[StartHere] One application per member merchants

I got my friend to apply via my MBC account so I would get the cackback. :-) Not noticing that the terms had changed since last I did the offer:

Due to the nature of this offer, only one application per member will be credited, multiple credits for this campaign will be assumed to be a violation of Clause 3 of our Terms & Conditions and will result in termination of your account and the retention of all moneyback earned.

What do I do? I am freaking out over this!!! Can I kiss all my other earning good-bye? (I hope not!) What is the deal with "one application per member"?

P.S. Just an idea, might be good to block the "one application per member" merchants the people have already got credits for!!! Or maybe MBC likes to keep peoples money & honest earnings (aka retention)!!!???

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  • Steve, anyone?

  • Its to prevent precisely the activity you describe, i.e. allowing someone to use your MBC account so you get the moneyback. This violates the MBC T&C's clause 3.

    Until now we've taken a fairly pragmatic approach to this sort of activity and let the odd one or two that we've discovered go. However a few members have persisted and it has now come to the attention of more than one network, so as much as we'd really prefer not to we have to clamp down on this type of activity.

    We've been forced to apply the extra conditions quoted to most financial lead based offers due to some members signing up for multiple offers just to get the moneyback. Additionally we've had to add to our T&C's to prohibit any activity which may affect the reputation of MBC and this includes members who continually signup for lead based offers simply for the moneyback and not because they have a genuine interest in the service offered. This type of activity is not what MBC is for, its for genuine members who use us to get moneyback on services and purchases that they would have used/bought anyway, but through MBC they can get something back for their trouble.

    Activities of members who abuse MBC can and has had us removed from offers, and ultimately could result in our termination from a network and that would affect all members not just the one's that do these things.

    I'm sure you'll agree that we need to protect MBC for the advantage of the whole MBC membership not just the few who've tried to spoil it.

    I don't intend to continue this debate on here, I think I've made the position of MBC perfectly clear. If you'd like to continue to discuss the semantics please contact me directly at steve-AT-moneybackco-DOT-com.

    • You did not really answer my questions.

  • Sounds fair and reasonable. You even let some "errors" occur and thats also very reasonable

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