Gaming Laptop Inquiry, MSI or Asus?

Firstly, thanks for anyone who reply or participate in my inquiry.

Just one simple question actually, that is if there is a choice for the MSI GE60 2Pl and the ASUS G550JK to choose from for gaming, which one is better, the ASUS is $100 more expensive. Price are both about $1300.


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    I'd go the MSI, just browsing the specs it has a bigger battery, mSATA SSD, better networking, and its a bit lighter.
    The mSATA SSD is great, make it much faster. The ASUS seems to only have mechanical HDD options which is a deal breaker right there, of course you could put in your own SSD but thats a hassle and you lose capacity. With the MSI you get dual storage with the speed of the mSATA SSD and the capacity of the standard SATA HDD.. I haven't got any personal experience with either so you should probably try check out some reviews as well. I do like the look of the ASUS better though, and its thinner.

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    I'd go with the MSI based on specs, but get what you think suits you better. You won't notice an extra 10% fps, but you'll notice an ugly laptop every time you use it.

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    They are both very similar laptops. GE60 has a faster HDD and a slightly better battery. MSI can have pretty inconsistent drivers, but Asus tends to stop supporting their products (sometimes) not too long after launch. Choice is yours, I would just save the $100 - you're not gaining anything to justify the price difference.

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