Hi, I was wondering if anyone has this chromebook and can assess if it would suit an elderly woman's needs (around 60). It's currently $349 at JB Hifi (RRP $499) which is a great price. https://www.jbhifi.com.au/computers-tablets/chromebooks/tosh…
This elderly person…
- Watches videos on youtube (no HD)
- Wants a 13-14 inch screen.
- Uses Hola to stream videos on websites
- No downloads or torrents
- No word processing
- Will not install programs (games)
- Not good with technology, e.g. is scared if she presses a wrong button, the whole machine would stop working.
- Will not use the cloud storage
- RAM is only 2GB and may not be fast enough for streaming videos
- May find difficulty in using Chrome OS as she has been using Windows OS for years
- Toshiba Satellite laptops at this price point on eBay come with 4GB RAM and 500GB hard drive, that seems like a better buy. But screen is too big and laptop seems bulky for her.
My budget is $350 max for a slim and light chromebook/laptop.
the chromebook would be beyond fine