This was posted 15 years 3 months 17 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Coles: $5 Harry Potter & The Half Blood Prince DVD with a $100 Grocery Purchase, till 25/11.


The $5 HP6 DVD offer is for the duration of the catalogue (25/11), not just 19/11 as first thought…

When you spend $100 on groceries at Coles Supermarkets, you can purchase a Harry Potter & the Half-Blood Prince DVD for $5.
Terms and conditions are as follows:
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince DVD on sale until Wed 25th Nov 2009. Advertised prices not available at Coles Express, Coles Central or ^$100 grocery spend must be reached excluding Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince DVD, recharge, iTunes, Coles Gift Cards and tobacco offer.While stocks last. Limit of 1 per $100 spend.

The print catalogue starting 19/11 advertises the offer as $12.50 (with $100 grocery purchase), but this $5 offer appears to be a last-minute door-buster…

Edit - The online catalogue shows $5 instead of the $12.50 on the print catalogue:…

The best outright price I've seen is $19.99 at Toys R Us, so $5 is a great buy if it suits to do your grocery shopping at Coles in the coming week.

Expect Woolworths to counter this offer??

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closed Comments

  • can't see anything official

    • I saw the Coles TV ad' twice during tonight's 6pm Channel 7 news.
      That's what prompted me to do some Google searches, as I'd read the $12.50 offer in the print catalogue this a'noon.

      • was that for $5

        • YES!…
          The TV ad's were for the $5 DVD with $100 grocery purchase.
          That's what sent me searching the magic electric interweb, as I'd read the $12.50 catalogue offer earlier today.

          • +2

            @TeaEarlGreyHot: I saw the ad too - victoria.

            • +1

              @MichaelRoos: +1 - NSW

              I actually didn't like the movie much; but as TEGH said, it's pretty easy to hit a hunnert bills on a shopping expedition; and I smell a cheap Xmas gift for a friend or relative's kid! ;)

  • +2

    yep - its for tomorrow only.

    Can't reach $100 so won't be going. Just remember its only a good deal if you're spending $90-100 anyway. :)

    • +3

      $100 isn't much of a target for our grocery shopping sadly (unless it were a target to be kept below)…
      This DVD was already on our Christmas shopping list, so guess where I'm off to tomorrow.

      • fair call TEGH, if i was spending $100 i'd happily do it too :P But half the family is out of the house for a week or so, so it looks like no DVD today :P

        • NB. The offer is for the whole week ('til 25/11), not just today…

  • +1

    I too saw the ad on TV (in Adelaide) a couple of times for $5 … their latest catalogue says $12.50, so I reckon the $5 deal is probably for one day only.

    Absolute bargain if you want this DVD, as it isn't hard to spend $100 at Coles!

    • +1

      $100 at coles is 2much for me for 2 people.

  • woolies already has an offer going, $12 for $80 shopping. so slightly better than the normal deal, but not as good as this deal. i wouldn't do all my shopping at one store though, so i won't be using this.

  • pretty sure safeway/woolworths had an identical deal in todays paper, but it was $12 when u spend $80 so i guess the woolies one would be the better of the 2 deals, sorry i dont have a copy of the advert

    edit: oops took too long to types this i guess lol, thing is people will see the $5 and go oh wow

  • I wonder what stock levels will be like…

    • I wonder if they will offer rainchecks.

  • +1

    Offer runs until Wednesday 25/11 or until stocks last. Link to the offer below. Much better than Woolies deal.…

    • Thanks sally73,, I've edited the title, description and URL to reflect that this offer is not just for Thu 19/11, but runs until Wed 25/11.

  • Damn we did our grocery shopping last night :(

  • Does it include booze? If it does, not hard to to get up to $100 with a Coles linked to a liquor outlet.

    • +1

      I checked on a NSW catalogue and alcohol isn't amongst the exclusions (surprisingly).

      • +1

        Liquorland =/= coles. You cant pay for booze @ coles (unless you live in ACT). They are treated as two different shops (inventory wise). It stuffs the inventories up when people take cold 2L coke from liquorland fridge and pay for it in coles.

        Source: I worked there.

        • +1

          yes but coles balwyn with liquor section allows you to buy booze with the grocery

          • @overlook: fair enough, im in NSW

            • @Davo1111: lol so there is only 1 coles that sells liquor?

              lol i thought there will be more….

              • @overlook: it depends on the liquor licence laws in the respective state.

  • +1

    Hurry, Hurry, HURRY. I just went to Coles Springvale and they had 5 left at 10:55am. By the time I finished shopping they were sold out.

    Stock may be varied but these things are selling like hot cakes. The store I went to had someone handing out brochures as you entered. If you are not quick you may miss out.

    • +1

      I called up a local Coles at 7:55am this morning. They said that they only had 7 copies left, and that those would probably be taken by 8am.

  • +1

    Picked up one in Hurstville Coles at 10:30am , plenty in stock, just a little price notice on the shelf, no poster, nothing.

