This was posted 9 years 10 months 15 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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[Amazon] Corsair Vengeance Blue 16GB (2x 8GB) DDR3 1600MHz Memory US $111.69 + $6.04 Shipping

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Quite cheap for a pair of 16GB RAM. Works out to be around $151 AUD depending on your bank/card.

Cheapest at MSY right now is a pair of Patriot Viper GREEN for $165.

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • +8

    I'd probably go for the slightly cheaper Crucial Ballistix kit. (106.99 + 5.59 USD)

    Speeds are the same but doesn't have the tall heatsinks which can hinder some CPU coolers.

    • +6

      Actually the Crucial Ballistix kit has tighter timings (9-9-9-24 vs 10-10-10-27) so should be faster.

      • Strange. This proves that good looking appearance doesn't mean faster speed

        • Very minimal difference in terms of performance. When shopping for RAM just buy the cheapest pair that fits or matches your colour scheme :)

        • +2


          Bought this Corsair when it's 150.55 December, I can't help but have a massive regret now….
          I just notice after intense frequent visit to ozbargain.
          Gee , Ozbargain does teach you how to get a real bargain and refer you to a durable & reliable products.
          I wish I noticed this website decades ago, great community as well

    • This can also be used in the n40/n54l microserver.

    • Nice, pity I can't afford to upgrade from 8GB right now. Would be AUD 153.23 shipped for me.

  • +9

    It annoys me so much that $150 for this is considered cheap and a good price.

    I bought this exact RAM kit in 2012 for $95 and three years later the same kit costs more for me to add another 16GB

    • +1

      That's when the aussie dollar wasn't down the crappers but above parity with the $USD.

      • +6

        AUD isn't the cause of the price rise though was due to some apparent warehouses in thailand being burnt down then demand increased while supply diminished because even taking our exchange rate into consideration price of RAM like all technology should have gotten cheaper over time.

        Our dollar has dropped about 25% but price of ram doubled

        • +1

          he's right, I bought the Samsung wonder ram for 2*4GB for like $28 back then…

          don't think I can ever get myself to buy another pair of rams at this rate…

        • +1

          Yes but the 25% drop in dollar value didn't help either. Combination of a lack of supply and dropping dollar value like a double blow. But it's true that the dollar value was above parity with the $USD in 2012 and also an oversupply of RAM during the time making the price even lower. That was the days to buy ram when it was cheap. Be kicking self not to have bought up RAM during the time.

        • @hollykryten: yeah i know i just said it's not the cause

        • I thought it was partially due to Samsung having more power over the market because they went through several chicken games which made other companies to go bankrupt?

        • -1

          Actually, the change in the dollar accounts for almost all of the rise. If you adjust for AUD/USD, the price difference is only $5-$10.

        • +1


          $111.69 USD = $145 AUD. That's more than only a $5-10 difference. More like about a $33 difference.

          If the $AUD was still above parity with the $USD this would probably be about $105 AUD. Pity the aussie dollar went down the gurgler. Now it's $145 AUD.

        • -1


          In 2012 the product was AU$95 ~= US$103 when the AUD was above parity.

          $111.69 - $103 < $10 actual price change.

    • +2

      Yep bought a ram kit 2 years ago for around 90 bucks, sold it last year for about 130. I guess it's the same deal with hard drives as well.

    • +1

      I feel your pain…I bought a G.Skill Ares 16GB 1866 kit for about $100 and a 4x4 Corsair Vengence 1600 kit for about the same in 2012. The last computer I built (for my girlfriend) is using recycled OCZ Gold Low Voltage 2x2GB that I pulled out of my computer in 2012 whlist i have been waiting for RAM pricing to come back down.

    • I bought 2x4gb ripjaws back in 2012 and it cost 50 dollars and I just bought another 2x4gb for double the price due to my usage hitting the 8gb limit. Quite sad that I did not just grab 16gb back then.

    • +1

      Ah, I thought I was imagining things because I was recently looking to add some rams to my old system (5yo), and realised they were a LOT more expensive than what I remembered them to be…

    • +2

      I bought a 4x4GB Vengeance set for $99 at the start of 2013. RAM prices are unbelievably sh*t these days.

    • +1

      If you think that's expensive, try building an X99 based system with DDR4…. Yeesh!

    • It's good if you want to upgrade to ddr4 and sell your old ddr3 ram :)

  • I have a question, even if you want to get just one 8GB, would it be cheaper to get this one and try to sell the other one?

    • +1

      16 GB (2x8gb) cost like 200 in australia now so you could probably sell the other stick for 80-100

  • $14 difference worth the return postage when the ram is DOA..?

    • +1

      Amazon refunds you the return postage.

      • I have no problem buying things from Amazon but for $14 I would probably prefer to get it from an Australian retailer.

  • +3

    Will this convert my 5yo macbook into a gaming machine and play GTAV?

    • +20

      You are not worthy of joining the PcMasterRace yet, it seems.

    • I'm sure these wont fi in a macbook.

    • Doubt your memory is the limiting factor. Check for graphics card to see if it's up to it. I doubt it will be.

    • -3

      Get real, a stupid Macbook can not be transformed to a gaming PC.
      I used to run WoW on a Macbook Pro (cost me $4,200 at the time) and it ran like a dog.

      Alienware is the closest thing to get a decent gaming experience, yet nothing like a pro desktop

      • +11

        TightBottom was clearly joking.

        Alienware is the closest thing to get a decent gaming experience

        Cannot tell if serious.

        • I cannot decipher your hidden argument, are you saying Alienware Laptops cannot offer a decent gaming experience in the grand scheme of laptops?

        • @frostman:

          I think Johnno was thinking that there are other laptop alternatives that provide the same or even better gaming experience than Alienware

        • @aim54x:

          Potentially, however the underlying argument is that unless you have a "gaming laptop" there are no upgrades to a standard laptop (even high end ones) unless they're build for gaming.

      • Actually, you probably can game on a mac now with the new thunderbolt eGPUs enclosures on the market.

        • Yeah you can if you go into the Video Settings of the game and select Resolution = 1024x768

      • +1

        Let me borrow both of your hands so I can Quadruple facepalm my own face

  • Any cheap 8gb kits put there?

  • +2

    oh BTW, until the shitty AUD gets a bit better, we need to let our Ozbargainers know that whatever enticing discount on the products via amazon, know that you will be paying ~ 35% when converting to the shitty AUD that the shitty government plan to keep low for their shitty agendas

    So to get a deal from Amazon, you will need to find an item that is discounted by -50% or more to be worthwhile.

    • Yes, the govt won't be happy until we have 0% interest rates (and a dollar worth 50 cents US) to pump up the prices of baby boomer owned rental properties. Though in world prices the houses wold still be worth less, just the $AU price high.

  • Damn, just bought 8GB (2x4GB) G.Skill for $100 during the recent eBay sale. Should have waited.

  • Can these be used in laptops like my Lenovo Y580?

    • +3

      Nope. You need SO-DIMM RAM.

    • No this is for desktops.

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