My Desk Top Windows Is Fast, My iPad Mini is often very slow loading

Why is it so …

I'm on ADSL 2. On the iPad min, the internet just keeps going to sleep for like sometimes a minute or so and I'm tapping it and nothing happens. Any suggestions please?


  • Is your desktop connected to wired internet? Wireless internet can be unstable and slow.
    That was the first thing that popped into my head when I saw the post.

  • Yep, the desktop is wired and the ipad is not of course.

    • Then it might either be the router's fault or the iPad mini's fault.

      Do what trex has suggested, if all the devices that are using the wifi have bad internet connection, it might be the router that's messing up.

  • Try the following:-

    1. Check level of Wifi signal. Is it weak or strong? How is the performance of other devices on Wifi? Better or just as bad as the mini? Use to test connection speeds for desktop, mini and other devices and compare them
    2. Clear Safari's History and Data from Settings
    3. Check if the storage is full or near full. If it is, free up storage by deleting Apps, photos etc
  • On desktop it's 65.88 download and 14.90 upload.

    I'd need to download Flash to test ipad mini

  • Actually it is VDSL2.

    The ipad is 44.26 and 11.74 I phoned my ISP and he said pull out the plug and put it back in, so now I'm gonna try that fro the rest of today. Apparently, the next thing would be to reset the modem; and then replace the modem.

  • Could be the iPad? Is it a first gen iPad mini?

    Try taking the iPad to a friend's house and testing it on their wifi? conversely try someone else's ipad at your house

  • It's interesting since I pulled out the plug and put it back in, it's not doing it. I'll see how it goes at a different time of the day on Monday. If so, I'll try it elsewhere and also on others ipad.

    It has all the updates too.

  • +1

    On the iPad, go to Settings -> Privacy -> Location Services -> System Services then turn off Wi-Fi Networking.
    I had the same problem and found changing this setting fixed the problem. Seems to be an IOS 8 problem. Check out this link for more information

  • thanks Richo, I'll try that.

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