The ETS - Eneloop trading exchange - Japaneses index was up by 36% after midnight tonight - Japanese eneloop Millionaires
Did you become an overnight millionaire on April 1st? Not yet arrived at the ASX but The ETS its a real thing if you have a look at the Japanese stock market they are trading now!!
BUY UP BIG BOYS its coming only on Japanese eneloops so if you have any lying around put 'em in your safe as they are about to explode!
The ASX is listing them tomorrow suggested trading figures are they will fetch very high prices.
***** If you use CTECH20 you can also get 20% off your ETS stock ****
Funny, can't find them on the JPX. What's the company name or trading code?
Also not seen on upcoming ASX listings
Can you verify any of this?