This was posted 9 years 11 months 13 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Bloodborne PS4 $69 Target


Catalogue doesn't start till Thursday so I'm guessing you'd have to wait until then (26/3)

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Target Australia
Target Australia

closed Comments

  • That's pretty great. Anyone know if you need a physical catalogue for a JB pricematch?

  • +4

    Preordered my copy for $70 at EB.. Guess I'll pricematch to save that $1.

    • The mark of a true ozbargainer!

    • me too, preordered it for $70 yesterday, will price match it for $69.

    • May I ask how you all pre-ordered for $70 from EB? As I've only seen it for $99 at EB. Was it a Dick Smith price match or something?


      • Yes it was.

        • Okay cheers. As a couple of my local Dickies won't have stock for a couple of weeks(!?) I'll have to get it elsewhere.

  • +2

    Where are the Bloodborne console bundles, damnit!? /shakes fist at Europe.

  • +1

    Even tho the catalogue doesn't start until the 26th they should still have the stock ready for the 25th and it should be $69. You can call them from now till the 24th and tell them to scan it on their systems and it should be $69 ready for the 25th, despite catalogue starting on 26th.

    • Edit- will call tomorrow and find out

      • +5

        Bloodborne will be available at Targets on the 25th Of March for $69


        • +1

          Yay! Thanks AtomicHero :)

        • +1

          Thanks for following through with, much appreciated.

  • +2

    Hardline been bit of a disappointment so far

    • Next gen continues to do that.

      Fingers crossed for Bloodborne, else we'll have to wait til Uncharted to renew our hopes.

  • +4

    I need a Borderlands - Handsome Jack cxollection target deal

    • $59.49 shipped from ozgameshop.

      I had an expired 5000 points free gift from them from inactivity. Just mentioned it to them in the online chat and they randomly reinstated it = $5.50 voucher. Hadn't purchased from them in like 2 years.

      $64.95 - $5.50 = $59.49 + possibly 1.5% cash back.

      Don't think you'll be able to beat that for a while…

  • is this a VERY good game? the trailer looks good. hope its not a hype like destiny or watchdog.

    • +4

      If you liked Demon Souls and or Dark Souls then you'll like this. It's pretty much the next game in the series

    • I have no idea. I haven't watched any gameplay videos/trailers or read any previews/reviews.

      I rarely preorder games but have done so for this because FromSoftware has always delivered top notch games with heaps of replayability, see the Souls series.

    • +2

      Its From software. Chances of it being bad is tiny, though if you didn't like the souls series, probably wont like this.

      Though, if you havnt play dark souls, id say start with dks 1, its the best of the soul series so far, and I'd be amazed if Bloodborne turns out better than dsk1

  • read it takes 40 secs to reload after you die which has kinda put me off

    • You can watch the live stream from people playing, 40 sec is an exaggeration. Its more like 20sec if you die and 0 seconds if you dont die ;)

      EDIT: Yeah i timed it off a streamer, it is about 40 seconds but honestly doesn't feel like it. The only loading screens this game has are death screen 40 sec and teleport to other zones about 20sec. Worth the wait imo

      • +1

        What I played at EB Expo was bland and boring tbh. Waiting on reviews and cheap price. I'm not buying games over $60 unless I have nothing else to play on PS4.

        • +3

          Yeah that's fair enough, seems like you need to take that approach with the quality of games they are releasing these days. I for one enjoy the soul series and don't have anything else to play on the ps4.

        • +1

          I never played Soul's tbh but they've been recommended to me countless times as I'm a long time MH player. I keep meaning to fire up the PS3 and play them (got both digitally) I've got a pretty big pile of games to play on PS4, most of which I've paid $40 or less for. I've also ordered Borderlands HJC to play with the wife as we shipped the latest one on PS3 as everyone knew it would come to PS4.

          Always makes me laugh when you get an anonymous fanboi who negs others opinions. Funny thing is I formed my opinion after playing fifteen minutes, I've not written the game off but I am a little weary of preordering after relatively disappointing titles such as Destiny, Driveclub, 1886 and Watchdogs. Blind fanboi's don't see this, they just lube up and claim that its great.

        • @Where's_That_Cake:

          Dude, these games do NOT lend themselves well to 15 minute demos. Dark Souls was one of my favourite games of last gen, but I sort of despised it for the first 5 hours. That's not an exaggeration either! It literally took 5+ hours before the game really clicked. This is almost certain to get great reviews… but that doesn't mean you will like the game. Strokes/folks after all, but I'll eat my hat if this fails critically.

          If you already own Dark Souls digitally, do yourself a favour and try that out. If you like it, you will like this. If not, you probably won't.

        • @Poimandres:
          Yes I understand that, I've been told countless times they are like MH as you can lose a lot of time in them and they have a steep learning curve. (I've played MH4U for over 200 hours so far, enough to give myself RSI in my left thumb) I am just giving my initial opinion from the time I played it. Like I said, I haven't written it off but it definitely didn't grab me as a 'Buy It Now!'
          Not sure how any game can be a definite critical success at the moment, especially a new IP going by that list of disappointments I posted before. I had high hopes for all of them.

