Ubank Drops Usaver Rate Again. The Race to Who Can Drop'em The Fastest Is on -3.62%

3.62% now.

Real surprised as just finished shifting some dough from ING, and back she goes, to where not sure because my money's getting dizzy.
Seems Rams is still 3.91%.
EDIT: Rams main savings webpage states 3.91%, but their Rates pages both say 3.80%, so ING at 3.75% is still ok.

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  • Wow, I had a feeling Ubank is going to become less competitive, assuming they use the savings to hold capital against their mortgages, they are taking a pretty high risk (mortgage rate at 4.29% savings rate now at 3.62%).

    I'm hoping that ING Direct becomes less competitive at a slower rate after shifting everything there this week.

    • Retail deposits is only one source of funding. A banks net interest margin is not quite as simple as mortgage rate less retail at call deposit rate.

  •      "Seems Rams is still 3.91%."

    It has gone down to 3.8%

  • Off to shares I go…

  • I just found this… might be helpful to some people (who are getting married!)

    • i'm guessing that is short-term?

  • +1

    ing direct ftw!

  • I was planning to transfer my funds back to UBank after I had only just transferred them to ING, haha. Looks like my laziness "paid" off this time…

  • what about mebank at 3.85%

    • +2

      First 4 months only

    • MeBank 3.85 is this for new customers only or ongoing?

      • +1

        New customers only I'm fairly sure.
        I asked them last June if you closed your accounts say 1 or 2 years ago, would you qualify as a new customer. They replied something to the effect -> Never.
        Plain & clear old crusties would never qualify again.

        • Thanks mate, what're we to do? Put into the Share market casino?

        • @oldrocker:
          Same question on everyones lips I guess, as savings interest has been on downtrend for many years now.
          Best interest rate is 3.8% at Rams currently, which frankly is still acceptable to me but just barely.
          Share market can take a lot of time, effort & stress. But if I had any zip left, having done it heavily for years, thats what I'd do, longterm investment.

        • @NOYANONO:
          Keeping an eye on the wobbly ASX, if drop some more I might be tempted:-)

        • @oldrocker:
          Me too, its unlikely as but if sudden crash maybe 4600 to 4800 I might get into it serious.
          Know how to create a psunami? That did it last time. (Dont do it if you do know how ;')
          In case its of interest, a newsletter viewable on ruralbank indicates interest rates are priced into futures at 1.6 to 1.70%, and on May 5th another drop is very likely. Damn it.

      • mebank is now 3.60%

        website still shows 3.85% though

        I haven't been notified of the drop, just saw it in my account details when I logged in :/

  • +1

    HAHAHA… I just need to move my funds now back to ING 3.75%

  • Just signed up to ing on the back of their 4% bonus interest offer only to see this drop to 3.75% within a week… still better than most / big banks but share market looking more attractive these days.

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