  • Scored one at Sunnybank (Brisbane) Coleses's.
    As suspected, staff only found out about the $5 offer when they got to work this morning.
    The store had around a dozen left on the display, but they may well have more under the counter.
    As for fish above, no poster, no brochures, just a single small stand at one of the check-outs with a small $5 "special" docket attached.
    Also, they'd dropped their outright price to $21.50…

  • +1

    got mine had to go to different coles but have to go back as they forgot to unlock dvd case

    • …have to go back as they forgot to unlock dvd case

      I'd prefer not to unwrap the cello' from mine as it's for a Christmas present, but when I look at the indent where you'd normally lever the case open with your fingers, a red padlock symbol is visible!
      Is that bad??
      I've never seen/noticed a similar symbol on a DVD case, so now I'm worried!!!

      • +1

        yeah its locked then you need to go back to get it unlocked needs to be green unlocked padlock

    • +2

      depending on the locking system, either a magnet or two paperclips will unlock it. I once bought one that had the locking mechanism, studied it, then practised locking and unlocking it.

      • +1

        Cool - mine's a Xmas present too. If I can't undo it I'll see you Xmas day! What's your address again Davo?

        • +1

          OK,,, so I searched through the DVD collection and found one DVD with the green/red padlock gizmo.
          Fortunately it happened to be a clear-case type, so I could see that it uses a system of two small magnets that have to be moved in opposite directions to release the latch, then at the same time the latch has to be slid to one side to release the locking mechanism!!!
          There was no way I'd be able to jemmy the case open without causing permanent and highly visible damage,, so I rang my closest Coles (which a friend had told us ran out of the HP DVDs yesterday morning) and they said no problems, so I dropped in this morning (with my receipt from the other Coles) and they ran the case through the magic magnetic unlocking do-dad - all good.
          BTW, the lady at this particular Coles (admittedly in a very small shopping centre, with lots of seniors as customers) said that they were only allocated 40 of the DVDs and couldn't order more even after Coles changed the deal from $12.50 down to $5. Apparently even the staff missed out on buying any before they'd all gone.
          Thank you very much ausman for making mention of the unlocking and Davo1111 for your hints & tips.
          It would have been very sad come Christmas morning when we gave our daughter the DVD and then found that it was locked. :(

  • -3

    Coles Warwick (WA) had sold out by 6:30PM.

    Very disappointed!

    I've written to complain.

    • And so this $5 DVD offer is a bad deal and warrants a negative vote???

      • +1

        I think so. Yes.

        I think its deceptive to have an offer thats intended for a week when you don't even have enough stock for a day.

        Maybe with 2 negative votes against my post it seems that my view is in the minority.

    • return all your grocery :)

      • +1

        The funny thing was that when I asked where they were just before going to the checkout, she politely told me that other stores might still have some stock to which I replied "Are you suggesting I leave my trolley here and try another store?". She didn't see any humour in that.

        • +1

          yeah thats what happened to me but they called around and i picked up from nearby store
          Forgot to ask if they will do rainchecks

          • +1

            @aussman: I wish mine was so helpful. I specifically asked for a rain check and she said no.

    • +1

      Just to follow up. Coles called me and apologised.

      They said they are getting more stock in and will put one aside for me.

      In response to this, I'd gladly retract my negative vote (if I could).

      Despite my initial complaint, their complaints handling procedure was first class. Cheers Coles.

      • I'm glad that Coles were willing to do the right thing by you comphelp.

        …I’d gladly retract my negative vote (if I could).

        If you go to the votes tab under the title (to the right), you can pull down the list of all votes. Find your vote and click the red "minus" button beside your negative vote. This will cancel your vote and leave it as neutral.

        • Cheers TeaEarlGreyHot. I've done that now.

      • +1

        They called yesterday and said it was ready for collection. I went after work and got it. All good, just had to show my receipt and pay $5.

  • Got this today at Woolworths by simply buying my usual groceries (and stocked up on some great clearance frozen items in the bargain). I only chose Woolworths as I get the petrol vouchers and frequent flyer points.

    Seemed to be plenty of the HP DVD's at my store and it was not well advertised whatsoever. It was a saving of $10.10 off the current price. Watched it this afternoon and didn't enjoy this one as much as the previous oness, too much doe eyes, love triangles and dark sinister scenes. :D But OK for $11.00 for a two disc set.

    • so you are willing to pay extra $6?

      • +1

        For the convenience, yeah. I live in the country and the Woolworths is 6 times bigger than Coles and is where I usually shop. Plus there is no Coles petrol outlet nearby so no benefit offered there. Actually, in truth, quite a few factors influenced me, not just price on this one. I considered Coles but would have had to go buy stuff at Woolworths regardless so figured it was false economy. As nice a bargain as it is at Coles, I don't see the point of spending money to save money as I could happily live without it.

  • +2

    All 4 local Coles stores sold out in first hour. What a surprise, and what a disgrace! Full page ads in the Herald Sun would have bought hundreds into the store throughout the day. I'm betting no more than 20 copies at each store, this is a typical Coles ploy! I'd rather pay full price than shop at this Un-Australian company who continue to drive everyday prices through the roof! I'll continue to shop at IGA, at leat 1% of their profits go back into the community!

  • +1

    Got a copy yesterday from Coles Pyrmont for $5.

    They do have a lot of copies and I think it is because it is a smaller version of Coles and not many people buying trolleys full of groceries.

    Also I noticed the full price of the DVD is actually $21.50. I think it is one of the cheapest around.


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