Washing Disaster

I have accidentally washed an expensive rugby top with a maroon t shirt. I now have a rugby top with a pinkish colour collar.

I have tried Dylon S.O.S. colour run on it twice. It is a little better but still not white. I cannot use any bleach on it due to the colours on the body and arms of the top.

Any ideas on how to get the collar whiter.


  • I've had something like this happen me, except with red and white shirts. Personally I've tried a few different washing powders, vinegar, baking sofa, washing soda and nothing turns the white shirts back.

    I guess you're out of luck, and take this as a lesson?

    • I think you may be right.

  • -1

    Bleach the collar?

    • Bleach is too risky. If it comes into contact with any other part of the top, it will be completely ruined.

  • +4

    Buy a Breast Cancer Awareness 'pink ribbon' pin and pop it on your newly pink collar.

    If anyone asks why, or has a laugh over your pink collar, say you did it on purpose to support the cause. You kinda are, in the end, anyway (with the ribbon)


    • This a cute idea but the top belongs to my son and I don't think he will see the cuteness.

      I think I may have him pass the top on to his girlfriend and I will buy him a new one.

  • Only other things I can think of are a soak in Napisan (the colour friendly one) overnight and time in the sun. They may possibly help fade it a little more.

    • Thank you.

      Just went out and bought the white king fabric stain remover powder (colour safe). Could not see the Napisan one, but I think that the white king would do a similar job. I hope.

  • dilute some bleach and apply with a paintbrush, carefully?

    • Thank you.

      I do not trust myself. I would have to be so careful with it. Am going to give colour safe white king powder a go.

  • I found this suggestion on a website:

    A stray red sock can ruin a whole load of whites. The only treatment we’ve found to work is to use a colour run preparation bought at the supermarket before the affected load dries. Follow the method on the bottle/box carefully as these preparations can be very strong. Then, again before the load dries, soak it in napisan overnight then finish with a normal wash and dry.

    I hope it helps?


    • Thank you.

      Unfortunately, I let it dry before trying the S.O.S product that is meant to remove colour run. I used it a couple of times and it did fade a little but collar still has a pink tinge. I have now purchased White King fabric stain remover powder for colours, which I hope works the same as the Napisan. I will soak it overnight.

  • +1

    Have you considered playing for the other team?

  • Call Shannon lush on 2ue weekends or read her books

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