This was posted 9 years 10 months 19 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC] Humble Origin Bundle 2 - Pay What You Want


Pay what you want ($1 min for keys):

  • Dragon Age: Origins (Steam, Origin) **
  • Peggles (Steam, Origin)
  • Dead Space 2 (Steam, Origin)
  • Medal of Honor: Allied Assault War Chest (Origin) *
  • Command and Conquer Generals + Zero Hour (Origin)

Beat the average to get:

  • Plant Vs Zombies: Garden Warfare (Origin)
  • Dragon Age 2 (Origin) **
  • Bejeweled 3 (Steam, Origin)
  • Mass Effect 2 (Steam, Origin)

"Newly" added games for BTA ****:

  • Sim City 2000 (Origin)
  • Wing Commander III: Heart of the Tiger (Origin)
  • Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom (Origin)
  • Ultima VII: The Complete Edition (Origin)

* Medal of Honor: Allied Assault War Chest includes Medal of Honor: Allied Assault and its two expansions: Spearhead and Breakthrough, Multiplayer unavailable for this title
** You can get Dragon Age Promotional Items Giveaway from BioWare as well. Credits to PlayerOne for the original deal and Curiosity for mentioning it.
*** Credits to Lysander. EA Korea, on facebook, posted a post about Humble Origin Bundle 2 with lists of games that are going to be added (Probably). Link to ozbargain post of list of games + Facebook post by Lysander.
**** If you bought the Bundle before this was released (and have paid for BTA), the Origin key is available.

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closed Comments

  • +10

    I personally think kaneissik would've done far better job than I did in posting this deal.

    That being said I wanted to go to sleep after sharing Dragon Age: Origin steam key (as I already have the ultimate edition on steam). Not sure what's going to happen to be exact, since I did claim the whole origin code on the origin account of mine.

    Anyway, have a lovely day/morning/whatever word is appropriate, to the person who's going to claim the code. Also if it is not too much for me to ask, please do indicate that it's taken if you claim it, I don't want people to jump on then get rejected because it's already taken.

    • +7

      Thanks AznMitch, claimed the key

    • Your post is fine! I'm glad you posted this as I've been busy on a business trip for the past week. Great write-up and deal!

      • But you write so much details onto these.
        I really wanted to write the lowest price it came out to and hour/price thing that you always write, I simply didn't know how to :(

        • +1

          As many others are aware there's a website called isthereanydeal where you can compare prices with other vendors and see historical low prices. You can also install an extension called EnhancedSteam which adds a lot of functionality to the Steam store which you can see here. As you can see it speeds up parts of the post!

  • Dragon age origins for a buck. Incredible.
    And beat the average games are great as well. probably one of the best bundles I have seen.

    • +7

      It was completely free earlier this year…

    • +1

      But isnt Dragon age quite an old game (2009)?

      • Only just started playing it a few days ago,

        For a game that is around six years old it is still a great game!

      • It's a classic, even though it has been free as a part of promotion, I still think $1 is amazing value just for Dragon Age: Origin (if you don't have it and if you don't plan to get the DLCs).

  • Awesome. Here's hoping me3 will be part of the free games to be added.

  • +3

    C&C Generals + Expansion for a buck!
    I also checked the previous Humble Bundle Origin sale, and it had Dead Space 1+3 but not 2, so this Pay What You Want bundle with DS2 completes it.

    • So sad that EA discontinued the developed of C&C series :(

      • +2

        Story in the Tiberian Sun/Red Alert was going nowhere, all out of ideas atm. Remember how bad was the plot in C&C4?
        They probably would re-do Generals in distant future but for now 3rd party mods is all we have.

  • Does beat the average mean the advertised average at the time of your payment?

    Or is the average $ calculated at the end of the sale?

    If so PvZ is cheap for $5! Tried out the trial which was fun, not sure if i'll have time to play it though :(

    • +2

      Average at the time of your payment. If you pay more than the $4.47(current average) for example $4.48 you wil get all games instantly

    • And because you need to beat the average to get the expanded games lost but only $1 for tier 1. The average goes up.

  • Great deal!! Hope there will be need for speed game added later.

  • oh damn you cant gift the codes for games you already own :(

    • +2

      You can for the Steam keys, but not for Origin.

