Getting married and a mate asked me what I was getting my wife to be on our wedding day. I was like, "WTF… Ummmm nothing, it's our wedding day, she got a ring and we are going on our honeymoon.."
I was going to maybe get some flowers delivered with a letter, but a gift, really?
Is this a wedding industry thing trying to get me to spend more? Or is it a thing where her friends will ask what she got and then her mother be disappointed?
Anyone got any ideas? I'm now thinking about writing a letter and giving one each to her bridesmaids to give through the morning of her getting ready. I've also considered getting a star named after us and the numerical dates of our wedding day.
Anyone done this? What is your story?
I love the letter idea. I can just picture it, a bride getting ready and being nervous about the big day, how she looks, the big decision she's about to make. During make up she gets handed a note which describes their first date and it makes her smile. While drinking champagne in her bathrobe, she receives another detailing all the things the groom loves about her. In the car to the ceremony, she reads a note about the proposal. Finally, she's handed a note by her father, just before walking down the aisle, about how excited the groom is to have the future with her.
Gush, far better than any material present.