I have been waiting for a while for the Note 4 to drop below $800 for Australian stock
Its on sale at the Good Guys now, unlocked, AU model for $788 in store, same online - delivery to my postcode in the Sydney Metro area is $2.
I have been waiting for a while for the Note 4 to drop below $800 for Australian stock
Its on sale at the Good Guys now, unlocked, AU model for $788 in store, same online - delivery to my postcode in the Sydney Metro area is $2.
Ha, they didn't want to pricematch when me and my girlfriend went in. They said best they could do is $850
Don't forget go through their eBay store through cash rewards for 2% cashback. Was able to get it for $680 with coupon. Impulse buy. Lol
What coupon?
It was a targeted offer from ebay
Specifically for yourself?
I don't think you know what targeted means.
It's been below $800 quite a bit already; It was 15% off at the appliancesonline ebay store two weeks ago. Got it for $763 delivered + $15 cash back through cashrewards.
Same here, plus I am travelling overseas soon, so I can get another $81.6 off :)
I haven't seen lower since January and I thought I had been paying attention pretty thoroughly …. it never struck me that appliancesonline sold phones so a bit annoyed I missed that, but at least it is only a touch less
I am also going overseas soon, so needed to buy from mid-Feb onwards to be eligible for tourist refund scheme.
There had been a couple of posts around the 15% off from Appliances Online, though they didn't explicitly mention about mobile phones…With the code, Cash Reward and TRS, price was 665.88. Cheaper than getting it overseas ;)
Still a good buy for a premium android phone from a bricks and mortar.
The next batch of smartphones about to hit shelves will be very expensive and probably be $1000 minimum like the HTC ONE M9, S6 Edge and even the iPhone 6 retails for around that region now.
Probably HTC is accounting for Australia's currency drop in their new flagship. I wonder how well it will sell with the onslaught of Samsung's advertising and Apple's dominance in the high end smartphone segment…
they are crazy if they price it that high, it will not sell, heck the s6 is starting from 800 or 850 aud, if htc wants to compete it needs to price it same as s6 or even below s6 price since it has inferior hardware..
Any source of the pricing? Or just your guess?
@AErFei: these preorder prices should give a good indication of the price.
both $840.
im sure w'll see listings for 800 by the launch date around april 10th.
$869 and $952 delivered. Both of those are grey imports too, but yea, still seems it could be cheaper than the HTC M9.
@ozhunter: those prices give a good indication of the outright pricing from say jbhifi and harvey norman etc. so yeh it should be around the 800 to 850 mark for the 32gb normal s6, which is the one im interested in, the edge seems kind of gimmicky and more likely to break if it ever falls down.
here is a good review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BvNHWQ-BiA
I think those prices are at least 10% less than what Jb, Harvey Norman, Dicksmith will be selling it for.
@striker5950: S5 was priced at $929 at first, and AUD is so weak now, so I don't think the RRP of the 32gb normal s6 will be below $900 or even $950. But anyway, HTC always overprices their phones a bit imo.
I agree. For it's 'improvements', which I can namely say is pretty much only the camera (but is it comparable to a Samsung camera…), it's way overpriced.
@inose: are you serious? only the camera? how about the cpu/ram? build quality? screen? updated finger print scanner?
no replaceable battery is no negative for me, i owned 2 galaxy phones before, never actually ever swapped out the battery, I just used a case battery. only real neg you could say is the no expandable storage which is not that bad since 32gb is more than enough for most people. my last s4 was 16gb and I had a 16gb memory card in it and never ran out of space.
could be different for power users..
I'm talking about the HTC one m9, not the Galaxy S6.
The GS6 is an excellent improvements for general consumers and premium consumers. Very beautiful and functional. Most likely my next phone for now.
@inose: lol thought you were talking about the s6 which we were talking about, yeh m9's only improvement is infact the camera. and updated processor. exact same design for the third year now. even apple changes its design very 2 years.
They also have the Note Edge on Sale $948, haven't seen it this cheap before
Couldn't find note 4 edge on thegoodguys ebay store.
Only find it on the official web, not ebay store.
unfortunately cant do price match at Office works as they dont have galaxy note 4…
I'm not really up with phone tech. I got a Y550 a few weeks back for $69, with a $50 prepaid starter. What features do u get on high end phones that warrant such a large increase in price? Cheers.
I cant speak for anyone as I use a Lumia 530 I got for $24, but features I'd pay for are the pen-enabled screen for accurate drawing and note taking, high-res screen, long battery life
This is just me but I use my phone to watch videos while commuting (2 hours a day) so it's good entertainment / I feel like I'm not wasting as much time travelling. This is probably the biggest thing because I find that videos lag on my older phones (depending on the resolution of video and what the encoding is). Camera is useful for pictures (which I also find important to capture memories, I have bad long term memory so I need photos to know I did these special things). I like to look at the pedometer just for encouragement to make me walk more. The alarm to wake me up. Connectivity to access Facebook and Whatsapp to talk to people. GPS and Google Maps to get me around. Just various examples of things I use my phone for I suppose.
