• expired

Planetshakers Awakening 2016 Registration $20 - Hisense Arena, Melbourne


Hi everyone

Just wanted to share this deal!

Planetshakers just announced insanely cheap registration for their 4 night 3 day annual event for next year! This event draws crowds of up to 15-20K and I think with regos so cheap next year it will be even more!
So usually the rego prices are around $89 up to $120+. But next year for 2016, they have announced that registration for this 4 night 3 day event is at $20 per head! That is insanely cheap!!

Here is a youtube clip of Planetshakers for those of you who have never heard of them: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpZyjsxlxjA

I am not even sure how it is gonna cover costs but I suppose their intention is so cost won't be an issue for people who wish to attend!

I don't know how long this deal is gonna last but for all those who are interested in attending this event - here it is - the cheapest registration price I have ever seen for this event!

Disclaimer: I have been attending Planetshakers Events for the last 15 years and yes I love it!

Just a heads up - This IS a religious event that promotes Christian values.

I have decided to tick affiliated in order to comply with what I understand as the posting guidelines and be transparent.
I am a member of Planetshakers Church and have been attending the church for 8 years. I love my church but I think you all should know that because of my affiliation I would be biased towards this deal. I still genuinely think it is a good deal for those whom it appeals to. (This year's rego at it's cheapest was $89)

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closed Comments

  • +16

    Concert promoting religion by the looks of it.. wondered why I'd never heard of it.

    • +11
      • +2

        Sorry - why do you believe that this is a cult?

        • +6

          Because the media told him to….duh…

        • +3


          Rather than addressing the information published in the article and why you think it's wrong, you have chosen a one liner argumentum ad hominem. It's not a good debating tactic.

      • -5

        Maybe someone can just roll some giant boulders in front of the doors and everyone would be happy. :)

    • +5

      Yep … looks like a fun concert in the youtube video. … that link is very misleading. THIS IS NOT A CONCERT FOR 20$ !

      It is a 4 day conference with religious background - looking at the 2015 schedule there is not much information about the sessions (just "Mighty Men" and "Beautiful Women"): http://www2.planetshakers.com/awakening/melbourne/#welcome

      Nothing wrong with a church … but not a deal … not a bargain … and should not be on Ozbargain in my opinion.

      • +5

        Yup it's not just a concert and it is a Christian event. It may not appeal to everyone but I still think its a good deal for those that want to check it out especially compared to prices charged in the past :) peace

      • +7

        No longer misleading, the op has fixed it. When it usually costs $90 but is $20, how is this not a bargain?
        According to the rules, negative votes are for;
        1. The deal is not the cheapest available
        2. Defective product
        3. Major issues with retailer

        • +5

          Thanks heal. I have to admit I did post in haste initially without considering all the rules… hopefully I am posting according to guidelines now. Ozbargain is a community I love and I want to make sure that I am respecting the community that has given me so many good deals :)

          Now waiting for the next eneloop deal! hint!

        • +3

          @slingyz: Me too on the eneloops. :)

        • -4

          I know a cheaper church around the corner of my house … they don't charge anything … it's on every Sunday :-) So no deal … cheaper alternative available.
          Do you want me to post it as a deal?

        • +2

          @mini_wombat: I should clarify that church Sunday services are free.

          I agree with you that there should never be a 'door fee' for attending a normal sunday church service.

        • +5

          @mini_wombat: that's like saying that a piece of steak is cheaper than a buffet & so it's a bargain. This post is clearly about a conference (a special event, not a specific church meeting on a Sunday).

        • -4

          According to the rules, negative votes are for;
          1. The deal is not the cheapest available
          2. Defective product
          3. Major issues with retailer


        • +1

          @slingyz: Some would ask what the "service" is at a church, anyway. Self-serving/promoting businesses.

          Business as usual.

        • +2

          The simple fact is according to the original post, this year (2016) was always planned to be $20, therefor there is no bargain, just advertising.
          Just because something was more expensive last event and they changed their pricing structure, does not make it a bargain, just means they've found other ways to fund costs.

          If the post was that the tickets were $20 this event but for a limited time or by ordering from a certain place etc. they were $15, then sure, now it's a bargain.

        • +1

          Product didn't work when I tried it, and retailer just tried to convince me to double down on my losses and trust that I'd get a repayment. They even had the nerve to suggest I'd get paid out 'after death' - like that's any good to me.

      • -8

        Imagine if this was a radical Muslim promotional post rather than a radical Christian promotional post how many abusive reply's we would get

        • +4

          That's a great reason to neg. 'Just imagine'

        • -6


          It is. It's religion. So no deal. Should we post the latest mosque deal where you get the Koran for free? Or some cheap Scientology book deals. No …
          I accept anyones religion … but as soon as they try to preach it to others and convert them (and it might come nicely packed with a cool concert) something is wrong in my opinion.

