I am addicted to Audiobooks. i spend time in the car to and from work etc and have had enough of D grade comedians on the radio trying too hard to be funny so instead I now listen to audiobooks via bluetooth. I've been a member of Audible US since 2010. I have the platinum package that costs me around $30 AUD (via my 28 degrees card) per month for 2 book credits.
Audible recently opened an Aus site and with the AUD heading the wrong way against the US$ I wondered if the Au site might be a better deal for me. I wrote to the help desk asking for a comparison but they just gave me the usual selling stuff. Switching across would give me a couple of cheap months upfront but after that i am wondering if it is a good deal since:
Because of regional issues there will probably be less choice on the AU site.
The AU site only has a plan for 1 book per month and adding up the cost of an extra book per month it looks like I would be paying the same as the US site anyway
Most of these things normally start out OK then go against being on the local site and people 2 years from now will wish they could have been on the old US plan that is no longer available to Aus, do i want to give that up
If the AUD/US does get bad Audible OZ will probably just jack up their prices anyway
The big selling point of the lcoal site seems to be access to local Australian authors and content, cant say I am overly interested in that and i am probably more worried about missing out on my favourite overseas titles through some kind of geo-block.
Anybody done any analysis or comparison between the 2? Should i stay on the US site or switch across to the OZ site?
I'm brand new to Audible, and only know the Australian site so I'm unable to offer a comparison, but wouldn't you get a reasonable comparison by checking the books you've bought in the last 12-24 months from the US store and seeing if they're available in the AU store… that would give an indication of sorts as to the availability of content that interests you, wouldn't it?