Excel 2013 Problem

Hi guys,

I just wanted to open a file I recently worked in Excel 2013 but I can't see anything in there. Excel only shows a blank screen with no grids although gridlines are activated. I don't see any info I put in there the last couple of days but if I pick a random cell bi clicking anywhere in the screen I can see the info in the formula bar. Anyone knows about this?


When I try to print, I can see a preview of the info with the colours I chose previously but still can't see it in my spreadsheet. Tried changing colours to fonts and background cell but nothing happens.

Update 2:

Tried to open the file in my wife's laptop and worked well, no issues at all. So it is something in my Excel's laptop. Can't be a virus, just installed an SSD and new OS last weekend.

Update 3:

This thing is getting weirder. I "select" as much as I can from the blank spreadsheet and paste into a new file and it shows everything. Then I close the original file and open it again and it seem fixed. After that I close both files, the new and the old, try to open the old file again and it is blank again!!!!!

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Microsoft Office


  • 2 things.

    1. have you set the font to match the background?

    2. Try exporting the file to another format, which unless you have used some very specific 2013 formatting/formula's should help you recover the file. (save as command?)


  • Thanks for your answer.

    I did not change the font. Checked and font are as default.

    Exported it to another format and all info is there. However Excel spreadsheet is still blank with no gridlines but info can be seen in formula bar.

  • try a quick repair in the "uninstall program" area. Can you determine if it is the file that is corrupted or excel program that is corrupted/broken?

  • +1

    Have you tried turning it off and on again?

  • Rocky's suggestion should work. Export, Open the other format in Excel, save as an xls again.

    • Yes I missed that step, to open the exported file. Thanks - Hope that works for the OP

  • Hi guys, Rocky suggestion did not work. I tried repairing office and it did not work either. I left the laptop for a couple of hours doing a full scan for virus and it did not find anything. After that time I tried to open the file again and it worked as usual… weird isn't it?

    Thanks for your inputs guys.

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