Bunnings sells 275grams for $6.20
Masters sells 300grams for $6.99
Have a nice day
Bunnings sells 275grams for $6.20
Masters sells 300grams for $6.99
Have a nice day
Did you forget this is OzBargain?
It's a bigger % off than a lot of other so called bargains.
very special can't stop buy !!!
Great lube for Bender.
Too bad its not a lubricant. He will have to go in raw.
Multi purpose lubricant spray
These aren't the lube you're looking for
Is that the nickname for your penis?
Amazings! Lots of thankings OP!
try bring it to bunnings for pricematch for 10% extra
but Bunnings sells the 275ml bottle
Yep, Bunning's price beat is for identical products only, mainly for Bunning's exclusive products! lol
Seen these at the Reject Shop for around the same price, maybe a little cheaper.
Thanks for posting the deal :)
I didn't know it was a bargain. I actually felt it was a bit expensive.
First time I had bought it. I'm sharing the info because they may still be selling it and there are more Reject Shops than Aldis.
Are you sure there aren't more Aldi than reject shops
SMH, 12/2/14 "Aldi now has about 340 stores on the eastern seaboard and is expanding west, opening as many as 115 stores in South Australia and Western Australia."
Aldi website About Us - Property "The Reject Shop has 335 leasehold stores Australia-wide (as at Nov 2014)." No mention of freehold stores, so we can assume they lease all stores.
So, to summarise, as of late last year, RS had 335 leasehold stores. As of now, Aldi is boasting of over 300, SMH says 340 as of mid-February, 2014. Seems the expansion west is waiting on stores being built, As of now, its probably a close run thing, but with Aldi having a slight advantage. In the future, however, Aldi will be the clear winner.
$4.94 when you use the Masters price guarantee
Some ozbs collect these when SCA give out free member credits, after the usual $5 credit deduction, price comes down to free for 125g bottle and $5.88 for 425g or 350g with smart straw
I ran out recently and went for the lifetime supply option
A recycled household trigger bottle and I'll be squeak free for life, and might even have to pass it on in my will.
Is that bris as in Brisbane, or bris as in "I'm only 8 days old and already some geezer is whacking my foreskin off".
It's a circumcision "joke".
Can this be used as a replacement for KY? Definitely cheaper.
Ironically, WD40 was a product that was originally developed for nuclear missiles. So I guess you can apply it to your warhead.
I wouldn't use anything else on my Fat Man.
Apparently it can http://imjustcreative.com/hilarious-wd-40-vintage-advert/201… (yes I know it's fake)
A serious question.
I owned 2 bottles for the past 10 years and I can never finish a bottle. Is there anyone here can?
I go through a can or two every hunting season (use it to clean the guns and keep the action/barrel from rusting).
probably a bit light for that, rem-oil would do better.
Yep, wd40 would evaporate, leaving not much, better to use a specific gun oil.
Looks like you are not very handy… lol
Well I have been using the lithium grease and Lanox more. Most of the articles I see online say that WD40 do not actually lubricate but wash away the existing lubricants if not causing chemical damage.
So you're saying you couldn't finish two cans in 10 years because you're not using them because they're no good?
Yeah, I've heard that it doesn't lubricate like the proper lubricants do. I've seen some people using it to lubricate the bike chain, but actually, you need to wipe WD-40 and apply proper lubricants afterwards.
@AznMitch: When I was a complete bike noob I would spray damn WD40 everywhere, on the chain, derailleur, even the bottom bracket. Luckily it was not a very good bike.
Yup its not a supposed to be used as a lubricant. Its more of a water displacer. It doesn't last very long though (in areas you apply it to).
My local bunnings (box hill south) have the 337ml/275g listed as $6.2
Comes with the 'smart straw' which might suit some people. Not sure about other stores.
Works good as rain repellent on windscreen.
It will eventually it away your window seals and wiper blades.
Olive oil or chain lube works better as a lube than wd40 for house hold handles / hinges
WD40 is not a lube
Says you. It lubricates for 10 seconds, thus only a temporary lubricant, thus useless :)
Another time waster. Went there and no stock. This happened to me 3 out of 4 times with Aldi. I think I have learn my lesson.
True. Some stores in particular are serial offenders. Bloody Fortitude Valley store never stocked anything.
I wonder if Aldi use these temporary lines just to get people to come into the store, or to actually look at the catalogues.
This deal starts Saturday the 18th of April
There was a crapload of stock at browns plains last night.
akdi has been guilty of false advertising before
WD40 has many other uses but it is worst bargain if you use it as a lubricant.
what a savings!!