          Sorry … I would call for a ban of religious "deals" on Ozbargain.

        • @mini_wombat:

          Interesting thought, but given the true religious nature of OzB (eg adult products are banned because of the religious views of the operator - and no, I'm not complaining about this, I appreciate that the owner of this site can do exactly as they please), then I don't think you'd get far…

        • +4

          @silvertone: How do adult products conflict with religious views.
          Hell, it even promotes "Love Thy Neighbour" and "Turn The Other Cheek"

        • +1

          Imagine or no imagine, I think you imply that this post pertains to "radical" Christians.

          "Planetshakers Church (formerly Melbourne City Church) is a Pentecostal Christian church affiliated with Australian Christian Churches, the Assemblies of God in Australia"

          Radical? Well, I guess any Christian belief might be considered radical to an atheist.

        • +2

          Actually, the exact opposite would have happened. Australia is full of Christianity-hating, Muslim loving atheists. Yes, I know it is highly irrational to be both anti-God and pro-Islam, but rationality is in short supply in the modern world.

          People are always pushing their views. It is not just religious people. Every day we are bombarded with ideology seeking to shape us. And business advertising is the most egregious example of propaganda in the modern world, almost impossible to avoid. It is hypocritical of people to support an economic system that is constantly manipulating people but become truculent when somebody tries to promote Christianity. And for some religions, every member has a duty to spread their faith. All Muslims are required to engage in Jihad, for instance.

          "O you who believe! fight those of the unbelievers who are near to you and let them find in you hardness." Koran (9:123)

          “O Prophet! Strive hard agaunt the infidels and the hypocrites, and be firm against them, and their abode is hell, and evil is their resort.” Koran (66:9)

        • +2

          @mini_wombat: wow dude, you just get more ignorant each time you post a comment, you need to take a break from the keyboard…

        • +3

          @silvertone: Really? I didn't realise adult products were banned!

        • @Tal_Shiar:

          As mentioned - I accept anyones religion (I am Christian myself). Each to their own and as long as you preach it to others (esp. packaged in concerts or cool events) - I wouldn't call that ignorant. Religion usually causes a discussion which goes nowhere … people are passionate about it and "believe" in it … so they are easily offended (and it doesn't matter which religion). You can't argue in a religious discussion. That's why I think they should not be on here on Ozbargain.

          I have no insight in the "Planetshakers Church" but from what I read in the press (see here: http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/nsw/inside-the-multi-m… ) I don't think there are many christian values (Did they do anything for the community (I find NOTHING on their website) - or are they just about feel good concerts - make you feel stronger and better - dubious healing while at the conference/concert - collect money and run it as a business.

          Collecting assets, frequent flyer miles using their tax free status to build a bigger and better church - They are self serving and run it as a buisness (20.000.000 in assets) - of course they need more people to get this going. That is the facts I see reading about this church.

          The $20 are better invested in a donation to the SOS Childrens Villages - every god in this universe will be happy with that!

          This is my personal opinion - let's agree to disagree and be this the last comment on the discussion. Everyone to their own …

        • +1

          And you win the biggest whingerof the century award.
          If religion makes you so sensitive and feel like you've been taken advantage of, just don't get involved.

        • @matth_yo:


          "Adult products (Lingerie, Prophylactics are permitted, Toys and Pornography are not permitted)"

        • @Utopian:

          Yeah, personally I don't see the issue, but when there's been previous (heated) discussion in the forums about this, the mods have basically said "our site, our rules, we have Christian values and don't want this stuff on our site". Which really is a fair call given the effort they put into running the site.

        • @Thaal Sinestro:

          Nah, I just hate everybody…

    • +1

      Religious propaganda should have no place on ozbargain.

  • What's usually included with the registration? Just access to the conference?

    • +2

      Yup access to all sessions! :)

      • +1

        Ive been to Hillsong conference before. Whats in the Planetshakers one? Any workshops? Guest speakers? Website is very unclear unfortunately to gather information.

        Brw $20 is a great deal but that also depends on what's on offer.

        • +1

          Its pretty similar… We have guest speakers from overseas. This year we had T.D Jakes, Chris Hill..etc. A couple of years ago we had Reinhardt Bonke.

        • +1

          Planetshakers is the Melbourne "equivilent" of Hillsong conference. As a regular Hillsong Conference attendee, it does have some different speakers at time to HS.. $20 is quite good, but likewise, wondering who the speakers will be..

  • What's a planetshaker?

    • +29

      It's what comes out of me the day after 3 Domino's pizzas and garlic bread…

      • +1

        Thanks to delivery hero, the sewage guys will be getting OT this weekend!

