• expired

$5 off Who Gives a Crap Toilet Paper, Eg 48x Double Length Rolls $43 Delivered (Was $48)


Been giving this a try since last year, and haven't seen any sales, so thought I would post. If you've seen it and thought of trying, now's a good time.
Not sure when exact end date is. Their post says "this week only" but they only posted yesterday.

This toilet paper is made with 100% recycled fibers, and they also give 50% of their profits to WaterAid to help build toilets and improve sanitation in the developing world.

Quality isn't up there with Quilton, but It's OK paper. Better than Safe, plus extra benefits of this is pretty good. (donates to WaterAid)

Price works out to 22.4c per 100 sheets.

NOTE - it is delivered in a big box with "Who Gives A Crap" written on the outside, so depending on if you want to advertise to your workmates, may want to get this delivered to home. Although, good chance to dialogue!

Blurb from Facebook post:

Happy Earth Day!

We love trees, but we think they're better for hugging than for wiping bums. That's why we're hoping to get as many people as possible to switch to recycled toilet paper this week, in honour of Earth Day. Can you help us? Please share this $5 discount with your friends, family, and all those random people who follow you on Facebook that you haven't talked to since high school. We've already saved almost 5,000 trees, so every person who makes the switch makes a difference!

Visit www.whogivesacrap.org and use coupon code "WEHUGTREES" to save $5 on every order, this week only!


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Referrer and referee get $10 credit, after referee spends $58 or more.

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Who Gives a Crap
Who Gives a Crap

closed Comments

  • +25

    Take your crap somewhere else

    • +6

      I'm not actually associated with this company. Error when posting the deal. Do you think a rep would actually say "quality isn't up there with Quilton"? But see the reviews on their page if you want, people like it. I don't mind it, and think the concept is pretty good in helping developing countries with sanitation.

      • +57

        I'm pretty sure that was a joke.

      • +8

        That's actually just a joke. The tag line fits your post. Haha Don't take it personally. Peace! :)

        • +5

          Sorry - smiley face was missing from your post :) and as I had error as Associated when I first posted, thought it was a legit complaint.

      • His taking the piss outta ya

    • Hahahha

    • +3

      Sounds like he got the shits lol

    • +6

      Are they DOUBLE rolls? What's the price per 100 sheets? Do those companies help in other ways?

      Is it delivered? Some people like the idea of this - one less thing to lug home from the store.

      • +3

        TP is delivered (every) wednesday from Coles for free when spending over $100 =)

        • +9

          Any Murdoch newspaper is full of crap as well. What page is Andrew Bolt on again?

        • -2

          @arcticmonkey: I recall reading some good articles written by bolt. Why do you dislike his articles?

        • +4

          Where to start? Could it be his racist undertone? Or is it his biased articles showing his love for Tony Abbott. And showing it in a way that borders a girly crush? Is it the fact that he calls himself a journalist?

          Wait… It's all of the above, and then some.

        • -1

          @Martijn: racist is a derogative term used to silence proponents of free speech. Are you suggesting that bolt considers some races more superior than others?

        • @Martijn: why do you feel the need to critique people, rather than ideas?

        • +3

          @tomkun01: There's no need to suggest it. Unless you wish to go against federal Court judge Mordy Bromberg (see http://www.crikey.com.au/2011/09/28/bolt-decision-guilty-of-…)

        • +1

          @Martijn: lol. That says nothing about his thoughts on race. It merely says that according to the law, he offended some people. That's because current laws say that the condition for verbal assault is only whether or not somebody felt upset about a remark. That makes it very open to interpretation. If you call me a sook, why should I be able to force you to give me money using the courts? We tell kids that sticks and stones may break my bones.. somehow adults forget that

        • +1


          Yep, that racial discrimination act has nothing to do with race related issues…. They named it that just to confuse people

        • +1

          @SBOB: so charging non blacks who use the word nigga is going to end real racism?

