This was posted 9 years 10 months 9 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Olympus M Zuiko 40-150mm F/4.0-5.6 Telephoto Zoom Lens $99 Pickup or $117 Shipped @ Gerry Gibbs Camera Warehouse


Was looking around and noticed this lens on sale.

Seems like a great price for those that can't yet justify the $1300-$1500 price tag for the 40-150 f/2.8 pro. I have the 12-40 f/2.8 pro but thinking this could cover the longer focal length until the pro comes down in price if used in good light.

The product code also matches that this is the newer R version (Although not much different)

To add to cart - go here then on the 3rd product down add 1 to cart…

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Gerry Gibbs Camera Warehouse
Gerry Gibbs Camera Warehouse

closed Comments

  • Cheapest local price I have seen.

    • Must be close to the cheapest anywhere price. I paid a little more than this from O/S, back when the dollar was a dollar. It was a bargain then.

      Great lens for the price.

  • Worked after 7 go's lol

  • Can this lens fit on to the Canon EOS M camera?

    • Not directly.

      • Not possible even with adapters apparently

    • Wrong sensor size. Eos m has aps-c sensor which is bigger so this lens won't cover the whole sensor even if you can find an adapter.

      • Theoretically, if you could would it just show black borders around the image?

        • Yes but you'll also need to control the aperture electronically. There would be no in body image stabilisation and no distortion correction in the body.

        • There would be a bit of vignetting.

    • In a month or 3 you can do the reverse and use Canon EF full frame and EF-S Apsc lens on m4/3 bodies with world first full Auto-focus adapter by Kipon; if, need be :)

  • Fabulous price. I got it a year ago for $175 which was good at that time. Lusting for the 12-40mm f2.8 though for July holiday and possible TRS.

  • That is brilliant. I have a couple of old 1st gen Olympus micro4/3 bodies which I got at grays clearances, still work very well, have ordered a lens, this will give them a refresh!

  • This is a great lens. Really surprised with quality of pictures. Got Mine for 175$ at JBhifi. 99$ is a fantastic price.

  • Are the new versions of these still using a Plastic screw mount?
    I remember the old version had quite a few issues with the plastic screw mount deteriorating overtime and falling apart. And there was no part purchasable to fix it.

    Which I why i used to have the Panasonic equivalent to this one, since all Panasonic ones use metal mounts. Costs around the same (normal price) around $200.
    Sold it since i didn't use it nearly as much as I wanted….. so for $99 this doesn't seem bad… just not sure how durable it will be.

    • Still plastic. How else are they going to keep costs down? This is entry level stuff. The 14-150mm has a metal mount though and the price shows.

  • Am I able to use this for my Olympus emd-5? I'm a bit of a beginner. Thanks

    • +2


  • anyone know if this works with panasonic gf3 well? does the lack of optical image stabalisation matter?

    • +1

      Towards 150 you will need a faster shutter speed as it will magnify and shakes. This means you're going to only be able to use it in good lighting or on a tripod if your subject doesn't move a lot… Without ibis it's going to be harder but it's a cheap lens and if you find yourself shooting 150mm a lot you can sell this lens and get a better one so it's worth getting it I think.

      • thanks, thats great help.

  • Just wondering, does anyone know if you can point a smartphone through these kinds of lenses and get a visible image? I have a Lumia 1020 in a case with a sizing ring glued to it that I attach ND filters to, would be awesome to try out lenses

    • +3

      lol no

  • looks like the lens that came in my e-pm1 twin lens kit

    • Yep they're generally sold as kit lens.

      • -4

        in that case, then I don't see the fuss about this lens. It can zoom, but not really far enough - certainly not telephoto range. Good for about 10-20m away. Any closer than 10m, and the picture is just too close. It's a slow lens, too. The other kit lens I got has a much more useful range for most photos while travelling. So I hardly ever use it, and it's just one more thing you have to carry while travelling. On top of that, I got my twin lens kit with camera for $130 a couple of years ago…

        • +3

          This lens has a equivalent of 80-300mm on a 35mm. If that's not telephoto then what is ? Telephoto lenses are designed for focusing on distant objects, so not focusing on close objects is expected. It's a entry level telephoto lens, so no surprises that its slow (f4/5.6).

