This was posted 9 years 10 months 27 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

707 FREE SBS On-Demand Movies


SBS has just added a further 100 on-demand movies to compliment this great post by muncan 6 months ago. Ignore the banner on the SBS site, as it's yet to be updated. The movie count can be seen just above the first movie. Enjoy :)

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closed Comments

  • +19

    Where's the bargain? I have to spend more money on tissues!

    • +44

      You could just use your sock.

      • fills with ….. tears too fast

      • +4

        What's that got to do with watching a sad movie??

        • +22

          Such innocence

        • +5

          @pudgy: Yeah that's the name of the movie…made me cry like a baby!

    • +28

      It can't be a dupe when the last deal was 6 months ago and there is 100 less movies, but you knew that didn't you squidward…

    • +12

      MR JV don't you mean Dupe?

    • +9

      your comment is a dupe

  • Maybe this should be a forum topic, as it seems this 'deal' seems to be perpetual

    • +88

      No offence or anything , but why on earth does everybody loses their minds when they think a deal should be on forums rather than as a deal??
      I've been an ozbargainer for 2 years and I rarely look at the forums and the ones I look at are only the hot topics and I belive I'm not the only one who does that.
      So.. Please shut your mouth and let this DEAL be where it is.

      • -1


      • +12

        I've been an ozbargainer for 2 years

        Member Since
        22 Apr 2014

        • +3

          No offence or anything , but why on earth does everybody loses their minds when they think a person hasn't been an ozbargainer for 2 years??
          I've been an ozbargainer for 2 years and I rarely look at the forums and the ones I look at are only the hot topics and I belive I'm not the only one who does that.
          So.. Please shut your mouth and let this DEAL be where it is.

        • +11

          I should've used the term "Ozbargain User" haha.. I used to browse it but didn't think of a reason to register, since I'm not a bargain hunter, but finally created one to make my opinion count and to post some occasional deals I come across. Hope that clears things up..

        • +1


        • -4

          @jubba: You're obviously hard up for a tightarse! I have no dramas with anything, just putting the facts out there, and GZ has now posted, which validates everything. How about you chill the edited out!

        • -1


          Lol. i was joking.

          you should reread what you just wrote.

        • +1


          Well for those counting, I've been an ozbargainer for 6 years and 1 day and i fully agree with what you said. In those 6 years I've checked the forum maybe 10 times, that's it and i have no doubts that there are many, many other ozbargain users who are exactly the same.

        • +1


          Member Since 29/11/2012

          Thats… 2.41 years…

        • +1


          lol i see where this is going. :P

  • Is there a time after which some movies are removed/replaced?

  • +26

    600 films and only 598 of them have sex in them, 580 of them are story's about Japanese women falling in love and having sex with ghosts… A few might even have a giant octopus in them.

    • +3

      And 90% of the Korean films are awesome horror films.

      • +6

        these stats aren't really adding up

        • prove it. List all the Korean films. I dare ya.

        • +2

          the frog
          the frog II

        • +3

          myth busted

        • +1

          i wonder if this will feature on myth busters

        • @jubba:
          There's actually an episode on Myth busters already about this very topic.

    • Not seeing the problem :)

      • +7

        Caution! 2 movies are boring.

    • +2

      Not surprising really. You do know what SBS stands for right?

      Sex Before Soccer

      • Shaolin Best Soccer?

    • -2

      600 films and only 598 of them have sex in them

      What awesome use of our tax dollars…

    • Sex with a giant octopus? Sounds like something else for sure.

  • +2

    Awesome set of movies! Quality can be better though but for free who can complain!

    • +31

      JV can! :)

  • +1

    Cheers op, watching one now!!

    • +1

      What are u watching?

      • Easy Money. Wish this had been posted on Thursday night tho to make the easter weekend become a 4 day film festival orgy!

  • I've never been able to get this to work; always "This content is not currently available".
    Yes, using an AU DNS.

    • +16

      you need internet.

      • +3

        ?? Wot? Even to post here? :-)

        • haha :D

    • +3

      Oi, just fixed it!! I use 'nix, and it seems the problem was the outdated Flash in FF. A bit of tweaking, and I was able to "tune in".

      That's the good news.

      The bad news is rendering quality is pretty ordinary. It's not a bandwidth/ speed issue at my end, so I assume SBS contains streaming to SD. On that basis I think I prefer the mythbox to record on SBS HD and go from there.

      Jeez, some people are hard to please…

      • Yeah it is pretty ordinary quality. I had a quick look at it for a movie I liked (One Missed Call, one of the 2 films without nudity in it) to see if it was HD (I have the DVD and not on HD), but alas, worse than the DVD. So I passed…

  • +6

    Thx! Watching IP Man

    • You can watch it in HD on Netflix - isn't your free trial still going?

