We are looking for recommendations on games in the same spirit as the ones we play as board games to play on our consoles or PC (which are all connected to the 50"TV)Games for adults (young and old) like trivia, cluedo, yatzee, scrabble and numerous other board games. Years ago many of these were available on PC but our local EB and Game Traders don't stock anything like these or other games that could be entertaining for adults who have very poor motor skills :D
Puzzles, mysteries, trivia even cards are all typical for us. We traded the Wii years ago and don't plan to repurchases just for once a month game nights and the vast majority of games we have are my 22 year old sons. Surprisingly Nana isn't interested in GTA style games and can't reach the first corner of a race track whether it's a Mario cart or an F1. All recommendations welcomed. We do have Monopoly on PS3.
Recommendations to move family game night to the PS2/3/4, PC or 360

Xbox arcade (or what ever its called) has a pretty kewl version of RISK / RISK Factions. I'm fairly certain it was officially licensed from Hasbro or whoever made it originally so it's probs on PSN as well. I'd say xbox arcade and psn are your best sources for those sorts of games.
+1 the console online stores have a decent selection of board game adaptations. Carcassonne, Ticket to Ride and Catan come to mind on the X360
Out of curiosity, why play board games with a group of people on a console instead of using the physical version?
had a few friends over during news year eve and we played the Buzz quiz games on ps2
was pretty good, cause the games were made in the late 90's early 00's and most of us in the 30's we could actually answer the movie and music questions lol
they will be hard to find though, but quite fun
I play Trivia Pursuit on the Ipad, has multiple question pack addon and I've played it maybe 20 times and never seen the same question twice also Includes picture questions. Only issue is like most trivia games, the american based questions that we have no idea about. Mario Party is fun, same with Mario Cart. On the PS4 Fifa is always good but I find we play Towerfall the most. I know its the opposite to what you are after, but an actual card game you may not have played is Cards Against Humanity, good for a laugh.
There are a bunch of Hasbro games on PS3/4 available to buy on PSN.
Thanks heaps for all the excellent suggestions. I appreciate the advice.
Why not play some actual physical board games?, much better family time in my opinion.. Check out http://www.reddit.com/r/boardgames/comments/2jj00l/the_dice_…
We have lot's of board games. Just looking to switch it up a bit and we have all the consoles in the same room so….
There's Tabletop Simulator (http://store.steampowered.com/app/286160/) which is a physics based boardgame simulator with user-enforced rules and custom games which you can download or make yourself.
Hidden in Plain Sight http://store.steampowered.com/app/303590/ on Steam. Requires controllers though. Various game modes, you play in teams with the idea of beating the other team by either working out which people they are on the screen or not letting them work out who you are - and you have to work out who you are yourself as well in some of them!
Quite fun, especially when trying to convince other players to take out a person who may or may not be another player so you can get away yourself.