So like many of you I've noticed the newer Chinese Eneloops stack up poorly next to the Japanese versions and wondering how to source more Japanese versions before they are completely extinct. Thankfully 75% of my collection is Japanese. I bought a few too many Chocolat's before realising they don't hold up so great, wouldn't have bought any had I known that.
Amazon springs to mind but the tanking $AUD makes that an expensive option. Perhaps share-purchasing could help.
Any local retailers still stocking the good stuff?
Fish around quiet DSE's for old stock perhaps?
eBay, but I'm worried about fakes there…
Costco has the Jap ones; but you have to buy a "multi-pack" that contains some AAs, some AAAs, and a charger. There was a recent post on here alluding to this from someone in Adelaide (so presumably pertained to the Adelaide store), but I was at the the Ringwood (VIC) store a couple of weeks ago and they were also selling these packs. If you are not a Costco member and don't want to join, I'll get some for you within a couple of weeks if you transfer me the money in advance, and you are willing to pick them up from my house. Best ring them first though, to make sure they still have stock.