Special price for the SK-II Facial Treatment Essence 330ml
AU$199 Delivered (Free Shipping) from now to Apr/20.
Special price for the SK-II Facial Treatment Essence 330ml
AU$199 Delivered (Free Shipping) from now to Apr/20.
Gee that's expensive distilled water (sic)
@jv that's the coolest feature I've ever seen. Bravo Google!
YES AUD199 is a very very great price.
Most ladies like the SK-II Essence. I believe they will be happy with that :)
Rep, any deals on the Magnetic eye care kit?
@charlie123 Nice! That's very popular. We definitely will do something with it. Follow us for the deal!
SK-II Facial Treatment Essence 330ml
For $200 I'd expect concentrate…
Does it have ground up chicken teeth in it or something?
You need to add the decimal point between the first and second number.