  • +5

    Nice bundle… but wish they didn't include Peggle, Bejeweled 3, or DA: Origins… all those were previous On The House deals on Origin and waters down the value for many of us IMHO.

    Was hoping that they'd put the entire C&C collection in as it can go as low as $10 if I remember correctly so $1 for Generals isn't particularly a deal for those who plan to buy the entire C&C pack. And I agree that a NFS game or two would rock. Namely the Criterion ones.

    Still gave it a +1 but for the time being, I'll wait till more games are unlocked.

    • Yep I got it for $10 a few years ago so it's definitely weird they didn't give it away.

    • I got lucky - freakishly only missed out on claiming those specific On The House deals (I have BF1942, BF3, Dead Space, PvZ, SimCity 2000, Syndicate, Theme Hospital), so I am still getting full value.

      I know this is for charity, but I do agree a Criterion NFS game would be sweet. ;)

      I guess there's always a Humble Origin Bundle 3…

      • More games to be added soon, stay tuned!

        • Hope they add Most Wanted and Hot Pursuit as the extra games… but if they did a bundle with just NFS games… Underground, Underground 2, Most Wanted (original), Carbon, Undercover, Shift, Shift 2, Hot Pursuit (rebooted), Most Wanted (rebooted), and Rivals, that would be one hell of a pack.

        • @Mugsy: It's all revealed… Since I don't want to spoil it, I didn't post it but rather posted the link to the post about it on ozbargain. None of the things that you want are on the list that was leaked :(

        • @AznMitch: Thanks for that mate. Two of those games in the reveal have been On The House deals in the past. No deal for me.

          Now what I'd like to see is that the games in the bundle that haven't been On The House deals become On The House deals!

  • Anyone else being told their Bejeweled 3 steam key is invalid by steam, or is it just me?

    • Because it's an Origin key.

      • No because there is only one key for Origin(one key activate all games) and 4 keys for Steam (1 key for Bejeweled 3)

    • If you have problems with the keys you can contact HumbleBundle support. I had a problem with one key(Origin bundle #1) I tried to active a game around one year after I bought that bundle and the key didn't work but they helped me(Good support).

    • Bejeweled 3 activated fine on Steam for me.

    • Thanks for the replys. Will contact humble support.

  • +1

    Awesome price on garden warfare even if it was by itself! Thanks op :)

  • +3

    heres mass effect 2 on steam GONE

    some other games

    just cause

    zeno clash

    • +1

      Thanks mate, just claimed zeno clash. Won't get greedy as I've played just cause already :)

    • +1

      Thanks aleg got Just Cause.

  • Can/should Mass Effect 2 be played without having played Mass Effect 1?

    • +6

      It certainly can be played without having played ME1, but there are some characters who you might not appreciate the importance/story of if you haven't played ME1. Plus there's something to be said for continuing a character and having plot points be unique to your character.

      Having said that, ME2 is (IMO) definitely the better game.

      FWIW, I wouldn't be surprised if ME1 is one of the additional games that gets added in a week's time.

      • +1

        Having said that, ME2 is (IMO) definitely the better game.

        I can't fathom why people keep saying this unless it's because ME1 is now a hazy, faded memory eclipsed by the let down of ME3's ending and overshadowed by the superior BioWare RPG's that have come since. It's just not true.

        ME2 has the most frustrating, anti-climatic combat in the series that consists of staring at the side of a crate or wall for the majority of a battle and waiting for laser-accurate enemies with scientifically-impossible rates of fire to reload so you can finally take them out. Popping out from cover is a death sentence and annoying splash-based biotic/explosive weapons force you out from cover to be bullet-sponged to death because your character has to do a stupid 5-second, "disoriented" animation before moving again. There's absolutely no reason to play ME2 as anything other than a pure Soldier; it's just needlessly more tiresome and frustrating and not as versatile of an experience.

        Your character accidentally and repeatedly sticks to cover points from the wrong direction when you're simply running around (i.e. crouched-down with your back exposed and turned to the enemy) at the most inopportune of times when a missile is 3 seconds away from impact because the sprint key is also the take cover key, and the larger, set-piece battles were all just variations of the same silly, chess board map templates with 3-4 progressively harder groups of enemies scattered in a linear fashion with some cover points interspersed between.

