This was posted 9 years 11 months 2 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

The Last of Us Remastered PS4 - Digital Code for $13.99 USD [~ $17.89 AUD] (US PSN) PayPal


About the game:
Winner of over 200 game of the year awards, The Last of Us has been remastered for the PlayStation 4. Now featuring higher resolution character models, improved shadows and lighting, in addition to several other gameplay improvements. Abandoned cities reclaimed by nature. A population decimated by a modern plague. Survivors are killing each other for food, weapons; whatever they can get their hands on. Joel, a brutal survivor, and Ellie, a brave young teenage girl who is wise beyond her years, must work together if they hope to survive their journey across the US.

The Last of Us: Remastered includes the Abandoned Territories Map Pack, Reclaimed Territories Map Pack, and the critically acclaimed The Last of Us: Left Behind Single Player campaign which combines themes of survival, loyalty, and love with tense, survival-action gameplay.

Bonus Features:

Explore a brutal post-pandemic world, fully realized with the power of PlayStation®4 system
Includes additional game content: over $30 in value
Delve into Ellie's past in Left Behind, the single-player prequel chapter
Eight new multiplayer maps in the Abandoned and Reclaimed Territories packs
In-game cinematic commentary from the cast and creative director

Please Note: This product will work on both USA and Canadian PSN accounts.

To purchase:
- Enter site and select US currency if not already by default
- Checkout with the $13.99 US amount and create a new account (Can use a fake address here)
- Checkout with PayPal. The total will come up as $13.99 USD and will later convert to ~$17.89 AUD at the current conversion rate.
- Once payment is processed you will return back to the store page where you're notified that payment is approved. Note: it should instantly approve if your PayPal is verified.
- After payment, head over to My Accounts and go into your Order History tab. Click the approve button and your code will open up in a second tab.
- Redeem in your US or Canadian PSN account (instructions below), download and enjoy!

Code Redemption Instructions:

1) On the PlayStation Store, select 'Redeem Codes' at the bottom of the menu on the PS4 system.
2) Enter the Code. PLEASE NOTE the code is case sensitive and must be entered EXACTLY as displayed.
3) Once the code has been entered correctly, select 'Continue' on the dialog box from the PS4 system.
4) Select 'Download' to start downloading the content.
5) Select 'Continue' to complete code redemption on the PS4 system.

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closed Comments

  • +7

    I also have a spare code that I bought just to see if this site was legit. Make me laugh and it's yours!

    • What do you call a dog with no legs?
      It doesn't matter … he's not going to come anyway.

    • What's black and screams?

      Stevie Wonder answering the iron

    • What is long, brown and sticky?

      A stick.

    • I've got myself a part time job crushing fizzy drink cans.

      It's soda pressing.

    • -1

      What's the difference between beer nuts and deer nuts?

      One is over a dollar, the other is under a buck.

    • +1

      So, an Ozbargainer walks into a bar….

      and then walks straight out again with the nuts.

    • what did one extractor fan say to the other extractor fan ?

      remember when we used to like tractors

    • -1

      Two cows in a field, one says to the other "aren't you worried about this mad cow disease?" The other replies, "nah, I'm a helicopter"

    • -1

      Give me the spare code, or I'll throw a can of Coke on your head!

      Look, it's okay, it's a soft drink.

    • Thanks for testing to make sure it's legit.

    • What do you call someone who's up all night eating brains?
      An inzombiac

    • +1

      What does an insomniac, agnostic, dyslexic do?

      Stays up all night wondering if there really is a dog!
      (Think about it….)

  • +1

    Can't recommend this game enough; loved it.

  • Just bought a PS4 and have a Australian PSN account. Can I have two PSN accounts one AUS one US in one PS4?

    • +1

      Yes you can. Create the US account the same way as you did your AU account but select a US address (Beverly Hills 90210?). And then you'll have to select your PS4 as the primary system on that account. You can then activate any US PSN codes on that account. You'll also be able to swap over to your AU account (for trophies and whatnot) and play your US games with no problems.

      • Thanks for that. So I can swap between the two PSN accounts whenever I choose to? It seems to me that the US PSN has better sales than the AUS PSN so far from whata I can see. But can I use a AUS credit card to buy the games or I do I need to buy a US PSN gift card and than buy the game?

        • I'm not sure if an Australian CC will work, I was just buying the PSN cards. With having the US/AU PS4 accounts, I think you need to make the US account the 'main' account. I'm not sure if that's for PS4 or XB1 (I can't remember). US PSN definitely has the better sales (no Aus tax), and yeah, you can swap between the accounts whenever you want.

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