      • +1

        According to WW website, $0.26 / 100ss.

        How is this company help in other ways? What's the proof? Anything that can be publicly audited?

        How is delivered any better than doing weekly round to grocery store?

        Please, stop being disillusioned by tree-hug-ers campaigns.

        • +3

          Er.. 22.4c per 100 sheets is cheaper than 26c?

          As for proof - I was just quoting info from their website. You'll have to ask them yourself where there publicly audited proof is.

        • -2


          Is not, and thus the only reason why i dont give this 'deal' a neg.

          Why do i care and why should i pursue the proof? As i know it, they don't have the guts to prove themselves to what they speak of. And that's really shady.

          Why not more ppl should ask that question of these so-called hipster-tree-hug-ers is beyond me.

        • +2

          @stevarja: FWIW I'm friends with the founders GF and he's legit.

          Why the scepticism? Any justification at all (previous experiences? other knowledge?).

          They give 50% of profits to charity, pretty noble IMO.

        • +1


          Dude, if u're the founder's friend, understandably you'll say that. But, how about the rest of us? Should we become founder's friend first to get the proof that he's legit?

          Scepticism? Call it whatever you like dude, i just want to see proof, something solid that this company actually do what it says it do.

          They give 50% of profits to charity, pretty noble IMO.

          Wait - what, so now there's no toilet somewhere being built? Instead the company 'give' profits to charity? COme on, make up your mind.
          If you don't build toilet, why say you build toilet to begin with?

        • They give 50% of their profits to WaterAid (a charity) which builds the toilets.

          They (Who Gives A Crap) are listed as a Corporate Partner on WaterAid's site - here

          But - I can see your point. There is no verification on either site of how much they donated and when. Are they required to? I don't know.

    • +5

      Quilton Ecoply is not 100% recycled. "Unique Recycled Middle Layer" = 33% recycled.

      Also, it's 30cents per 100 sheets, compared to this - so think your Negative vote might be off the mark.


    • Aldi TP is shit though.

  • +15

    Love this company. Doing great things. Not the best/cheapest toilet paper in the world, but paying a little more for a product that helps people and the planet is completely worth it, which is why i'm a subscriber.

      • +2

        Can you eat a Commodore?

      • +11

        Climate change is very much real and recognising that doesn't make someone a hippie.

        • Well, yes, the climate does change, it always has…

        • +2


          Yes, the problem is the rate of change though.

        • @gokhanh: And it's going to hit the extreme more often.

        • He said global warming, not climate change. Quite different

        • +1


          Okay. Recognising that global warming is very real does not make someone a hippie.

        • @quirkleton: global warming theory fails to explain global cooling. That's why people say climate change

        • +1


          It fails to explain global cooling because the earth isn't cooling. I really don't understand why you're posting.

        • @quirkleton: Because the earth was heating, then it kinda stopped heating so quickly. Scientists had to change their theory. This is what climate sceptists use to their advantage when people use the term global warming. I don't understand why you're being so stubborn

        • @tomkun01:

          How am I being stubborn? You haven't even made a point.

        • @quirkleton: My mistake. Apparently both terms are still in use

      • Your mummy must be very proud.

      • +6

        Cows flautulance produces methane not co2

      • +4

        Unsure whether trolling or actually ignorant

      • My V8 Commodore produces less CO2 than cow's flatulence.

        This is probably true..

      • +4

        My V8 Commodore produces less CO2 than cow's flatulence.

        Even if that was true:

        1) The cow's greenhouse gasses (CO2, methane, etc) comes from the grass it ate (ie, greenhouse gasses that already existed in the atmosphere).
        2) The greenhouse gasses from your V8 Commodore comes from oil pumped out of the ground (ie, NOT already existing in the atmosphere).

        The process the cow follows is a circular system, no new greenhouse gasses generated.

        The process your car follows is ALL new greenhouse gasses into the system.

