Hi All,
I have an observation that I would like to share.
I moved far away from my work place and had been driving on the motorway quite a bit. Due to the nature of work, I leave home early and come home late when there isn't much traffic around.
I drive a tiny 1.4l Nissan Micra and admittedly I always drive 105-110km/h on a 100 road (please don't judge me).
I check my speedometer against my GPS and my partner's iPhone to ensure my speedometer was calibrated correctly. I always drive in the middle lane (3 lanes motorway) since i'm not exactly slow doing 10kms over the limit.
What I noticed is that almost every single car coming up behind will overtake me despite the speed that I'm driving at. A lot of them after overtaking would merge back in the middle lane and slow down to the speed limit.
Recently I bought a new G-TR, WRX, Mazda3 Sp25. Now although I drive at exactly the same time in the morning, same speed (check against speedometer, same GPS and same iPhone). Other drivers don't overtake anymore, they stay behind and follow at a safe distance. My partner whom drives the same car noticed it too.
So what do you guys think? Can the car you drive somehow mislead other road users how of fast you are going?
@goraygo: mate i know more about cars and the real world than you do. You clearly live in a fantasy land if you think a 200sx is doing 240km/ph with significant rear downforce. Follow me on instagram if you like tomj00 and you can follow my real world adventures with real world cars