        The skill tree is non-existent in ME2 as with ME3 and just consists of maxing out all of the ammunition type upgrades for the extra damage and your class "Mastery" skill which combines as many as 6 or 7 previous individuals skills in ME1 into one overly simplified combo that allows for no choice. The skill tiers are now separated by multiple points, so you there's no smooth progression to levelling where you see your skill allocations make little differences over time, you just make lumbering leaps in damage/survivability from meat shield to over-powered in 3 steps.

        Powers were effectively useless until you hit the maximum level and evolved them into a choice of 2 permanent specialisations. The powers in general are severely limited by the global cool downs and shields and health accumulate at a fixed rate with each level up, unlike in ME1 where they're independent of player level. It's also next-to-impossible to miss out on the obviously placed weapon upgrades in various levels unlike ME1's highly randomised loot. Heck it's next-to-impossible to miss out on anything in ME2 and ME3 as the levels are mere fenced-in playgrounds compared to the sprawling, alien surfaces you landed on in the first game. The vehicular platforming sections of ME2 were just ridiculously devoid of action and needlessly drawn out quests to simply manoeuvre around an alien obstacle course while stopping by to raid an occasional compound.

        ME1's skill tree not only allowed for a huge variety of differing builds but made your skill allocations count (sub-optimal skill tree progression made things way more difficult for you), and the weapons and ammunition types were highly upgradeable and come in a ton of varieties (as do the suits).

        The Power Wheel pause screen was also sorely missed in ME2 and ME3 and rendered your squadmates virtually useless and more often than not, liabilities who simply just Leeroy Jenkins'd themselves to death. The move commands and squad powers couldn't be issued with much precision (your reticle had little correlation to where a squadmate would move to) and having to rely on hard-bound keybindings that weren't really intuitive was batsh*t insane (the Spacebar performing 3 different actions depending on your context was idiocy).

        Mass Effect 2 and 3 did away with so much customisability and personalisation options, as well as becoming consolised to death, that they feel more like canonical games set in the same universe, done by different developers, than true sequels.

        As for story; there are no moments in the sequels that top Vigil's and Sovereign's monologues in ME1. None. That's about as fine as script-writing and voice-acting can get in modern-day RPGs.

        • +1

          Reasons why I prefer ME2 to ME1:
          * ME1's loot was a cumbersome system that slowed down the first half of the game, and broke the second half (due to access to Spectre gear)
          * ME1's exploration of random planets was almost always a complete waste of time
          * Subjective, but IMO ME1's side missions were a lot more boring than ME2
          * I found the interactions with ME2's characters were a lot more in-depth
          * IMO AI was a lot better in ME2 than ME1 (both squadmates and enemies). The number of times NPCs would get stuck somewhere in ME1 was infuriating.
          * As I see it, ME1's talent system was actually a lot more boring, with the split 4th level of ME2 actually requiring you to make a choice. I disagree that suboptimal choices in ME1 made things a lot more difficult.
          * I preferred the cover based combat system of ME2 compared to run & gun of ME1. IMO it made squad placement more important, rather than in ME1 having you just ignore your squadmates because it wastes more time dealing with them.
          * Last, but certainly not least: elevators. Oh god the ME1 elevators…

          Ultimately it's going to be personal preference, but FWIW on metacritic both the reviewer and user scores are higher for ME2 than ME1, so I think in general you're in the minority.

        • @CarbonTwelve: There's no way around the fact that "streamlining" or "simplifying" an RPG equates to dumbing it way the hell down.

          You seem to want something other than an actual RPG; like a Sci-Fi based FPS, of which there are countless competitors to satisfy your base urges. Why such a novel and promising franchise needed to be dragged down to the depths of Triple-A mediocrity when there are already so many forgettable Sci-Fi shooters out there, is beyond me. Actually it's not, because BioWare was riding on the coattails of the first game, like 9 out of 10 sequels do, and milked that cash cow for all it was worth with two pitiful sequels.

          There is no variety in character builds in ME2/ME3. You pick an ammunition type and 1-2 skills and spam them for the entire game. There are no unique pick-ups in any of the side quests. There is no exploration. Rather than improve ME1's failings (i.e. Inventory/Mako sequences), BioWare just gutted them and left you less to do. How hard would it have been to increase the drop rates of useful gear and lower the drop rates of clutter, FFS?