    • Odd that they have Ip Man 2 but not the first one with Donnie Yen.

      The other 2, although based on the same story, are a bit rubbish IMHO.

      • is not Ip Man: The Legend Is Born the first? never seen them.

        • Yep, just watched that (Ip Man The Legend is Born)
          Classic stuff

  • +6

    And off topic, but The Raid is on this week (8.30 Weds SBS2).
    One of the best action films of all time.

    • +2

      Well … it was good but I dunno if I'd go greatest of all time.

      • +2

        opinions are subjective. "One of"…i.e. in the top 20.
        Unless you can name 20 better action films, and Fast and Furious 1 - 7 shouldn't count….should it?

        • No, they should not count. Because they're shit action films imo.

          The Top 20 Action films of all time released before The Matrix, and the PG rating. Have you even seen The Last Boy Scout? James Cameron perfected the genre, and Edgar Wright is the only modern director to even come close to getting it right.

        • +1

          I was being tongue in cheek. I presume you were as well.

          Then again…IMO = subjective opinion. Everyone has one. Everyone but your own self is wrong IMO.

    • Also have Dredd as well, though still prefer Raid/Raid 2

      • +1

        It's almost like the same apartment block they are Raid-ing/Dredd-ing

  • +1

    Awesome, Martial Arts marathon here we come! I hope there in Japanese so my fiance can complain that I have no idea what they are saying =D

  • Thanks TA,

    Didn't know these even existed!

    My parents would love these =).

  • Some of these movies are better than all those paid streaming services

  • +7

    I recommend Incendies, The Secret in their Eyes and both OSS movies.

    • +3

      I recommend Incendies,

      Second that. Disturbingly excellent (Excellently disturbing?), which SBS does so well.

      • you will 'like' Secret then and the OSS are antidotes for both of them. It's so cool that Hazanavicius and Dujardin went straight from the OSS movies to Oscars
        another tip is Romain Duris doesn't seem to be in any bad films.

    • Fantastic films that need more attention imo.

  • +5

    Where was this when I was 13?

  • Angel Baby.. starring the young Jacqueline McKenzie… quality gritty Oz drama.

    • +1

      Angel Baby is AWESOME. I saw this when it first came out, and have always wanted to see it again.
      It's sooooo depressingly brilliant.

      • My thoughts exactly.

        • The things we do for love (could be the tag line for that film)

  • Could not find Hana an Alice. Always wanted to see again the ending.

  • +1

    Still no chromecast support though. What a wasted opportunity :(

    • Last time I asked about it they said sometime this year.

      Playing via Apple TV there's that weird bug when an ad plays, it starts video back from the start argh!

      • I get three behaviours when playing SBS on Demand from iPad to Apple TV

        (1) Playback stutters immediately after the ad, then after a few screen flashes, continues playing normally
        (2) Playback stops, either at beginning or end of ad, as though someone has hit pause, and I have to press "play" on the iPad to restart it
        (3) Playback stops at end of ad, and iPad goes into crazy loop with the play/pause button continuously flipping from one to the other and the progress bar flipping from beginning to end (fixes only when manually dragging progress bar to approximately the right position)

        Annoying as heck, but daughter will tolerate anything to watch Heston :-(

    • But you can stream through CC using phone and computer. Just cast your screen on your phone. And for computer click the CC icon. Easy.

      • +1

        Yeah you can use tabcasting but it's not the best solution. Tabcasting means first getting the connection and streaming the video, rendering it then encoding it and sending over the same network to the chromecast. It's heaps of overhead and usually much less than perfect. With native support your pc just kind of hands a job to the chromecast and then the chromecasts makes the connection and pulls the video directly.

  • +1

    Anyone knows how to view offline ?

    • Only way I think is to use a downloader

      • Thanks, I saw that one, but need to download on my android tablet for those long and boring morning commute hours to work and back. looks like a droid is the only platform that cant use this downloader.

        • oh bummer. There has to be another option surely. Maybe post on WP forums?

      • SBSNapper is not supported anymore for a while now by MCE. :(

        • It isn't supported, but I've still successfully used it within the last couple of months.

      • checkout webdl. works in linux/python

  • +1

    Who needs Netflix when you've got all these weird & great foreign movies on SBS. Glad they keep adding movies :)

  • I wonder how long this will last. Good find TA.

  • Samuel L Jackson is in 439 of them.

  • +1

    If you like Male nudity watch 'Cold Showers', and 'Novo'.

    • +4

      If I was looking for male nudity, watching a movie called Cold Showers would surely lead to disappointment

  • is there a way to get the sbs on demand app on the Optus fetch tv box? i read they released this for the internode customers

    • +1

      Worked it out was under TV >> Catchup TV
      if anyone is looking for it

      • Indeed, I was just about to ask the same question as I have Fetch Optus. Thanks!

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