This was posted 9 years 11 months 3 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

PS Plus: Free Games for April 2015


Game Previews

Tower of Guns (PS4, PS3)
Never Alone (PS4)
Dishonored (PS3)
Aaru’s Awakening (PS3, PS4)
Killzone Mercenary (PS Vita)
MonsterBag (PS Vita)

Free games will be available next Wednesday when Sony updates the store, do not purchase in the meantime, only purchase when it has FREE on it

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Played Never Alone on PC, beautiful game.

  • +3

    Is this April's fool?

    • +4

      its gotta be, surely sony is taking the piss with these ones! (nothing of value, once again, for ps4). :_\

      • -1

        correction… nothing of value, period.

  • My free game list has not yet been updated. :(

    • +1

      These don't usually drop on the 1st of the month. It'll probably be later this week/early next week.

      • +4

        Leaving PS Plus:
        8h April: Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty
        8th April: Valiant Hearts
        8th April: Papo and Yo
        8th April: Sherlock Holmes Crimes and Punishments
        8th April: OlliOlli2 Welcome to Olliwood
        8th April: CounterSpy

        Entering PS Plus:
        8th April: Tower of Guns (PS4/PS3)
        8th April: Never Alone (PS4)
        8th April: Dishonored (PS3)
        8th April: Aaru’s Awakening (PS4/PS3)
        8th April: Killzone Mercenary (PS Vita)
        8th April: MonsterBag (PS Vita)

    • +2

      April 8th

      • cheers. OP - please add start date to the details

        • Done, apologies

  • +3

    Killzone Mercenary is a good grab for the Vita! :D

    • Glad I never picked it up, even for $20!

  • +2

    Sweet. Looking forward to these. Killzone Mercenaries has been on my radar for a while, and I missed it in the Big W clearance. And I've nearly bought Never Alone a whole bunch of times. Awesome.

  • +1

    Not overly excited with the lineup. Most I have never hear of and I have done Killzone to death but I will give them a go before I judge.

    • -1

      Dishonored is an amazing game. Try it!

  • +3

    PS plus on PS4 has been a constant disappointment for me. Still waiting on driveclub.

    • The line up for April is even worse than that of Xbox gold (except killzone, but I already have this vita game).

      • +4

        still not enuff for me to buy an xbone…. :\

    • Yeah what's going on with Driveclub? It was meant to be a PS+ launch game. Now the retail version is out and already dropped in price.

    • I didn't realise Driveclub was meant to be a PS+ freebie and bought it the other day.

      I regret buying it as it just seems like another cookie-cutter racing game, and the graphics aren't even as nice as NFS: Most Wanted on PS3.

      • …you kidding right? The graphics are damn right gorgeous!?! I cant comment on the gameplay as im not really into racer sims

        Hands down the best weather effect I have seen.

        • I hadn't played a rainy race when I posted before. I have now, and yes, the rain effects are pretty impressive.

          On a lot of the tracks in sunny races the textures look very washed out and the overall look is pretty unimpressive though, imo.

  • +1

    Every time I see a title I'm interested in it ends up not being for the PS4, PS plus is a huge disappointment for me for the PS4, I may be better off getting rid of the PS4 and buying a PS3

    • definitely not worth it for just the PS4. Hard to get value unless you have multiple systems

    • Yeah… Playstation + for PS4 is really underwhelming, hopefully it picks up when there's more games being released. The PS3 version always gets good games

  • These are from the US blog. The EU ones often have one or two different titles, don't they?

    • No, They are the same.

      • Really? I am pretty sure they have differed in the past.

        • Not to my knowledge, only difference is the actual discounts on the games. US generally having better deals.

        • +1

          Yeah, they used to be, but for the past 6 months or so they have been the same.

  • -1

    Could someone please post all the "free" shows on Netflix next? #itsthesamething

    • +1

      HAHAHA! I agree but some people dont like being told they are paying for these "free" games LOL

      What ever make them happy :P

    • This has been done to death… the way I see it, with XBox or PS, you got to pay membership to play most games multiplayer…. so these games can kind of seem 'free' in that situation.

      If you're someone who doesn't play multiplayer, then yes, you're paying solely for these games so saying it's free sounds pretty stupid.

      • +3

        If you don't own a PS4?