          ME2's story is worthless. You do nothing important, nothing affects anything, and ultimately, as the budget Sovereign knock-off Harbinger puts it, "This changes nothing". I couldn't agree more.

          The one and only decision in ME2 that could be carried over to ME3 with any real impact is the choice between keeping or destroying the Collector base during the final mission. The rest of the game has to do Shepard's relationships with his crew members and certain allies, the majority of which are not reprised in ME3. Whoop-dee-doo. Alien sex scenes.

          ME1's exploration of random planets was almost always a complete waste of time

          Still beats scanning 30 planets to find the lone one with any Element Zero on it.

          Last, but certainly not least: elevators. Oh god the ME1 elevators…

          Loading screens taking you out of the game every 5 minutes with those Powerpoint graphics and swirling ship animations are much better, aren't they?

          FWIW on metacritic both the reviewer and user scores are higher for ME2 than ME1, so I think in general you're in the minority.

          Casuals outnumber fans. In other news, the sky is blue.

          The point isn't even that ME2 allows you to ignore the RPG elements, it encourages you to.

          In what other RPG can you start a new character, never research a weapon or upgrade, never open the level up screen, never do anything RPG-related, and merely play the game as a 3rd-person shooter and complete it just fine?

          Try playing Final Fantasy without dabbling in the leveling up/gearing/speccing/planning elements and see how quickly you fail.

          Mass Effect 2 and 3 are RPGs that literally "play themselves", and do whatever they can to try and fool you into thinking they're very different from Gears of War.

        • +1

          @Amar89: I think you are going too far in your argument, I am getting the gist that you are almost going "If you like ME 2 over ME 1, you are a 'casual' player". Nothing wrong with being a casual player of course, despite what some people might say.

          I think I thought ME2 was better, in gameplay aspect at least, than ME1 when I started ME2 after finishing ME1. As you've said, it might be because of my "now a hazy, faded memory".

          I cannot remember what made me think it, I think it might actually be because they've reduced the amount of RPG elements in it, and introduced cover system. I think I liked how reduction in RPG elements made TPS elements stand out more. If you look at it from a RPG player perspective, I guess it can be seen as being regressed. I simply think those "regressions" made the game more enjoyable, at least for me, because it made TPS elements to stand out more. Though this might from how I believe games can get away with having simplified elements if it makes them more fun to play.

        • +1


          There's no way around the fact that "streamlining" or "simplifying" an RPG equates to dumbing it way the hell down.

          Not necessarily true. Streamlining a game by removing clumsy elements doesn't have to mean the game is dumbed down. But regardless, 'dumbing it down' isn't inherently a bad thing anyway.

          You seem to want something other than an actual RPG

          Well, actually I enjoy RPGs more than any other genre. Yes, ME2 is less of a 'core RPG' than ME1. That doesn't mean it's inherently a worse game.

          There is no variety in character builds in ME2/ME3.

          There are differences in playstyles between classes. Yes, there wasn't much variety within a class. I didn't miss it.

          Rather than improve ME1's failings (i.e. Inventory/Mako sequences), BioWare just gutted them and left you less to do. How hard would it have been to increase the drop rates of useful gear and lower the drop rates of clutter, FFS?

          I don't think it would've been easy, but regardless I didn't miss the loot or the Mako sequences either.

          ME2's story is worthless.

          Subjective. I quite liked ME2's story.

          Still beats scanning 30 planets to find the lone one with any Element Zero on it.

          Completely disagree. Spending 30+ minutes with every single planet you wanted to explore only to be disappointed was for me just a colossal waste of time. In ME2 30 minutes of mining would get you about half the resources you needed for the entire game.

          Loading screens taking you out of the game every 5 minutes with those Powerpoint graphics and swirling ship animations are much better, aren't they?

          Yes, they are better, because they're only restricted by the speed of your disk, rather than the elevators being a fixed amount of time even if you're running off an SSD.

          Casuals outnumber fans. In other news, the sky is blue.

          Rofl, not sure by what criteria you can ascertain that someone is casual, let alone what that even means. Sorry, but once you start labelling people as 'casual', you're really struggling to make a sound argument.

