Digital copy of Harry potter 6?

Just picked up a copy of Harry Potter 6 from Coles for 5 bucks/ Got a coupon inside for downloading a digital copy of HP6 online. Tried to download it, need to install a software and some copyright modules in the computer. Then I stopped!

Did anyone download such a copy? Can we use that in other computer? How large is it? How do you feel?

Very hesitate to run anything from Microsoft or any copyright owner, always stuffed up the computer!


  • I started doing this too, it took too long and you had to install Warner Brothers programs. So slow. So annoying. So many hoops. So I gave up. I give this a big negative.

    On the other hand the one for the Wolverine (a Fox DVD) was really quite simple. It imported the video to itunes for you.

  • Whenever they re-release DVDs you'll find that they are nearly all 1 DVD (i.e. movie and digital copy on the same disc) with a digital copy included now, trying to combat downloading. They just re released night @ the Museum, ice age 1+2 and a heap more like this. The WHV Program isn't really bad, just annoying to set up the initial time..
    I do think if they really want to push forward with their digital copies, it would be extremely beneficial to everyone if distributors had some sort of uniformity.

  • Do you know what format/size the digital copy is in? I'd be wanting to copy onto my PS3.

  • Yep, massive hassle, and when I try and send a support request the page doesn't function correctly, blocking messages being sent!

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