This was posted 9 years 11 months 19 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Toys R Us - $0.20 DVD/Blu-Ray Movies Xmen, Ice Age, $2 PS3/Wii/DS Games Guitar Hero & Motion Games (Parramatta NSW)


Toys R Us has a Movies and Games Clearance

Movies are 20c!! They don't contain cases though and are only in plastic bags. See pic of the ones I bought.
They are either DVD or Blu-ray. Ones I saw were:
Xmen - First Class
Xmen Origins - Wolverine
Fantastic Mr Fox
Ice Age 3
Halo Legends
Harry Potter films
Thomas & Friends films
Ben 10 films
Dora the Explorer films

Games are $2.01 (don't ask me why the additional 1c) and most have cases but there were a few that were a disc in a bag and were selling for 20c like the movies.
There were many but the only ones I could remember were:
Guitar Hero 6 - PS3
Various Sesame Street Wii games
Racket Sport - PS3
Wii Fitness
There were a lot of PS Eye Camera motion games, Wii puzzle/sport/shovelware and DS games which I don't remember as they don't interest me but for the casual gamer and/or with kids, they are a good deal for $2 (and 1c).

This was at the Parramatta store so I'm not sure if it's nationwide but I guess it is due to previous games clearances.

Related Stores

Toys R Us
Toys R Us

closed Comments

  • at 20 cents I wouldn't mind getting some dvds (over blu rays) :)

  • Wii Fitness

    Is that different to Wii Fit ?

    • +1

      3 extra letters, just a shame they aren't bold

      • +10

        I was about to point out the difference between Wii Fit and Wii Fitness was 4 extra letters, but realised it's only three extra letters since the s appears twice, so really it's 3 extra letters and 4 extra characters. Now I'm not sure if you're trolling for people to point that out, or I'm over-thinking this……

        • I might have been waiting for jv to take the bait ;)

        • @ChickenTalon: It was good bait. I was just a faster catch. :-/

    • When you only sell them at 20c a piece, I don't think you would bother with spellcheck or grammar correction either.

      • +1

        mighty confusing for JV. OP has movies in the title, but films in the description.

        • +2

          Movie and film is the same thing just different terms to reflect the same. Film = motion picture = movies. Film can also be cartoon. Any motion video is a film.

          Youngsters these days wouldn't have known this.

        • -8


          Movie and film is the same thing

          No they're not. Most cinemas don't even use film anymore. Nearly all movies are now digital.

        • @jv:

          Digital video is still film being a motion picture just in digital form. Film means motion picture (not a tape). Meaning film doesn't mean a magnetic tape it means motion pictures.

        • -6


          Digital video is still film

          You sound confused, you must be Gen Y.

          Film is made with silver halide crystals. These aren't used in DVDs… (or digital cameras)

        • +2


          According to the dictionary a film means a series of moving pictures. That is what a movie or cartoon is be it on a magnetic tape or a digital format.

          "[COUNTABLE] a series of moving pictures with sound that you can watch at the cinema or at home"

    • +5

      Definition of film is motion picture which defines any videos be it a movie or a cartoon. There is no spell check mistake there.

      • +1

        Exactly. Not sure why it isn't used much in Australia, but overseas "film" is used just as much as "movie".

        Can't believe there can be any kind of confusion here.

        • +1

          It seems only jv is confused. He must be a youngster who has no real clue about the real meaning of the word film. Film is essentially any motion video on any tape or digital container. It's the motion video itself that means film.

          Any way these DVDs and Blu-rays are a bargain for 20c each. Pity no cases but what can you expect for only 20c.

        • @hollykryten: So youtube is full of films? And what was I using in my 35mm still camera all those years ago? Lots of people take these words out of context and use them incorrectly. Even though they are in common use, they are technically wrong. Do people still go to the theatre or a cinema?

        • @endotherm:

          Yes youtube has films. Youtube is one huge repository of recorded films aka videos. Films and videos are words that mean the same thing since video capturing using a camera is filming.

    • +2

      C'mon jv, thats a stupid post even by your standard.

      We can argue semantics but it was probably written that way to emphasize the "s", or that there were multiple versions of the movie/show.

    • +2

      Why haven't you been banned from this site? All you do is drive punters away from contributing. Get lost.

  • +1

    OzBarganing on the tears shed by children on Christmas day and birthdays.

    • They will be so happy

  • inb4 OP took a picture then bought everything for $3.50.

    • +1

      God Dammit Loch Ness Monster, I ain’t gonna give you no tree fiddy.

  • +1

    Can anyone confirm if other stores have this? The shops in WA don't open for another 30 mins so thinking I might head out and try my luck?

    • +1

      Let us know how you go!

      • Update: nothing at TRU Cannington. They said it's probably due to the store themselves having discretion over what to mark down, and they used it on the DVD/BR's.

  • not at erina toys r us

  • +2

    None at Joondalup WA

  • +3

    The 0.01c is usually to tell the checkout operator the reason code to put the markdown as, in this case the reason code would be 1. I think big-w or target still do this as well.

  • +3

    Answering to your 1c question, our work does it to let us know it was sold as a clearance item

  • Anyone know if that applies to chadstone toys r us?

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