        • @Where's_That_Cake:

          It's very much a game that rewards people who invest time (like MH).

          As for the reviews… just wait and see! They will be out on Monday eve Aus time I think, so time enough to pre-order if it floats your boat. Like I said, I have no doubts this will easily review better than Watchdogs, Order and Destiny (not that good review scores necessarily = a good game anyway!)

        • +1


          If you havnt played Dark souls 1, then just play that before buying Bloodborne. I'd be downright mind blown if it turns out better than Dsk1, as the first I'd rate as easily one of the top games in the last 10 years

          Dark souls 2 and Demon souls were both good, but fromsoft just got everything right with dks1, from the map design, the wonderfully vague yet amazing story and setting plus just really good game play, with many memorable bosses. DKS2 was quite able to live up to its predecessor, and I'd honestly be hugely surprised if Bloodborne does (though I sure hope it can)

        • @Pacify:

          Yeah, I agree with everything you said here!

        • +1

          @Pacify: Can't wait till Scholar of the First Sin comes out! Have held off DS2 for that reason. I'm buying it for the PC so I hope they get the optimisations right this time. DS1 was an atrocious port (though they only did a rough job to get it to the fans) and DS2 wasn't very well optimised for the PC either. Hopefully the experience with the last two games pay off for the remastered version. Gotta feel sorry for those who bought DS2 and then heard the announcement of the remastered version being a standalone game with no way to upgrade.

        • @pawan1993:

          I don't know which Dark Souls 2 PC you're talking about but the DS2 I played on PC for nearly 200 hours and it was optimized well and ran at 1080p/60fps for the entire game on ATI 5850!

          DS1 was another story however…

        • @shadowx: And to be honest DS2 was optimized well enough that I can run it at a very playable 720p/30fps on my Surface 2 Pro 256GB as well, so i'm not too sure where you are getting your optimization information from.

        • @shadowx:

          DS1 was fine once you got the few fixes working, I really didnt have any problems with the port unless you played it without dsfix, DS2 port was pretty much fine, a couple of small issues, but thats all

        • -1

          @Poimandres: Thankfully I was wrong, this game is great. I finished it last night.

        • @Where's_That_Cake: It's pretty fantastic! Feels good to finally have a PS4 exclusive that delivers the goods. This should be a good year for gamers.

    • Just don't die

    • Don't forget the silky smooth 24fps

  • I hope this is good, because no block buster out until MK.

    I need a new game once a month

    • +3

      wats mk?monkey king?

    • Mortal Kombat.

      You need a job…

      • Mario Kart!

      • -4

        I don't need a job, i have a business.

        • Keep telling yourself that, mate

        • @zomg: lol - no need to prove a point

  • any Xenoverse specials?

  • Very excite!

  • Good thing EB and JB do price matching; Refuse to buy anything from Target after the GTA V fiasco.

    • +1

      God damn I hope there's no female characters in this game!

      Remember kids! Smacking women with a gigantic dildo whilst naked in Saints Row 2 and 3 is fine, but don't run over prostitutes in GTA5, that's obviously sexual assault!

  • Seems Type-0 is also $69. Any idea if this is a good type to jump in?

    • +1

      ozgameshop has it for $63.99 but you will need to wait 2 weeks.

      I'm sure the price will drop quickly since the only selling point is the limited FF XV demo codes. Just wait until further drops (unless you want the demo code)

    • It seems the price is currently $68 at Target so I wonder if the price will rise to $69.

  • +1
    • Question: Is Denmark PAL? I have to know before I book my flight to go give blood.

      Booking a flight for thousands of dollars to go get a free game for a console I don't have

      Stranger things have happened.

      • +3

        Yes Denmark is PAL. PS4 games are region free anyway.

        • +3

          Okay, awesome, I'm off to Denmark to give blood then :D

  • As a big Souls fan, this is the first game to have me wanting to buy a 'next-gen' console. I'm sure we'll see a flood of reviews in a few hours, but here's the first Edge review for anyone who hasn't read it yet:

    Now to find a good deal on a PS4.

  • +1
    • +1

      Told you guys the reviews would be good!

  • Picked it up for $69 at Target Macquarie. Last copy they had.

    • DS had a pre order price of $69, the eb staff may have known about that

  • I grabbed the last copy at Eastgardens, NSW. Big W didn't have any in stock (if they're even stocking it). But there's also a JB there, if you're desperate.

  • I seen it on the target catalogue but not showing up on website

  • I grabbed the last copy at Bourke St, VIC. Hope you guys can price match with the surrounding EB and JB stores. It had a sticker for $89 but scanned at $69.

  • Just pricematched at jbhifi Northsydney. The guy checked online target website and good to go.

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