        So long as the PLUS games are posted, I will continue to post sarcastic responses. This is my right as an Australian.

        It's all in good fun.

        • +1

          Yeah I'm not saying you're wrong… the last sentence I wrote kind of agrees with you.

          Not sure what the PS4 comment or neg vote was about though!

        • +1

          I also agree. One could say that how is them offering free games this month any different from offering free games any other month (of course many people would say the free games are different each month). The fact is that the free games are offered every month. This post wasn't even put into the freebie section but rather the bargain section. Still at less than $1 each a game over the year if you have all consoles to me it is a bargain but people + the post because they like to be spoon fed. I can also appreciate that some people don't have PS+ and makes these post good for them, but those who do are the ones that like to be spoon fed.

          The post is very subjective. I don't care that it is on here. Maybe should be added to the section that lists out the ongoing freebies/deals.

        • @colaman:

          I think the majority of the arguments will be avoid if we simply dropped the word "free"

          The post is valid and yes it is a bargain but if we drop the word free the post still delivers the same message and nobody can complain.

        • @Deviner:

          Oh, multiplayer is only behind a paywall on PS4.

        • @PoxyRadical:
          Given your previous comment, I 'should' simply answer this with LOL (all caps!).

          Multiplayer has been 'behind a paywall' on Microsoft consoles since the Xbox 360, and it hasn't changed with the Xbox One. Microsoft straight charged people to play multiplayer, while Sony introduced Playstation Plus, which consisted of 'free games', cloud save storage, and discounts on purchases, before slipping it in as a requirement for multiplayer on the PS4. Essentially, Sony have been charging for multiplayer for just over a year, while Microsoft have been charging for ~14 years (Xbox 360 launched in 2001).

          Now, the value of PS Plus definitely increases if you own all 3 consoles, but the biggest problem with the PS4 line up isn't Sony, but the customer's perception, when they look at 3+ year old classics popping up on PS3, and believe the PS4 should have comparable content. This would be alleviated by the PS4 being able to play PS3 games, but I digress.

          Oh, and the Driveclub thing is a joke, and a stain on Sony. They done goofed on that one pretty damn hard.

        • @jjager:
          Xbox released in 2001 not the 360 ;)

        • @jjager:

          What the hell does PS Plus have to do with Microsoft?

          edit: I was referring to the fact that if you don't own a PS4, then multiplayer is not a part of PLUS.

        • @kaneissik:
          Apologies, must have read the wiki wrong. /facepalm

          That is fine that that is what you were referring to, but it was not necessarily how the comment read. To me, and no doubt some percentage of others (I'm not a special snowflake), it read like PS4 was the only system to have pay to multi-play. Now I'm sure your intention was not to misinform, but it definitely read as such given the tone of your previous comments, and the content of the thread (one reference to paying for games if you don't multi-play).

    • I want a list of everything on Free to Air TV

  • +6

    Really liked valiant hearts which is currently on ps plus recommend you grab it if you haven't already! Need more hours in the day for gaming.

  • PS+ and PS4 is plain sh!t.
    Can't remember the last time (if ever) I was actually excited about a PS4 monthly game…

    • +1

      that's because the console is still new and there aren't enough games for it that have had their time, in order for Sony to give them to you. If they had this system when PS3 released, then its first two years would have been barren of titles worth playing too.

    • Sure, let's give away some AAA titles that still bring in a steady revenue stream (said no one ever).
      Both Sony and Microsoft negotiate lump some deals with publishers to release each game on the ps+ and Gold services, the newer the game and/or sales it still has, the bigger the amount required.

      I've just learnt to buy and play 1 game at a time, then move on. When I want to play something different from the game in question, that's where ps+ games play their part.
      With my dwindling time available to play, it's more likely that it will be released sooner on ps+ than the chance it would be played from my pile of unplayed games.
      Only a matter of months before I expect to see big title launch (and onwards) titles to appear as 'free' monthly games.

  • Never Alone is available on PS4?! :O :P :)

  • Good to see Ps3 is still alive and well

  • So many people not playing Olli Olli 2 ITT

    • I like it for a pick up every now and then, I hate pressing X to land.

      • Yeah same, it feels nearly the opposite to tony hawk, so hard to get used to.

  • Is anyone else's ps plus down atm?

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