          For reference.…

        • -1

          @Mnke: my bad. Don't know if this is the same as my kit lens, but if it is i find that the range is pretty dismal. Extending the lens fully results in crappy pics..maybe thats partly due to the instability though

        • +1

          I think you should double check before giving comparisons. The lens is a consumer grade telephoto lens. It's $117. 40-150 is a great range (80-300mm 35mm equivalent). The lens is sharpest around the 40-100mm range, a bit less sharper at the 150mm range but still very acceptably imo. At a f/4 to f/5.6 aperture, it does need to be used in good light or if not then with a tripod otherwise you are going to get a blurry/noisy pic.
          150mm pics:


        • @cyrax83: Those pictures make me think that either this lens is different to mine, or a different camera was used.

        • @tomkun01:
          You got the 14-42 & 40-150?
          Both have a newer version with some slight improvements.
          They're for beginners, certainly nothing to get excited about.

        • @EVL: sorry I have no idea what I got. from the first big deal i found on ozbargain :) i probably just don't know how to use it, but i personally wouldn't recommend the big kit lens I got. i have no idea why, but it seems it won't let me take photos if the focus is too close. would love to have one of those really small lenses that are the size of a lens cap, but i think the micro 4/3 olympus one isn't cheaper than $80

        • +1

          f/8 on the cap lens isn't particularly useful.
          I think what you want is some primes. I'd invest in the cheap 25 1.8 and 45 1.8. I have both. They are great.

        • +2

          It can zoom, but not really far enough - certainly not telephoto range.

          It literally is a telephoto lens. You have no idea what you're talking about.

        • @Orpheus: yep

        • @cyrax83: cheers I'll look out for them

        • Either your technique sucks, your trying to take pics in situation that the lens can't cope or you have dud lens.
          If this lens disappoints you, the tiny cap lens will not impress you either.

        • @deltakilo: i probably just suck. Thank you everyone, I'll try to be better and give the lens another chance (assuming it's the same one )

        • @tomkun01:Could be partly to do with the body, the epm 1 sensor is not as good as the newer ones.

        • @jinxsphinx: aw you're too nice hehe

  • As kit lens goes, this is a fine one. It's a steal at this price.

  • This is a really good lens for the price provided it's used in good light. I had it with me for most of a big trip in Latin America. It was fantastic for Galapagos. I paid $200 from JB Hifi and I thought that was alright.

  • Is there a way to fit this on a Nikon (D3200 specifically)?

    • No. Although you can fit nikon lenses on m43 camera.

  • +1

    $189 now for me.

  • We have run out of stock due to the fantastic response (please note we GGCW did not post this on ozbargain, thanks cyrax83) we will try to renegotiate with Olympus to run this special again

    • +3

      Feel free to sub in the f2.8 at that price :)

      • +1

        Let's be realistic. $1k shipped with the TC converter please and i'll bite :)

    • EM1 special again?

  • :)

  • Good price on the sigma 17-50

    • Very good price for aussie stock. But the problem is.. There is no damn stock in all of Australia. CRK says 3 to 8 weeks and I'm going overseas in 4.. Want this lens so bad! :((((

  • Can you do the 25mm F1.8 black one same price as the silver one? Cheers

  • Damn I missed out!

  • +1

    Am I the only one who has had their order cancelled without notification?

    • No cancellation email, but it's not showing up in order history. Hopefully come through, I was the first to order!

  • Anyone heard anything?

    • +1

      I got an email back with the following response:

      "The Data Centre in Sydney where our Server is housed was damaged over the weekend in the storms and Data is still being rebuilt.
      Your order has been processed and is expected to ship within the next 24hrs"

      So all good.

      • Awesome

      • Let us know if you receive tracking within the next 24 hours. My past experience dealing with them has been pretty bad and I doubt they'll ship it within 24 hours as stated.

        • +1

          Shipped with tracking

      • lol i guess that's why the login/register/cart/checkout page are 404ing atm?

  • Arrived, thanks Gerry Gibbs

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