Dear reader of PC Format, welcome at Steganos!
You are interested in Steganos Online Shield VPN? Just enter your email address below and we will send you your personal serial number.
Dear reader of PC Format, welcome at Steganos!
You are interested in Steganos Online Shield VPN? Just enter your email address below and we will send you your personal serial number.
meers chate
Averages about 4 stars out of 5 in most reviews.. Good to try I suppose..
Looks like a great deal. Do they log any information? As I can't find any on the website that detail this or any type of TOS for the VPN.
Likewise Linkiepoo. Anyone know logging policy as many users want privacy vs access.
EDIT: Found below…
"Our servers collect standard information about our Web-visitors such as date and time of visit, IP address and country. "
They have a request - they provide your ip…
Oh well, no use for privacy.
They reported to Torrentfreak in Febuary that they don't store IP.
"1. We do not store any user data, neither regarding IP-addresses nor time stamps."…
If you are paranoid you could run TOR over the VPN just to be safe.
TOR over VPN?
Can"t wait to see who's still here in 2016.
Hopefully it's televised live on FTA.
Thanks Snoovey, Yeap use AdvOR over OpenVpn when lookin up anything interesting, and blekko/startpage, but why defeat the purpose of a 'private' tunnel layer with record keeping nanny companies. Might as well setup your own local tunnel/proxy and redirect through yourself as has been done in past days, including for pseudo anonymous email proxies. Headers are easily spoofed at least with email.
How many Mb a month with this deal?
2GB for windows desktop and 500MB for android phone per month
So 2GB &/or 500MB of data is usually $50?
That doesn't sound right. What exactly is anyone saving?
$50 is for 12 months service
There doesn't appear to be any indication on the website of a data limitation for premium accounts.
The free android account has a limitation of 500mb. But the link provided above appears to be for a 12 month premium account.
Where is this info regarding data limits available from?
When I entered my serial my limit went from 500MB to 2GIG. Unless I misread it & your android limit goes to 2GIG and your windows account rises but that wasn't made clear.
How is $50 for 2GIGs a month over 12 months a good deal?
PIA does 39.95/year unlimited. Am I misunderstanding the deal?
Yeah it doesn't seem to be that great a deal.
Software looks to be the same as okayfreedom when the VPN connection is activated - the steganos website also has a link to okayfreedom at the bottom of the page so they are probably the same company. Okayfreedom was giving out free accounts before.
But who knows who really owns these companies…. NSA?
Does this work with BitTorrent P2P? Strictly Linux isos 👌
2 GB a month is not going to get you too many Linux isos :)
They don't block it at the moment.
"8. BitTorrent is not actively blocked as of now."…
Anyone got their email with Serial yet? Havent got mine..
got mine in under 2 mins, check your spam folder.
Here are some serials:
You can download Steganos Online Shield VPN here:…
Ta, used 31EE-49A5-8EBB-71C3-E891-F129-C7D2-6BDE.
Won't these serials just die when the 5 user limit is reached?
thanks OP.
not at all.
"Our servers collect standard information about our Web-visitors such as date and time of visit, IP address and country. "
They have a request - they provide your ip…
That is their policy for the website. If you read the next two sentences they make it clear.
"This information is not personally identifiable, and we do not track individual users. Based upon this collected information our Webmaster creates statistics on site usage which we use to improve the Web's content and design."
Nothing to do with the VPN service
I wonder what sort of performance hit is to be expected from using this?
Anyway, the saving is $25 as per the existing 50% discount.
Is anyone having issues post installation. Saying invalid license? Even though it has not given me the chance to enter it….
How is the speed?
my scooter goes faster
Where can I download your scooter then?
Thanks, my last one expired only a couple months ago.
no mac version?
wont run on my powerpc
Thank you very much :)
I have a bit of a technical question. When running a VPN can you have it bound to certain programs only. I would like to have my outlook and steam running of regular ISP IP due to geographical reasons you can get locked out.
I would also like to know this, probably a way to tell your torrent client to use the vpn…..
From what I am aware, you can tell your torrent client to use a proxy but not a VPN. A VPN is an entire gateway but I would love to know if we can dedicate programs to specific connections and if so how.
Yes, but you have to mess with routing tables (can use dnsmasq to create an ipset with domains, and iptables to mark traffic for another routing table, then set a different default route on it - through the vpn). Can be messy.
Also can spin up a VM to run certain programs, and set its default route via your VPN.
Assuming your main PC is the only one that will be using a VPN, and you have a second PC that's always on (or something small like a Raspberry Pi running Raspbian) and NOT utilising the VPN, this could work.
You can set up the second PC / RPi to act as a SOCKS5 proxy (e.g. using PuTTY in Windows, using SSH in Linux) accessible on your local network. On your main PC, if the application has SOCKS5 proxy support, you can specify the IP address of the second PC / RPi. Alternatively, on the main PC download and use a "socksifier" application like WideCap (free, last updated 2009), Proxifier (commercial), or ProxyCap (commercial) to force regular network traffic from those applications to run over your local SOCKS5 proxy.
At first glance (i.e. untested by me), an informative tutorial can be found on using PuTTY and WideCap on Windows can be found here.
Due to the nature of the solution, it may not be as fast nor as stable as using the applications without the SOCKS5 proxy.
+1 for the VM idea, I think that's the easiest way to go!
I think so too. Thanks guys! :)
Not an expert but maybe this will help.
If you run a VPN, including Openvpn, it tunnels all your pc's internet traffic through its tunnel. No choice.
If you run TOR, you can set many programs to route their traffic through the TOR network, without affecting any other traffic. The TOR program help probably has these proxy settings.
An alternative to TOR I use, is AdvOR which has big advantages but has a few bad points too. Again it shows you the settings to put in programs to route thru TOR network.
Best of luck.
Also you can use a vpn and Tor to daisychain your traffic for extra privacy.
I downloaded this and am using it, but its throttling my internet speeds from circa 1.2 Mbps to around 225 kbps
Is anyone else experiencing this problem or have a solution for it?
I am not very adept technically so sorry for what I presume to be a basic question?
I downloaded this and am using it, but its throttling my internet speeds from circa 1.2 Mbps to around 225 kbps
Is anyone else experiencing this problem or have a solution for it?
I am not very adept technically so sorry for what I presume to be a basic question?
I downloaded the file using my xperia z3c and it says it can't open the file?
cheers mate