        Your conclusion that global warming is a myth is caused by your own confirmation bias - you're only looking at the stuff that you think supports you not changing your life style.

        I'm at fault as anyone (ie, I consume lots of energy and contribute to excessive additional greenhouse gasses entering our system) but I'm not going to lie to myself or anyone else about it.

      • -1

        You should have said you drive a SUV. You would have received 100 upvotes instead. Australians love SUVs… Good on you for not buying into politically correct lies.

    • +1

      So who already received 50% profit from this company?

      Why this data not available on their website?

  • +1

    Dunny paper used to be 14 cents per roll at discount for 500 sheets of 2 ply.

    Then rip off merchants cut the sheets to 250? then 210? etc and put the price up.

    100% rip off merchants

    • +10

      if they didn't rip off easily, it would be harder to use the correct number of sheets each time

      • The correct number of sheets… which is 12, right?

        • The correct number is one handful.

        • +4


          You are a barbaric scruncher then.

        • @gokhanh: hey Khanh is my name…

        • @blahman: Folder! Folder! We've got a folder here!

        • I thought it had something to do with the size of the palm of your hand.

        • Real men just pinch it off…

    • You've heard of inflation I presume …

  • Does anyone know whether the discount applies across the entire subscription?

    Will jump onto an 8 week crapaper renewal if that's the case.

    Watch the missus do her head when there's a continual supply being delivered.

    • Not sure sorry. You'd might have to ask on their FB page.

  • +13

    A true OzBargainer uses both sides of the toilet paper.

    • +3

      That's what folding is for. Superior bargaining power to scrunching.

    • +2

      And uses triple ply to get 3x the number of wipes.

    • A true Ozbargainer would use the free local paper recieved in their mailboxes.

      • Beware of printing ink as it may cause @$$#013 cancer.

  • +1

    A newspaper subscription I can understand, but a toilet paper subscription….

    • +3

      Remember: A neatly clean dump is always good news

  • Recycled tissue paper ?!!

  • +6

    Hmmmmmm what we need us a cultural change to actually washing bums rather than wiping them, which is a sub optimal solution anyway..

    Way better for the environment and more hygienic too.

    • +1

      "Bidets" are totally forgotten…
      In modern housing, if they could remove the toilets and shrink the unit sizes 3mt2, they would…
      All in the name of profit, but nowadays they call it "sustainability" and "eco-friendly" and charge you more for that…

    • I guess I feel like a bit of a dolt for asking this, but after you use a bidet don't you have to dry your backside anyway?

      I've only seen one in a house once and I didn't presume the owners would be cool with me washing my arse in their bathroom.

      • don't you have to dry your backside anyway?

        At that point you have a clean bum so you could use a normal towel. Not one time use toilet paper.

        I'd even say even 1 better than bidets, just have a hand held hose to spray clean your bum. Then all you need is soap to wash your hands after. It's common in many eastern countries.

        • If you have to launder towels doesn't that negate any environmental gain you've made? The detergents and energy used might be more than what is used to mass produce toilet paper.

          I am not sure spraying your backside clean would be any better than wiping. It might feel fresher, but if it is just water I don't think it would be any better than rinsing your hands without soap. It might feel cleaner, but without a surfactant to hold and be rinsed away…

        • @Juddy:

          doesn't that negate any environmental gain you've made?

          I like the way you think, and no Answer that q, no it doesn't negate the gain, The most I've lost by washing instead of wiping is probably a litre of water, if that. Maybe one extra Towel in the laundry in a week.

          As far as the towels, they are just being wet and will be dried right there in the bathroom so hardly any extra Laundering because of 1 extra Bum wipe in a day.

          When you compare that to the amount of water and resources wasted in Growing a plant to a tree, cutting it processing it packing and shipping it to the shops and then to your home, Washing is wasy more environmentally friendly.

          They are not even on the same scale. TO say Wiping with this paper saves the environment is a joke, if you are really concerned about the environment washing is the way to go. but again each to his own.

