Hi all do anyone know what is th ebest value ADSL2+ with line rental in Sydney.
Best Value ADSL2+ with Line Rental

I have a friend in Club Telco but will be changing from them soon. They charge an annual fee for membership around $100/year, so if you factor that in the price, it adds $8 per month on top of their subscription. Factor this into your calculations. Also, his internet speed wasn't good, consistent dropouts during the day. It's so bad now, sometimes he gets five minutes on, half hour off, during the day and worse at night. He complains about it all the time, but hasn't had time to change haha. Just as well they have month to month billing haha.
I guess that might be the exchange's problem, when I was with CT I had 17mbps 24/7 and no dropouts.(in sydney cbd) No complaints at all, but now fibre is available in my building I switched as CT didn't have fibre available.
My suggestion would be signing up with another month to month provider to test out whether it's the same… you'd still have to pay the setup fee though, like $100 or $150….I'm with clubtelco. Had some problems for about a day. Seems fixed now. It depends where you are, since in many cases they are simply a telstra reseller. Still love to find something cheaper though.
look at whirlpool
Probably Tpg, though if you can get cable, the optus $90 may be good for you, hoping they keep the deal up so I can change when the contract finishes
I am looking also, best value depends if you want to sign up for 24 months or not.
Month to month isn't going to offer as much but there is no way I am signing up for 24 months.Spintel
Tpg $59.95 unlimited plan?
Exetel is the last ISP I'd recommend. UNLESS - things have changed. Was with them a few years ago… Every couple of months they'd 'upgrade' the plans - and every single time, they'd add 'upgrade fees'. With no real choice not to pay - if you did, you got the upgrade - if you didn't, you got penalised - usually financially anyway. Made them the most expensive 'cheap' ISP I'd ever had.
I've been with Exetel for about 4 years now and had no issues with plans changing or their service.
Good to hear - their internet service was great - but their constant plan and billing changes were just ridiculous. They'd negotiate some new plan, 'force' everyone to switch to it for example, with a one-off fee, or, you had to pay $x extra to stay on the one you were on. Perhaps they've wised up since the father passed away.
Yeah I have been with exetel for years.. $20 line + $20 service.. No problems.
I've been with them for 8 years or so now. I know what you're talking about with the plan changes but each time I just called them and switched to a cheaper plan. There were no fees involved. There was never any other provider that offered better value. Especially when you add in the extras like $5/mth VoIP with transferrable DID number and voicemail to email and free IP change, etc.
they've never tried with me in 6 or 7 years.
maybe different legislation? (i'm qld)
Once I entered my phone number they asked me $70 per month with the 50+50GB plan.
Just a few. Have a look at TPG, Exetel, Dodo and ClubTelco.