if you compare our prices to others we are incredible value for money with our competitors.
Thank you for your feedback.
head over to www.facebook.com/bigbedding like our page and go in the running to win either 1 of 5 $25 vouchers or a Free Wool Chamber Pillow.
if you compare our prices to others we are incredible value for money with our competitors.
Thank you for your feedback.
That may be true but I'll always accept a free pillow.
Well you have a 1 in 2000 chance :P
negative nelly! lol
if you where a battery you'd have 2 negative charges! lol
For a start, this 'competition' has no close "date", it finishes when you reach 2000 likes (not that you put that in the post).
And given that 5 out of the 6 prizes are for a $25 voucher to a store that this community has decided isn't very good value for money, this is really just a spam cometition because you cant post any more 'deals'.
God I wish I could neg vote a competition post.