Deals kick off at 12 noon AEST. Grab these quick, as they may not last long. Enjoy :)
FREE: Paw Dog Shampoo & 2x Purina Cat Food @ PINCHme

Last edited 08/04/2015 - 02:26 by 1 other user
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The kids should love this!
also got dog shampoo (lucky for me i just ran out)…Not sure that tiny sample will last too long.
Thanks outlander, just got the dog shampoo.
Can't see any dog treats :(
your dog don't like fish?
Nope they had paws crossed for dog treat, not cat food LOL
Don't usually bother with Pinchme any more. Samples are gone by the time I get there..
Happened to be around at launch time today though, and that site gets hammered doesn't it.. Kept throwing errors.. but eventually got through (all for a pack of free cat food.. yay.)
They're really feeling the pinch of Ozbargainers…
same thing happens to me, site crashes a bit then recovers.
Hey look at that 12:12 and I managed to get the shampoo for the pooch
Got the dog shampoo :)
still haven't got my samples from the last time they released lol
Me either yet they keep sending reminders about feedback lol
They sent an email saying they were delayed but will be sending them in April sometime.
I just received my shampoo samples :)
Pinched me some dog shampoo
Is it safe for human use?
I'll let you know if I feel rough after use.
I'll let you know if I feel ruff after use.
I lived with a Filipino woman who used Mane & Tail (Horse shampoo, used by humans), and our vet says his highly-esteemed colleague uses morning fresh on his pets.
I say….. YES!
Sorry, you have reached your sample limit.
don't have a cat or dog but got it to drop in the donations box at the supermarket for the local cat + dog shelter.
No more shampoo, but cat foods still available
dam missed out on the dog shampoo as i don't have a cat
What normal people see:
FREE: Paw Dog ShampooWhat Ozbargainers see:
FREE: ShampooShampo out of stock aww~
got the cat food, for my grandma
Hopefully you mean her cat
I've got about 15 lines of response that the 13 year old shmahoo would giggle at. But I'm not. So I won't.
Mad Max future?
Remember you can claim another sample now as it's a new day (not the same one you got yesterday though).
good, so Granny can get some variety for her pussy.
Still better than Delivery Hero Bargain
Wonder if there'll be any changes…….…
AussieCommerce Group has acquired the Australian and New Zealand operations of Washington DC-based online deals firm, LivingSocial.
The news comes days after AussieCommerce Group announced it had acquired the Australian arm of product sample distribution website, PINCHme.
For the benefit of existing members of Pinch Me, who actually enjoy trying the new product offered, I'd stop posting these to OZB. The problem is that it is increasingly difficult to ever claim a sample before they're sold out (it's becoming extremely difficult, actually) and the hordes of OZB freeloaders aren't helping.
Just added up my free samples from Pinch Me quite surprised that i have already received 49 free samples.
Looks like you've pinched quite a bit!
How do you go about getting notified of the new offers? Daily OZB visits, their Facebook Page? It seems that, even though samples are 'offered' for about a month, that they are sold out in a couple of days.
Go here: and click subscribe. You will get an email the minute a new PinchME deal is posted on OzBargain
Keep in mind the usual release time is on a Tuesday 12pm. You can also follow with notifications on the PinchME Facebook page but the OzBargain subscribe method is much better as PinchME post a lot of junk on their page, not just sample releases.
In my case i work afternoons so i tend to be on the computer when they are released.I am also subscribed as hamza23 mentions above.
more treats i can order for my boss.