    • I thought it was a science event :(

  • +1

    will DC talk be playing a set there?

    • +1

      No idea. Details will firm up as the date gets nearer I believe!

    • Ha ha, this killed me, I haven't heard anyone mention these guys since the death metal kids used to take the piss out of the church rock kids at school

  • +2

    they have announced that registration for this 4 night 3 day event is at $20 per head! That is insanely cheap!!

    That's expensive. Normally the first session with a… uh… religion is free, and they make it back in tithes/merchandise over the years. I guess these guys want to pre-qualify the gullible?

    • +2

      I am not even sure how it is gonna cover costs…

      I imagine they'll be getting the money out of their existing congregation, which kind of suggests hard they'll be soaking you for donations if you join.

  • +6

    How is this a bargain? Shouldnt this be a forum post?

    • +1

      I tend to agree.
      Although the OP believes that the price is 'cheap' it does not appear to be in any way discounted and is essentially the normal price for this event.
      That said, other 'deals' of a similar nature get posted…

    • +6

      I don't know anything about planetshakers however the op said the price is usually $90. That makes it a deal imo.

      • Something which has a price tag of $90 and is now $20 is not necessarily a deal. Would you say a Scientology course which was recently $10,000 and is now $5,000 is a deal … NO !!! This does not make it a deal. It's just a religious event … and not a deal of any sort.

        A church does not charge anything … just have a look at your local church next Sunday … it's free!
        Take your $20 and donate it to an SOS Children Village … I believe any God will make this far more happy :-)

        • +3

          And I still believe the 20$ to the SOS Childrens village is much better value … you can downvote this as much as you want.


          This church collects assets and makes a profit in my opinion. Do they do anything good? Anything else then collecting money … paying their employees to make the church bigger … collecting frequent flyer points. Self serving. Christian values … sorry … can't find them.

        • Discounts on products with religious backgrounds are still deals - a $10,000 course reduced to $5,000 is still 50% off.

          What I disagree with in this case is that it is a deal at all - there is no original price, just $20 as the full price.

          Maybe there is less 'entertainment' this year, maybe they got a special deal for the venue, maybe they are planning to fill the venue to above capacity - who knows? The original price was $20 for the product, and the current price is $20.

          This would be the same as if P!nk tickets were cheap - picking up a full price ticket for a 2015 show for $70, compared to the $200 price the year before doesn't count, as they're different shows, and therefore different products, even if you did not attend the previous year due to price sensitivity.

        • +1

          @mini_wombat: Their weekly collection is at an average of $200,000, tax FREE

  • +1

    Were any confirmed speakers mentioned for 2016?

    • +1

      Hi hindo,

      Here's a link to the website. I think as the dates get closer more details will be confirmed and firmed up.

      I believe At Boshoff is one of the confirmed speakers.

      • +2

        Cool thanks. I checked out the promo, looks good

  • +9

    You should declare that its religiously affiliated. Seems to me like you're trying to trick people into getting into your religion. Misleading.

    Definitely not a bargain. Something for a forum at best.

    • +5

      Good point! I didn't think of that! Will Edit! Thanks for the suggestion!

      • +8

        I appreciate the edits but you should clarify this is an evangelical pentecostal church event.

  • +15

    Even Scientology doesn't charge you for the first "concert"

    • +7

      they prefer you pay the rest of your life apparently.

      • +1

        Good point. So do Planetshakers with their asking of 10% of your income for tithings and special tithings for guest speakers etc etc. In the end they both love the $$$$ more than Money Mayweather :)

  • +1

    That's a cheap price compared to hillsong!

    • +5

      They're poor… they need the money… only $55million income last year.

  • +5

    Not really sure why all the negs & negativity. If I posted cheap tickets to a wine festival, would people who don't drink alcohol complain? Or maybe they'd figure it wasn't for them & would 'move on'…those who wanted to go, on the other hand, would be happy this was posted.

    • +1

      Actually there are often negative comments on OzB from people who don't drink alcohol or who believe that our society drinks too much alcohol. There's been a few Dan Murphy's deals which have devolved into such slanging matches over the years that I've seen.

    • +14

      The difference is that at a wine festival, the wine is real.

      • +6

        And it's a clearly labelled commercial meeting, with an advised audience.

        Religion doesn't need to be sold or bought, and a fee should never be attached.

        • -2

          Freedom of religion should allow religion to be whatever it wants to be - including fee charging. That you and I might think it absurd is our own freedom of/from religion.

  • +10

    Get your Jebus off my Ozbargains.

    • +4

      Well some of the very first deals on this site going back to 2006 posted by scotty himself are for Christian bookstore Koorong…


      Actually, that is the very first deal that turned this site into a community!

