Android apps from 15cLooks like you have to be logged in and you will see "Games Up to 70% Off" when you go to the Play Store
Time to use some credits
Android apps from 15cLooks like you have to be logged in and you will see "Games Up to 70% Off" when you go to the Play Store
Time to use some credits
"We're sorry, the requested URL was not found on this server." must be rolling out just now. Try again in a bit and maybe it'll work.
Once you log in, Play Store home page, should be below the "Free Music Trial" thingy.
Shows up as a category in the games page for me.
Yep that works!
Yep, only 7 new from EA.
Anyone know which games are worth picking up?
Finally something to use my >$10 google credit on (thanks Google Opinion Rewards)
But wait, some of these look like junk. As lucksmith asked, anything worthwhile?
Dead Space if you're into it…
Wait till circle enix sale
Well, I just bought Plants vs Zombies and it doesn't launch on my Lollipop Xperia Z3 Tablet.
So that's nice…
EDIT: Does launch on my KitKat Z3 Compact phone, though.
Plants vs zombies was free on Amazon two days ago.
I recommend against the HandyGames titles, they're 15c for a reason. I bought 5 of them to use up some credit and deleted all of them within a few minutes.
The Guns'n'Glory tower defense titles are just poorly done. Very generic gameplay.
1941 Fronzen Front's a tank game where all tanks face the same way - they couldn't even be bothered to flip the models so opponents face each other. Again unrefined and generic.
Townsmen is decent but bugs galore - townsmen constantly get stuck, research menu inaccessible once buildings are upgraded, many building functions don't work as they should.
All titles had ads even though you're paying for the "ad free premium" version and the amount of constant nags for inapp purchases was ridiculous.
PayToWin games, with ads, after paying for them. Poor fools actually paid full price??
Here's to hoping they go-under!
These are effectively free for those with Google Rewards credit:…
Everything is free in life, if you have enough credit.
Thanks a lot, had a ton of credit to spend, been waiting ages for NBA
My concerns with the EA games on sale is that they haven't been updated in over a year.
This means most won't even open up in Lollipop 5.0.1, Plants vs. Zombies being one of them.
logged in, cant see banner