          In what other RPG can you start a new character, never research a weapon or upgrade, never open the level up screen, never do anything RPG-related, and merely play the game as a 3rd-person shooter and complete it just fine?

          Ever play Ultima VIII? No level up screens, very little difference in gear, primarily focused on story. Ultima VIII was one of my favourite games when I was young, and the style of Mass Effect reminds me of it quite a bit.

          Mass Effect 2 and 3 are RPGs that literally "play themselves", and do whatever they can to try and fool you into thinking they're very different from Gears of War.

          It seems to me that you have a real bug bear about ME2/ME3 not being what many would call a 'core RPG'. You're right, they're not. That doesn't mean that they're bad games. They're different. ME2 places much less focus on stats (both via loot and talents), making much less of a game about long term planning. Clearly that's not to your tastes, and I'm actually glad that people like different things. I preferred ME2's focus on story & combat, as that's what ME1 excelled at. IMO, if you want a loot/skill/planning focused 3D RPG, play something like Dragon Age, where they actually do a good job of those elements.

          Ultimately, none of this is going to change that people in general (including me) preferred ME2 over ME1 (however, ME3 is a different matter entirely, but let's not get into that).

        • +2

          To throw in my $0.02, I think there are merits to both arguments, and both are fantastic games. The plot of ME1 is exceptional, and is superior to ME2 which is largely character rather than story driven. Having said that, the ME2 characters were certainly interesting, and the final ME2 mission was fantastic.

          Personally I have no issues with the simplification in ME2 of the weapons and armour system. The ME1 inventory system was appallingly bad and more complicated than it needed to be - super clunky, and after a while, super annoying. ME2 did go a bit too far with that, but at the same time was more realistic. After all, is Space Jesus really going to loot the bodies of dead enemies after every fight and then put their armour on?

          The ME2 character customisation in terms of powers and abilities was far too simple, as with the weapons system it's something that ME3 addressed pretty well. The biggest flaw with ME2, to me, is that it didn't feel like ME1, and a large part of that is due to the Mako. Call it flawed, but it was a great vehicle, and on quest planets (Ilos, Noveria, Feros) it really gave each of them a lot of scope and scale. You could see how far away this other base was, it wasn't just an abstract concept - in games like this I think that the journey is as important as the destination, and that was something that ME2 really lacked.

    • +6

      If you're after the epic storyline, playing ME1 first is a MUST. One of the aspects of ME2 that made it such a fantastic game was how it, as a sequel, followed on from your actions and storyline from ME1.

      However, after going back to play ME1 after having finished the whole series, it is clear that ME1 has not aged very well as a game. It's clunky and the side quests are quite repetitive.

    • Just adding to what CarbonTwelve said, there are plot points that gets carried over from the savefile of ME1 that gets defaulted if you start from ME2. I don't want to spoil the storyline, but I personally think the optimal choices are actually those you can get with the savefiles of ME1. This being said, you can always get the savefile creator by googling that allows you to change those.

    • +4

      It was a while back, but when I first played Mass Effect and the music hit on that menu I got excited for a video game, like a little kid again. Gameplay improves over each game, but Mass Effect has a great story to it.

  • Oh wow DA:O Been a few years since i played that

  • +1

    Cheers AznMitch, cant wait to play Garden Warfare on k&m!

  • Dead Space 2 is the best game on the list. A pity then that I own a copy on steam, origin and xbox already…

  • I dont really get how to get the best deal with these humble bundles…should we actually wait for more games in the bundle? or buy right away??

    • +4

      if you like the current offering - buy it.
      when new games get added they add to the list you've bought. - bonus.

      • really?? I thought you only get the list of games displayed at the time of payment… so that means we should buy the games asap?

        • +2

          Yes what dasher86 said is correct

        • @hoftos: Thanks dasher86 and hoftos! :) Bought!

        • @homersyd:
          No worries,
          Here is the script directly from the website when you click on the more games question mark.

          More games coming soon!
          More games will be added to this bundle next Tuesday at 11:00 a.m. Pacific!

          If you pay more than the average at your time of purchase, you'll automatically unlock even more games when they arrive! Keep checking the site and prepare to be surprised and delighted!