Hehe… that sounds like a sales brochure.
Hmm, got negged for a legit question..oh well. Anyway, thanks to those who gave some feedback. So people pay $800-$900 more for an improved camera, screen and a bit more ram. Do the new Samsungs, iPhones etc have an actual GPS yet..such a useful feature Over seas, not relying on a data connection.
Yes. You can use "device only" mode for location services, so it uses GPS only.
You must be a bit out of the game lol. My 6 year old HTC Desire could do GPS properly.
I was reading in 2014 that Apple devices don't have offline navigation data? I think you can download / cache a map via wifi (need to do it at a hotel / Maccas - some inconvenience over a pure GPS), then visually follow the map. However, if for instance, you hire a car OS and want hands free turn by turn navigation then your out of luck, is this still the case?
There are apps that do offline mapping.
You can download maps for specific cities and/or countries.
It's what I use for travelling. Far better than trying to cache Google Maps for offline use.
Yes, it depends on the app, not the phone (except you need a certain amount of storage space free to store offline maps).
Most GPS makers sell apps, or there are some free ones.
I am about to go overseas, so I am trying out this free one to see if it is usable www.here.com
Three European countries + Australia maps was 2GB. Quite good so far, in Australia at least.
@toniyellow: Here works pretty well if you stick to roads, but if you're standing in a park and ask for directions, it has no idea. Walk to the nearest road and search again. Also looks like it has finally made its way to Apple.
Mods or anyone else who knows the rules, am I allowed to discuss selling some I have as a result of plan upgrades here?
Thanks :-)
Would love to know your price, pm me :)
Do these guys sell aus stock? if so, its cheaper $759.95 for black/white. Maybe you can price match.
I don't know, but suspect it could be import. Yatango bought Mobicity, who previously sold imports. Would make sense they would get the price down this way.
I'll purchase a Note 4 on a new plan with Vodafone. Newcastle stores (and other selected stores) offer 3 months rebate ($240 on $80 plan). I already pay $45/mth for an Optus sim plan, plus $11.99 for Spotify Premium (voda offer 12 months free). Over two years on my spend, the phone costs just $456.88. Cheapest way I can find it, plus bonus 2gb data (more than optus) and international calls.
In specifications it mentions it come with an adapter plug, meaning it has been imported.
Last year, I sold Note 3 for $455 on ebay after using it for an year and went back to my old S3. Seriously I don't really the point in new expensive phones. Their additional cost doesn't really add more useful features.
Agree with you no point to spend a fortune on a smart phone. If a vendor keeps the software up to date for their products,a 2 years old flagship should do almost as good as the latest model.
If you are not an android or IOS fan, get a Nokia flagship such as Lumia 1520. That will give you bang for the money.
Yeps I decided not to worry about phones anymore. Work provides me with one and I will keep using my Nexus 5 and my SO a Lumia 920 but she will get an upgrade soon to a Z3 that I picked up for $388.
Where did you get the Z3? Was it brand new?
Brand new mates rates unfortunately. Believe this was their cost price.
Agree. Seems Samsung fans are now officially as dumb as the iDiots
I'm waiting for the Galaxy A5.
Played around with it in Singapore. That purple / black (depending on the lighting) tint, and metal construction makes it the most beautiful phone I've played with..
VERY GOOD PRICE. With the Aussie dollar falling, if you are planning to buy a high end phone to keep for a few years, I'd say it's a good opportunity.
Does anyone know if it will be in their printed catalogue? I got citibank price protection insurance. But price needs to be shown in printed catalouge :(
The only phone I want to buy is the upcoming version of Note 5 with 4K resolution.
Fingers crossed its not 4K. I'm also planning on buying the next Note 5, but if its 4K I won't be a customer unless they put 4500mah+ battery inside it. I don't want the phone to last 30mins per recharge to power that resolution.
According to this site, the 4K display will have half a day of battery life which is about 12 hours.
Will find out in 6 months time.
Not much point having 4K on a screen that small. At normal viewing distances, there will not be any appreciable advantage over a QHD phone. It is good for bragging rights though…
I think the only excuse that they have for that kind of screen resolution is the VR technology (which not all phone users would buy). I personally don't see that much differences between FHD and QHD, not as big as HD to FHD at least. 4K would be insanely high for no real benefits (Or benefits that I think will be offsetted by battery issues and performance issues) for non-VR users as far as I see.
I think it's simply a war between companies to differentiate themselves from each other.
Make sure you get the Gear VR to go with it.. that thing rocks !!
Picked up my note edge from local HN, online price beat with TGG.
Can someone please confirm if this is the faster Exynos processor?
EDIT: Looks like it's the slower Snapdragon 805
Got one price matched at JB Hifi.