Just wonder if anyone has used this site http://www.getoutofdebtfree.org/ I have a friend who is struggling to pay loans left from a failed relationship. I have been given this web address to get information, I see you need to sign up and before this happens I wonder if anyone has used this site.
Debt Collectors Laws and Information - Get out of Debt Free Web Site

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This website just looks dodgy, they basically advocate breaking the law, debt default and think their make believe 'legal' letter templates and stickers will somehow allow you to escape from the consequences of doing this
http://www.getoutofdebtfree.org/Parking-NoticeSome proper advice is below
http://www.moneyhelp.org.auWhen I was a new grad struggling a bit with a new mortgage and unaccustomed to the tight cash flow, I did things like draw up budget, downgraded the car, rolled credit card debt into low interest balance transfers etc
And if things get really bad;
http://www.fredappleton.com.auIt will obviously depend on how much the debt is and whether your friend has any assets they want to protect and their income level.
Dave Ramsay's ideas about budgeting are also really good.
As a lawyer practicing in debt recovery and giving insolvency advice, please, please don't be irresponsible and use this (stupid) web site.
It is written by someone with no clue about legal process, and pretends to be offering valuable legal advice.
It gives terrible advice.
Second, all it does is waste court resources, and make your creditors incur cost, in hopes that they will not pursue the debts.
Often times the effort amounts to nil, as the creditors will press on with the claim regardless. You will then be likely to suffer a costs order for your irresponsible conduct.
If you truly have problems meeting your debts there are legitimate options:
A. Try to work out the debts with creditors - perhaps send a sworn statement of financial position and offer to compromise the debt for a lump sum, reduce amount, or to pay it off over time. A great strategy is to put an offer to the creditor to settle the debt on the basis that a 3rd party is stumping up the amount, which far exceeds if they pursue you.
B. Consider appointing an insolvency practitioner (the Australian AFSA website has detailed information regarding bankruptcy, personal insolvency agreements and debt agreements).
C. Ignore the demands, and hope they go away.
A lot of people think bankruptcy is the end of the world. A number of clients have expressed to me their relief once they finally went bankrupt, and allowed them to finally be rid of paying old debt, and finally build up a financial position again.
If you are insolvent, then speaking with an insolvency practitioner sooner rather than later may allow you to get your life back on track, rather than continuing to dodge collectors, process servers, and bailiffs.
Again, please, please, please, do not support this ridiculous website. Our limited court resources deserve better.
I suggest your friend take advantage of free financial counselling provided by the Salvation Army:http://salvos.org.au/need-help/financial-assistance/financial-counselling/
I have used their services before and found them to be very professional, informed and compassionate. They will negotiate with creditors on your behalf and help you negotiate a way forward.
Ring 1800 007 007 and find the closest financial counselor
kipps - Mention alot of good points but miss one - FEES LAWYER will charge
This site has excellent information. That is of course if your ready for the 'truth'
Reading the comments is a bit scary. It appears they're just encouraged someone to just ignored their debts of Barclays, who has passed the debt onto a debt collector. This seems a very bad idea imo.
The other "success story" seems to use this and this
If it were me (not financial advice) i'd speak to an accountant (after having a good read of whirlpool finance section)