      I didn't neg you btw.

      • +7

        I wouldn't say that deal was the turning point for OzBargain.

        0 comments, 4 upvotes.

        • +1

          Thats relative, site prob only had a few hundred members, compared to now would be like a deal getting over 400 votes as theres over 50000 members nowadays i believe

        • +1

          It's the first deal with votes. Prior to that it was just a bargain blog.

        • +2

          let's analyse the votes:

          User Vote Voted at
          scotty 01/11/2006 - 23:10
          testuser 09/11/2006 - 23:10
          osim 21/05/2008 - 17:15
          holdenmg 31/08/2008 - 18:24

          Soooo, we've got Scotty (poster), testuser (Scotty again I'd guess).. then 2 votes 2 years later ?

        • Maybe he posted a deal for a Christian bookstore because he didn't think anyone would upvote it…

      • wow, very interesting trivia

  • +1

    Going to Presence Conference next week in Sydney. It is about the same length and costs $150 normally.

    However they do have a free night next Friday 17th April 7pm at Qantas Credit Union Arena.

  • +7

    I work near these PlanetShakers and I gotta say they are damn %&@king loud and annoying. Happened during work hours and this should never been allowed in a business district. They just finished their 3 day conference today. Thank but no thanks god!

    Next time, I'll be ringing the cops for sure.

    • +4

      Yeah this is religious nonsense, not a bargain post. Needs to get de-listed and put in the relevant forum area. You can go get any religious services for free pretty much anywhere.

      • But how else is Jebus supposed to hear his loyal followers if not for the sound of prayer and cash registers.
        Don't forget your T-shirts and buttons on the way out so Jebus knows who especially loves him for that great VIP line in the sky!

  • All you need to know about these events is in the below link.


    • +1
    • -5

      I see nothing wrong with charging people for giving them an experience. Religious experience makes money because it gives meaning to people who are looking for it, something that they haven't found elsewhere.

      • +1

        Making up costs is one thing. Making fortunes (and not paying tax on it) is another.

        • Can't really comment on the tax part. However, my statement also covers getting rich by giving people an experience (religious or otherwise). From an economic or marketing perspective, it's no different to motivational seminars, casinos / lotto or luxury items. I can even go as far as in some cases (or for some people), religious events like these have better value in terms of impact on one's life (freedom from addiction / destructive lifestyle, restored relationships, etc.)

        • +2

          @jabanco: Nah, it's not the same. They guilt people into paying up (in Hillsong's case it's 10% of your salary!) to do 'God's work.'

        • +1

          That doesn't happen during conferences though. (Your first comment implies that events like this are primarily about asking for money - beyond $20 being mentioned in this "deal".) It's being preached to members. I don't know about how Hillsong does it, but from what I've heard of other churches, they treat this controversial matter carefully. These events aren't about recruiting either. These are attended by members of other churches too so recruitment really happens outside of the conference.

  • +10

    Link to the huge amounts of money that they make: http://www.news.com.au/national/south-australia/south-austra…

    Reminds me of the recent South Park episode when Cartman started a Christian Rock band to make money - and it worked.

    Does not belong here.

  • -1

    Planetshakers aren't even propaganda, they're a band… not too much different from Hillsong or anything similar.
    Any Aussie that has been a christian for a while has heard about planetshakers, they're pretty popular, and I'm sure many would consider this a bargain.
    Completely understand how it isn't everyone's cup of tea though, should be clearly described in the title for what it is.

  • -3

    Charlatans selling an invisible product isn't a bargain.

    • -2

      Your comment is nonsensical, how is access to a conference an invisible product, that is what this post is about.

      • Curious, why the down votes?

  • +4

    I don't believe in religion, but I don't bash what other people believe. $20 for a 4 day conference seems cheap to me (ie. a bargain).

    Just because you don't agree with what's on offer, doesn't mean it's not a bargain.

    • +2

      It's $20 for four days, but there's always a hard sell to donate money either to the organisation or the charities that they represent.

  • +2

    Everyone needs to settle down.

    Thanks slingyz, I appreciate you posting this.

  • +2

    Good on ya slingzy. It isn't my personal cup of tea, but seems like a deal for those who follow this particular flavour of religious belief.

    I was hoping it was an astronomy thing …

  • +3

    neg the deal because i perceive the advertised price @ $20 for everyone this year not necessarily related to the last year prices. and maybe the comments around "I am not even sure how it is gonna cover costs" but wow etc etc are a bit sanguine.

    perception of value for me of 4 days 3 nights of worthless propaganda = $0. therefore I think it a bad bargain.

    lucky everyone gets their opinion

  • Would people have the same opinion of the deal if it was some other conference?

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