Just in time for the weekend.
You can watch Orphan Black Season 1 @ Amazon Instant Video Today only
8.5/10 Rating on IMDB
96% Rating @ Rotten Tomatoes
4.7/5 Rating @ Amazon Instant Video
No VPN or Prime Required
Just in time for the weekend.
You can watch Orphan Black Season 1 @ Amazon Instant Video Today only
8.5/10 Rating on IMDB
96% Rating @ Rotten Tomatoes
4.7/5 Rating @ Amazon Instant Video
No VPN or Prime Required
dat DRM
Great show
Both seasons are on AU Netflix, just FYI.
Clearly you have a more exciting life than I
netflix is throwing about 3 month free subscriptions though
then again, i'd say most of us who are fans are already up to date on this show
Just because you're not interested in the deal (watching 10 hours of TV for free on one day) doesn't mean it's not a deal.
And real question is real cost for any of the providers and SBS for later confusion http://www.sbs.com.au/ondemand/about/#/Menu/Search/orphan+bl… FYI
First episodes of season 2 expire tomorrow
Pity it's not a free pass to see the new series adaption of Phillip K Dick's "The Man in the High Castle"
I'd binge on that! :)
Thanks, have not and do not know why I have not read the book. Now I have a start to watch show. The rotten tomatoes is high http://www.rottentomatoes.com/tv/the-man-in-the-high-castle/….
Being an Amazon series is interesting , I assume viewing will be by VIP network .
i=n as the deslicit speller said. I think I read that Mr. Dick was also.
Yeah I want to see this series. Love the book.
I didn't realise we can get amazon instant video. So if we get a firetv that will be a better tv solution
that picture's pretty creepy…
It reminds me of the "Mulligrubs" kids show from the late 80's/early 90's. I agree. It's creepy.
No VPN or Prime needed, but:
"Your credit card must be issued from a bank in the United States."
Aussie credit card and worked fine with me.
Anyway, it's probably expired by now
Needs to install Silverlight… bleh. What happened to good ol' HTML5 WebM video.