• expired

KEYSMART 2.0 Keyholder (2 Pcs) USD $36.69 Delivered @Massdrop


Keysmart 2.0 is available again @Massdrop.

Usual Price: $35 before delivery at KeysmartAUS

Keysmart is an award winning key-holder and probably one of the best investments you'll make if your keys are constantly causing holes in your pockets. It normally retails for almost $60 after delivery each at keysmart.com.au, massdrop is having an offer of 2 for the price of USD$29.90 and if you get the extended version with more keys and bottle opener, it comes up to about USD$49 (for 2 pieces) which is still a great bargain.

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closed Comments

  • +12

    Can't neg since there is a discount.. but still horrible value.

    • Agreed, so many other useful things you could drop 50 bucks on.

  • +11

    If keys cause holes in your pocket, I'd highly suggest buying new pants instead…

  • -6

    Stack social had these for US$24 recently (or now), but only for US buyers.

    • and that gets negged because?….just pointing out that they have been sold cheaper - ok, not to us, but it sets a price point.

      • I think it's because Ozbargain only allows deals that is sent to Australia (sometimes they allow deals that specifies methods of shipforwarding and calculates that cost as well into the price, but most of the times, it's not allowed). If it is cheaper in US, that's fine, but with that logic, I think most of the electronics section on Ozbargain needs to be negged as well. So I think people negged you based on that.

        I wasn't the one who negged you btw.

        • Or because what I said isn't actually cheaper (I didn't catch that the OP's deal was for two items).

        • @wfdTamar: Or that. Though it was showing up as more expensive than what you've written for awhile as well.

    • Technically its not a key ring, its a key-holder / manager, rather than holding a bunch of keys all the time and making your pocket bulge/ causing holes, now you can wear your pants sleek and tidy without any bulging parts. I suppose its more fashionable, and you can arrange your keys and don't have to look to get to the right key everytime.

  • -1

    How is this a bargain when a keyring is less then $?

  • -1

    $35 on eBay.

  • +4

    an award winning key-holder

    How did humans ever move down from the trees without these?

  • Keep an eye out coming to Groupon for about $15.

  • -3

    No Deal, cheaper elsewhere and comes preloaded with useful keys ;)


    • +1

      Wrong link. Above links to a "15 in 1 Multi-function Multi Bicycle Bike Tool Repair Kit"

      • -1

        I guess that attempt a humour was wasted. I was pointing out you can get 2 bolts and 2 plates of metal that will do the same thing as this keyholder at a fraction of the price. I personally would keep some of the tools attached and replace some with keys. It seems not everybody is happy with a little bit of modding to save 40 odd dollars (or whatever the price is).

  • I wont pay more than 49…¢ for this.

  • The title should show the relevant currency. Or preferably a price in our own currency. And at such a price, maybe the title should state which precious metal the item is made with. Neg from me because I can't see the value, but I suppose Mods will revoke that if they see fit.

  • -1

    Wonder how many of these I could buy for $49.

  • +2

    +1 title is misleading - that should clearly state USD $49 - by omitting USD, you're implying it is cheaper than it actually is.

    • The title clearly states USD $49.

      • The change was done by the mods 43 minutes ago?

        • Ah. I think you are right.

          I posted $50 because I did the conversion - if you don't add any addons, it comes up to USD$37.60 for just the basic 2 pieces with no addons, which converts to AUD$50.

        • @gigadeals: You should change it back, also I was not the one who negged you. Though I have to admit, it was confusing since you didn't specify how you converted it, so I think the mods assumed that it was USD (most people tend to just write USD price for things from US, since people tend to have different means to buy from abroad so they get different conversion rate)

        • @AznMitch:

          Thanks! I shall make the amendments.

  • +3

    It does appear rather expensive for a keyholder. However, for those of you who have negged the deal can you link where you can find the exact keyholder for cheaper? I had a look on eBay and the cheapest I could find was $37.6 AUD for x1. This deal is for x2, allowing for conversion from USD to AUD it should come to ~ $65 AUD. Just feel bad for the poster.

    • I think you'd also need to take into account that Massdrop actually starts shipping after they've finished the promotion, therefore it takes a long time (I can't remember how long it was but I think it was worse than Chinese shops I remember).

      • I've been wanting these for a long while, this deal is exclusive to massdrop, I doubt you'll find it cheaper anywhere else, I've done my research.

        Yes, massdrop takes a while, but you're saving almost 50%, and since you've survived long enough without it, I suppose time isn't really a big issue…

        • True, but for me, more than 2 months shipping is something that I dislike about Massdrop.

          Wait, why does the price says it's USD $49 delivered, when it is USD $36.69?
          I thought it was USD $49, which is only AUD $10~ different from buying two KeySmart 2.0 from the website you've provided.

  • I just use a zip tie for a keyring. Keeps the keys together much the same as this gimmick.

    • +3

      did your partner enjoy the cheezel wedding ring you gave him/her?

  • -1

    Rip off!

  • +3

    This is truly an amazing product and if you purchase now, your 35 keys will turn into just 4!!!

  • On ebay there are similar looking tools starting from AUD $5.99 (for those interested in the concept, however like a cheaper alternative).

    Thought I'd just add that it the cheapest option is USD $36.69 delivered for two standard KeySmart 2.0 (without extra's).

    • I've done my homework, those cheaper alternatives run into various problems from loose screws (so your keys fall out in your pockets) to other issues such as not able to fit in fat car keys. Keysmart is the only alternative out there that solves (may be not all) but probably 90% of the scenarios you'll encounter.

  • Personally I'd buy the Orbitkey before this if I was to lash out http://www.orbitkey.com

    • Think the keysmart is also sized for American keys which are generally smaller.

    • Orbit key ends up being much fatter because you can only store keys on 1 end, while keysmart allows you to slot them both ends, hence slimmer profile.

  • I've always found massdrop to be expensive especially once you factor in shipping.

    It's even worse considering our shitty Australian dollar.

    • Their earphone deals tend to be alright (shipping is reasonable etc), though I've never seen a decent deal on them in ages as well.
      I think their ER4-s deal looks alright (If it reaches the lowest price). Though that being said, they do take a long time to arrive.

    • Yes, it usually does, but this time round, the shipping is only around $7, its not that bad, considering you are saving almost 50%.

  • $us17


    anyway who has pointy keys which damages your pocket? If so put them in a bag/container.

    • You want to carry a bag / container everywhere you go?

  • A key ring is so much better value and probably take up less space

  • Hmm.. probably not worthwhile for me.. since I only carry a single key with me. I could do away with that, if I get a fingerprint lock for my front door.

  • +1

    Use code Spring30 on the official Keysmart site (http://getkeysmart.com/products/keysmart) for a 30% discount. It expires 10/4/2015 but I just tried it and it still works.

    • This is for 2 pieces, if you buy 2, even with 30% off, this still works out to be cheaper.

  • I'm surprised this product hasn't been copied by someone in China yet! Certainly explains the exorbitant price!

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