        • +1

          That is the last time I touch the hand towel in any country that has hoses next to the toilet

        • @slow:

          in any country that has hoses next to the toilet

          Easy to be indignant at the asians, but here in the west we are actually touching our bum on the toilet seat where hundreds of people have sat before and it gets nothing but a customary wipe.

          The Towel atleast gets thoroughly washed, rinsed and dried.

      • +1

        Yep. But much less tp is required to just dry the anus. The water used from bidet could then be used to flush

  • +9

    It should be called "WhoGivesASheet.org"

  • This is the biggest rip off $43 for 48 rolls. You are paying about $15 to the charity for every purchase. This company is making a shit tonne of profit.

    • It's ok. The company share 50% profit to make toilets "somewhere".

      e: sorry couldn't find " on my keyboard before.

      • "somewhere" might be in the bathroom of the mansion that the business owner is going to have built for himself

  • +2

    As well as being ripped off with a lower quality product for more of your dollars note that this product needlessly uses a recycling process on a renewable resource (cellulose fibre aka trees).

    Since almost all paper uses plantation timber this simply means that less trees are planted ie zero reason to use this if you care about the environment.

    • +2

      Not quite sure I follow your logic there. If you've already got the paper, why not recycle it? Otherwise you're wasting that paper and then you've got to plant/grow/water/tend/harvest/ship/process more trees so there's the energy use in that process. It's not just that it's renewable.

      • +8

        I am not against recycling but the reason why this should be negged is because it does not cost that much for 48 rolls. This product comes from China and its not like the company revolutionized the industry, the product already exist. Earthcare Australian owned and made 100% recycled toilet paper (same company which makes Quilton paper). Keep in mind, the Australian made product is about ~AUD$30 for 48 rolls for the same product specs.

        So basically the same product made in China cost $18 more than something made in Australia. This company is obviously just getting their paper from supplier, get a packaging company to put their own labels over and says they donate 50% of all profits to charity. This is absolutely ridiculous.

        • +1

          The 50% off rolls at woolies are 24c per 100, these are 22.4c per 100. This doesn't seem much more expensive to me? These are also 3 ply whereas the ones i mentioned are 2 ply.

          Can people just not math?

          Oh and if you bothered to look at the products they have, you can see that do indeed have a pack of regular 48x rolls for $32. Amazing!

        • +1

          @cathole: I believe that is for virgin paper. Big difference in quality when compared with recycled.
          I believe now the industry also looks at the paper's GSM, mainly because manufacturer will change the paper's density making each ply thinner.

          This company no doubt sells other paper products. They succeeded in marketing this paper and made huge amount of profits. But huge amount of profits means that charity gets more right? Yes, but at whose expense? Basically this products will not sell in the market because it is just daylight robbery.

          In the end of the day, I don't get anything from posting this, I am just sharing my knowledge I have in the paper commercial sector. Every industry is doing it tough this year, the last thing to do is rip off consumers. Plus I'd rather donate to the Salvos, there is no guarantee that 50% of profits is going to the charity.

        • @supaderp: "because it is just daylight robbery"

          Exactly. Dressed up as an something that's "good for the earth" when the product is 100% renewable and biodegradeable. Many people who classify themselves as "enviromentalists" are simply following snake oil like this. I mean if you want to pay more for a lower quality product and pretend that you're "doing your bit" go ahead but I'll just point out you could also just pray and achieve the same thing.

  • Is it better to fold or scrunch with this paper

    • Wrap it around your hand, turning it into a giant bum spade.

  • It's called John Wayne toilet paper.. Because it's rough and it's tough and it don't take s#*t off nobody!

  • +2

    I support AUS companies so I buy Naturale or Safe toilet paper instead. They're often on sale at 22-24 cents/100 sheets at Colworths. However, I upvoted this deal because this toilet paper seems to be a good product for a good price and a good purpose!

  • +1

    Recycled usually feels like sandpaper.

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