Which Computer Games Are Best for 10 Year Old Children?

I have two children under 10 years. They like to play games on computer but they got bored with old games. Anyone can suggest any new game for them?


  • +3

    Trine and Trine 2. Sidescrolling physics based game. Should be easy to play and understand (may need you to guide them at first)
    The Third game is on Alpha testing.

    For less than $2 bucks, Rochard is a positively rated physics puzzle game.

    All of the Lego series… e.g Lego Batman, Lego Star Wars and so on.

    All of the PopCap games., e.g Plant Vs Zombies, Peggle. These games available on Origin.

    You can buy the old and new Sonic games on steam, as well as the old Sega Mega Drive collections. Though your kids may be unimpressed with the graphics, you can tell them what gaming was like in the 90's….

    Dragon Ballz? Naruto? If your kids are into comics or cartoons.

    Final Fantasy Franchise (many of them on Square Enix website or on Steam)

    Brothers - Tale of Two Sons is a very laid back game designed to be played by two players simultaneously (one controlling each brother). This is a great game, even by my standards.

    Recettear an Item Shop's Tale. First you teach your kids on how to save money. Then you teach your kids on how to rip people off. Capitalism ho!

    Portal 2 Coop should be heaps of fun, but probably best played with the parent.

    Scribblenauts Unlimited is a pretty baller game as well.

    • +1 for Recettear

      Awesome game… really should try to finish that myself lol

  • +1

    Recent lego games, rayman, mine craft, also check other games in steam

  • I think back to the games I played when I was 10 on the PC. Wolfenstien 3d, Doom 2, Return to Zork, Warcraft 2, Quake etc. Seems like we under estimating what a 10 year old is capable of playing, I've seen 10 year old playing strategy games like Starcraft 2 or FPS like COD just fine, I suppose its up the parents if they are happy with the level of violence etc

    • FPS like COD

      That's because the tiny children are the proposed audience of CoD, otherwise they wouldn't make it so child-proof.
      ….Starcraft is another story though lol

      • +1

        Those 10yo you see playing starcraft 2… were they Korean? Not being racist here but I swear they start them young to have those crazy reflexes you see on the esport comps…

        • Narh, I have nephews around 10-12 and they all play the RTS games and are of a mix of races. Im 30 and whilst I beat them most of the time, they push me, and I'm not schmuck at gaming. I have no doubts that in a few years time they will mince me. I have often questioned the learning curve in games being to steep these days that kids are not offered the luxury of many AAA games to get engrossed in like I was. However the ones that are able to climb that curve at a young age …. they are going to destory us to the point where competitive gaming will be for teens only. Reflexes in kids are higher, for example speed stacking (of the cups) if you look at all the world records by age, the sweet spot is around 14-15, then it dies off … or they find girls

        • @cypher67:
          And no I dont "beat" them as such, I win the games ….

        • Not playing Starcraft in Korean is practically the same as burning the South Korean flag.

        • Be fair, Starcraft 2 made the game so much less demanding for the players.
          You don't have to think about production of your units that much, nor you have to check on workers as much. You can have the templars in a group and use the Psionic Storm without selecting each units.

        • @AznMitch: I dont know man… even with all those new features… watching korean sc2 matchs can give people seizures… that screen just keeps flashing different scenes….

        • @ProjectZero: I personally thought SC1 was not very user friendly, I think that is like one of the biggest hurdle to play the game at casual level.

          If you go into professional level… Let's not go there, I think both games are very complex on professional level.

        • @AznMitch: Playing SC1 casual was hilarious… my mates and I usually just mess one unit and then see who wins. watching the lag as 400 lings vs 200 marines is hilarious XD

        • +1

          @ProjectZero: I used to play starcraft… They were all Korean. I might stop here because my scars from that still haven't sealed up fully :(

          SC1 is not that bad if you play with people on your level, you try new tactics like using Reavers with Shuttles, High Templars + Archons, Corsair, etc etc. Playing with the computer is boring though (especially since the computers have access to the full map with fog of war).

  • +2

    Terraria & Minecraft? At least that's what my 10yo and her classmates have been playing.

    • I love Terraria, such a fantastic game.

    • Another +vote for Terraria.

      My 7 year old is all over that one, he could go on for hours about Terrablades and Skeletrons…

  • When I was that age, my brother would get me SNES and GBA ROMs of Pokemon and Harvest Moon games, so you could do that. Maybe even for the newer-ish generation of handhelds. I think DS, PS1 and N64 emulators work okay these days.

    (Disclaimer: I do not condone piracy in any way, shape, or form, but man how good was Game of Thrones last week?)

    Just for Shizz and giggles I'm going to suggest Dwarf Fortress. Here's the download link and everything. http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=126076.0

    Enjoy, lol.

  • What kind of games are they into? Do you limit them to certain games? By that I mean, would something like tomb raider guardian of light be too violent? It's a good game and has puzzle solving elements which get their brains going. Of course it also involves guns and overly large ahem character designs?

  • Mindcraft is kiddy crack. My 8-yo can't stop playing it.

  • Really depends on what sort of content you want them seeing/hearing/playing. When I was 10/11, I bought my first PC with pocket money I'd been saving for years, and learned how to put it all together so I could play GTA 3. 'twas a good time!

  • minecraft

  • I personally found "to the moon" very interesting, though the concept and the story might be too hard for the child to grasp.

  • Not sure if there is a game on PC similar to Harvest moon/ Rune factory, but if you have a console, I highly recommended these two titles… they are really interesting. Basically a farm simulation but will attract younger audiences with the cutely designed characters and in the case of rune factory… monsters.

  • +1

    Grand Theft Auto 5
    Postal 2

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