Want to make some Catapults but don't want the cheap nasty elastic that doesn't stretch far. Where can I get good quality elastic and good price?
Where to Get Elastic for Catapults?

What do you need a Catapult for?
well i doubt anyone really 'needs' one
Everyone needs siege weaponry.
You can buy bungy cord at camping stores and Bunnings IIRC.
I've heard that Thera-tube (black, silver or gold colour) works well. Google for it or try eBay.
Clive Palmer's undies.
I agree with altomic about the old car tube rubber, but I would suggest slinging as a better idea than the rubber band type catapult.You can also get large rubber bands from stationery supply shops. Do a search on google for slings, there are websites and you tube videos on slinging. Rubber or elastic bands are not required, only a leather or cloth or holder and some cord or strong twine. Slings are more effective in almost every way after a little bit of practice.
Surgical tubing is what they use for slingshots. Available cheaply on ebay:
http://www.ebay.com.au/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2050601…Also consider a trebuchet, which does not require the elastic.
trebuchet - accuracy. can be done but takes time/skill
old tyre inner tube (car or bike)??