black and slate

  • No click and collect option on this product showing up for me

    • Looks like they've updated the availability. No C&C now

  • +1

    TA—You put so many discounted pizzas and burgers, and Now fat burning watch. What exactly are you looking??….:):):)

    • I was also wondering about the possible link between this weekend's triple pizzas and this Fitbit :o)

  • does it have heart rate monitor?

    • No. Only Charge HR or Surge have that.

  • Awesome thanks! Just bought the fitbit charge. Coupon worked without any glitches :)

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