  • No DLC for super old games like DA:O and ME2 seems like a shameless cash grab…

    • +7

      Yeah selling all these for $5 is so greedy

      • +4

        I still bought it of course, free is free, and it's a good deal.

        …but did you know the DLC to make that copy of DA:O complete will cost you $80? For a game from 2009?

        Many ozbargainers won't bother to play an imcomplete version of this game - we have dozens of great games waiting in our steam libraries.

        Doesn't ruin the deal, just be aware what you're really getting…

        • I still bought it of course, free is free

          But it's not free?

        • +1

          @Brouw3r: I think s/he might be referring to either:
          1. Was going to buy humble bundle anyways even without DA:O, so DA:O feels like an added in bonus.
          2. Got it from the promotion they've ran for DA:I

    • +1

      oh how much dlc is in the DA:O and ME2 franchises and are they major game changers or minor quests / features additions or just mainly new armor/etc/aesthetics? also how much if anybody can answer?

      • +2

        There's a lot of DLC, and it becomes VERY expensive. For ME2 there is both weapon/armor packs that don't cost that much, and there's story DLC that is more expensive. Are they necessary for the main plot? No. Are they fun and do they add to the story? Absolutely.

        • +2

          Cool thanks Captain Obvious that was a perfect and 'obvious' explanation.. see what i did there.. see what did there.. huh no..? :( ok.. lol.. i am now a sadpanda.. /sadpanda

  • Holy crap you jumped on this deal fast, you must have been browsing the Humble site when it was posted ;)

    • I got this bundle when only 8000ish bundles were sold at the time. As a result I ended up paying around 30c more for BTA, didn't think about the fact that there are organisations and peopel who pay thousands of dollars on the bundle.

  • +8

    Free DLC for Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age II (PC, XBOX360 and PS33)

    Not sure if this is still working or not

    • Still working, Thanks!

      (FYI to everyone else: this is just in-game-items, though, not the expansion pack or missions, but if you wanted to buy all this with Bioware points you're probably looking at $40 or so)

    • fantastic that still works!

    • yep! still works
      'Success! Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age II promotional items have been entitled to your account. You can find the items, and instructions on how to access them in-game, on the registered game content page.'

    • I have edited the post so that it includes this as well.

      Thanks for bring it up. :)

  • So why would some ppl pay like $500 (in the top contributor section)??

    • +3

      Advertisement, probably.

    • +6

      Because it's a donation to charity.

      • +1

        Although it's probably non tax-deductible as you're getting something.

    • A couple have EA in their username, could be a bit of harmless price fixing?

      • Rofl. His $500 purchase raised the average by a whopping $0.001. What an asshole.

  • Does Deadspace 2 have the same control issues from being a direct console port, like the first game has?

    • Nah, it's vastly improved.

    • If you're talking about the mouse lag in DS1 (which by the way, could be resolved by forcing V-Sync in your GPU's control panel and disabling it in-game), then no, DS2 thankfully doesn't suffer from that.

      Plenty of really aggravating quick-time events though.

    • I remember having to hack a file and enter keyboard codes to reassign keys in Mass Effect 1 to the NumPad. An aweful experience. Skyrim also has the NumPad disabled, but there was a mod (just one small file) that renabled these key mappings (I think it was called Interface Hard Coded keys, if anyone, especially southpaws, is interested)

  • +3

    Great bundle, although what sucks is that DLC for ME2 and DA2 costs an arm and a leg.

  • +2

    Excellent. Now I have three copies of Peggle listed in my Origin library.

    • lol just realize i have 3 as well :P

  • +2

    How do you get the expansions for Dragon Age 1 and 2 for low cost? Probably better off buying the complete package from Amazon when it goes on sale next?

    • +1

      Yep. The ultimate edition of DA:O is the way to go rather than purchasing the DLC piecemeal.

  • Dragon Age: Origins Key 6RWT2-DPWP9-TM037 Please comment when you've taken it.

    • +1

      Already claimed by someone. Thanks anyway!

      • I despise the selfish person who did not bother to thank nor mention that they took the key. Same situation below too.

  • +2
    • claimed Dead Space 2, cheers!

    • DA: Origins has already been claimed. Thanks anyway!

    • The others have been used up too

  • -5

    Games are supposed to be played on Android devices, not PC.

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